Syndicate (SYNX)
3 min readOct 3, 2019

There comes a time when every project must reach its ‘ending’ phase, and as we believe and see it — an ending which opens doorways to new opportunities, helps teams connect more deeply and upgrades all the previously invested work. A big picture analysis of a project up to a certain point X can offer a broad perspective over a future that looks much better than the past.

We at SYNX have done this broad analysis of past events, we have assumed credit for both good and bad since we know there is a balance between what we’ve done well and what we could have done better. We started out as a community project, none of us with any major experience in leading a roadmap to a gigantic success. We’ve only managed to keep everything on a decent level for almost 2 years so as to make sure we can pride ourselves of the result. We’ve also spent an enormous amount of time on a codebase that didn’t belong to us, thus making development even more difficult.

After the completely unexpected delisting on Bittrex we have re-evaluated our priorities and decided we need a breath of fresh air, new ideas and more workforce. We have spent all that time in looking for the perfect solution to progress up to a point where everyone would be satisfied. The past 2 months were a continuous search for projects that have a similar ideology to that of SYNX and we have discovered a team of enthusiastic developers working on a project that fits the idea of blockchain perfectly, imbibing all of its capabilities and what it has to offer.

For the sake of both projects, we have decided to merge our efforts and share everything on an infrastructure level. The team will remain anonymous until they manage to launch the new website which will follow-up with more information. At this moment in time, Easy13 and Luka are handling the last update which will take place on the current blockchain in order to insure the network is in order ahead of the merger. After numerous discussions we have decided to give up the idea of having our own chain in order to make sure there is no further development hindrance. We are still considering options such as Cosmos or Binance chain, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. We will take the final decision after further considerations and evaluating the necessities in place. Some of the main conditions for moving forward will be to first of all keep the name of Syndicate and to have the newly created token distributed exclusively to the SYNX community, otherwise this merger cannot happen. More technical details will follow as we commit and advance with the fusion of the two teams and projects.

We wish to thank all of the people involved and that have stayed with us all this time, making this merger possible. Community was the keyword in this collaboration. No idea, no matter how good, can be realized without the help of devoted people. What other community would have been able to do this as well as we have? As well as the SYNX Community? We have waded through good and bad together.

From ashes to new! More details soon…

Syndicate (SYNX)

Welcome to the brand new Syndicate Medium. This will be the place where we are going to keep you up with our latest updates and our plans.