What is the function of blood vessels in the eye?

2 min readAug 27, 2021


Like any other organ in the human body, the eyes are a perfectly designed biological system.

Let’s take a look at the picture above. Here we can clearly see that the eye is well supplied with blood and it is rich with blood vessels.

The circulatory system plays an important role in nourishing the eye by supplying nutrition and restoring worn-out cells.

Cellular structures of the eye also use oxygen and nutrients, as well as produce carbon dioxide (CO₂) and other waste products of the vital activity of cells.

Elevated blood viscosity, or blood thickness and red blood cells clumped together decrease velocity (speed) of blood flow dramatically and worsen the nutrition of the eye. As a result, vision deteriorates. Increased blood thickness and decreased blood flow often lead to serious health problems and complications (cardiovascular, liver, gallbladder disorders and etc.)

Therefore, proper blood circulation is needed to keep the eyes healthy and maintain good eyesight. If you are subscribed to our YouTube SYNTHESIT channel, you might have noticed that many Synthesit users see improvements in their eyesight. This relates to the fact that Synthesit helps to keep the blood thin and deliver oxygen to all cells of the body, which means it also helps fortify the eyes with nutrients for healthy vision and optimize the process of removal of waste products from cellular metabolism.

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