Farts In Politics

Synthetic Farts
3 min readMay 19, 2023


Hi, welcome to Synthetic Farts and another addition to our fun fart facts series. I am your host, paperboy. Today we are talking about farts in politics. You are probably asking yourself, What can be so political about farts? Well, farts can be very controversial, and in some cases used in political ways. For example, in 2019 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a representative in the United States Congress, talked about cow farts being a problem for the environment. She helped author a legislative paper called the Green New Deal, which talked about reducing methane production. In one public interview, she said: “Cow flatulence […] absolutely is an issue when it comes to contributing to methane, but that does not mean you end cows […]. We need to innovate and change our […] cow grain from which, you know, they feed in these troughs.” Bill Gates and other notables, are also involved in cow methane reduction initiatives. I will talk about cow farts in more detail on another video. It is a big topic that needs its own attention. Moving on to Canada now. In 2016, a heated debate broke out between Michelle Rempel and Elizabeth May about the word “fart” mentioned in parliament. In a passionate speech, Michele said: “Why does this government treat Alberta like a fart in the room? That nobody wants to talk about or acknowledge.” Elizabeth took offense to the use of that word, and the rest is history. I will post links below to the full details. It is a very interesting exchange between two world leaders. It was serious, argumentative, and funny at the same time. I challenge debate teams to review this video and learn more. Farts often get used for reference in politics. Another example happened after the COVID mask mandate event in 2022. Marjorie Taylor Green sent a Tweet that said: “If a pair of underwear, really thick ones, high quality cotton, can’t protect you from a fart, then how will a mask protect you from covid??”. This Tweet got a lot of attention, for many reasons, not to be debated here; but it shows us that farts can be used for political grandstanding. In 1781, Benjamin Franklin wrote a satirical essay on how he could make farts smell better with a pill. He planned to send the letter to the Royal Academy of Brussels as a serious scientific paper. It was never sent to them, and later published in a book called Fart Proudly. Farts caught on video from politicians are prolific on the Internet. This is not exactly political, more biological, but they often get a lot of attention and comments. Fartgate is one of the more popular of these videos. It happened when Representative Eric Swalwell allegedly farted on a live show. In this day of disinformation, and tools for editing videos, we will let you be the judge yourself. I will post some of the more popular ones in the description below. Interesting quote to take away and ponder from president LBJ. “Jerry Ford is so dumb he can’t fart and chew gum at the same time.” Yes, he really said that. Be sure to subscribe, share, and like. Have a great day farting.

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Synthetic Farts

I post videos about farts, farts sounds, fart science, and fart humor. I want to educate the world about farts and have fun too. Have a great day farting.