Consensus is coming soon… What is it?

3 min readJul 4, 2018


The world is constantly changing, so is the distribution of goods. More and more innovative platforms appear on the horizon gradually replacing the state. And this is blockchain that moves these changes. Some futurologists think that consensus platform is one of the most promising ideas in this area. Are they right?

Without any doubt! Consensus-platform is a constituent part of the Syntera ecosystem, where any person can participate. Here, each community member can influence the development of the ecosystem. The important thing is that the developers gave them the opportunity to suggest the idea and collectively vote for its implementation. In a democratic society you have the right to vote in elections. In a civilized state, you can suggest your idea for consideration of ​​social entrepreneurship or a charitable project. Or pass a number of bureaucratic procedures and observe the implementation of this idea while directly participating. Syntera ecosystem has the same principles. But it is not about long bureaucratic snoozers, as the same users of the consensus platform can participate in voting like you. In addition, it becomes much easier to find a solution thanks to the blockchain-based algorithm of the platform.

How to vote?

You need to be an ordinary citizen of the blockchain-state in order to get the right to voice ideas for voting. Any member of the community can suggest his/her idea for voting. Smart-holders participate in voting and making a final decision, — these are participants who have a balance of 1000 SSC and more. While this amount is considered to be an investment, he/she can make decisions and consider the offers of other users.

What decisions will be accepted on the consensus platform first?

Any community needs a leader. Thus much will depend on the leader’s choices. CEO in the given ecosystem will not be the one who has the largest amount of coins in the account, nor the one who made friends with Singapore platform developers. It will be the one chosen collectively by smart-holders. Collective minds can choose the most talented and passionate person in the sharing economy, the one who is credible. And anyone can be him, even you.

What is the future behind consensus platforms?

The more the person is focused on the virtual world, the more significant it becomes. Today, cyberspace is already capable of turning talents into stars without investing in material goods and PR. All that needs to be done is to attract attention and keep it. Today, the Internet allows you to earn, feel important, express your thoughts and find support. And such consensus platform is a place to keep the energy of the new millennium. It seems that the question of membership in the blockchain-state does not require an answer. The only question that needs to be asked when looking at the trends of a global decentralized society is — when? Now, or in a year or two? When will you join the new reality, where you will have the right to vote, do good deeds, manage and enjoy your own merits?

