Synthron Chain
4 min readJan 31, 2024

Synthron is the infrastructure for the future financial system to support capital markets, starting with exchanges. Synthron is the fastest Cosmos chain to finality because it was the first Layer 1 (L1) designed specifically for trading, optimizing each stack layer to offer exchanges an unfair edge.

Synthron is ahead of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Solana by Transaction Throughput and Transaction Finality. Also, Synthron has front-running prevention (FBA).


Most L1s are either general-purpose or app-specific, but Synthron unlocks a new design space in between as a sector-specific L1. Synthron has carefully chosen a particular set of tradeoffs that make Layer 1 the ideal environment to scale with the demands of decentralized exchanges.

Over other blockchains, the Synthron Chain has a lot of advantages, such as:

Fast and high throughput;


Massively scalable;

An emphasis on the order book;

Highly secure;

A complete trading solution.

The basic infrastructure of the Synthron Chain, centralized order books (CLOB), is run by several DEXs with limited order books. This implies a move in favor of developed DeFi ecosystems. The centralized order books (CLOB) will be matched when each block closes by native orders for all CLOB-related orders. As a result, Synthron Chain can benefit from a wide range of applications thanks to this novel technique.

Synthron supports CosmWasm smart contracts, and other IBC networks can also be included. The Cosmos SDK can be connected to CosmWasm because it is written as a module. This implies that anyone developing a blockchain using the Cosmos SDK can easily add support for CosmWasm smart contracts to their chain without altering the current logic.


The Synthron Chain is an L1 blockchain with an integrated order book that makes it simple for smart contracts to access pooled liquidity. Ethereum and Cosmos applications can run on Synthron Chain because it is compatible with EVM and Cosmwasm. The Synthron Chain is the ecosystem’s center, providing partners with unique features and user interfaces with greater stability and lightning-fast transaction rates. A DeFi application that uses Synthron’s liquidity and the advantages of the entire ecosystem may be developed by anybody. Users, traders, and developers may join Synthron as ecosystem partners and have access to pooled liquidity and decentralized financial frameworks. Despite being in devnet, Synthron has already enormously expanded its ecosystem. Currently, over 100 dApps are already launching on Synthron Chain


Anyone can submit a governance proposal, which will initially be considered during the deposit period and then be moved to the voting period once the required minimum deposit has been reached. During the deposit period, anyone may contribute to a proposal.

Users can participate in Synthron governance by voting on proposals. Basic requirements:

  • Acquire Synthron tokens;
  • Delegate your Synthron tokens to a Synthron validator.

The voting functionality for Synthron governance is inherited from the standard Cosmos gov module. Here are some useful transaction and query commands and links to further in-depth documentation.


Community is one of the essential things in any network and ecosystem. People create a unique mood and spirit inside the project, supporting the development and network expansion. This project cares about the community and thus implemented a program that gives everyone many opportunities, including full-time employment in the Synthron team.

We’re talking about the Ambassador Program — The Atlantis. The program aims to create the largest community centered on the quickest DeFi Layer 1 blockchain. With the help of this program, you may demonstrate your most excellent skills in producing a variety of content, from articles to various art forms. You don’t have to perform any improbable feats to join the team. To get started, log in to Synthron Discord, get verified, and get the “Synthron-lors” role near your name on the server. That’s all. You’re already onboard! Then you can move up the career ladder, check out Ambassador ranks:

  1. Synthronians: anyone joining and participating in Discord and Telegram.
  2. Crew member: Synthronians who have reached level 7 in Discord.
  3. Officer: active Crew members who are creating content on social media.
  4. Captain: active Officers that impact the community via educational content.
  5. Major: best-performing Captains that help coordinate and scale the Ambassador Program.
  6. Colonel: best-perfoming Majors who are looking to grow their local communities.
  7. Admiral: part of the Synthron core team.

Benefits & Opportunities:

  1. Synthronians: be part of the best community.
  2. Crew member: access to educational content, follow the Synthron progress.
  3. Officer: access to exclusive core team resources, first access to the alpha.
  4. Captain: bounty board, credited exposure, research calls with the Synthron team.
  5. Major: callout from Synthron Twitter, grants for external training, grants to represent Synthron at conferences, the pipeline into full-time.
  6. Colonel: be a local mentor of the community, help Synthron to reach new horizons and achieve new milestones.
  7. Admiral: full-time work in Synthron Ecosystem.


Synthron is an excellent blockchain with an incredible ecosystem that has crushing achievements. The technology stack, huge ecosystem, high-experienced team, and well-known investors are proof of this. By adding numerous new capabilities, Synthron Chain may significantly increase scalability and become a DeFi hub inside the Cosmos ecosystem.



Synthron Chain

🔵 Synthron Chain is a layer-1 blockchain that aims to support decentralized financial applications, blockchain open source, and smart contracts. 🔵