eJPT Experience [sys41x4]

Arijit Bhowmick
7 min readOct 18, 2021


Hello, friend

I am Arijit Bhowmick aka sys41x4

I have just passed my eJPT Exam with 95% marks on 18.10.2021 around 7:20 am [IST] and I do hope that my experience during the exam would help you out.

Verify my Certificate at ==> https://verified.elearnsecurity.com/certificates/7b12c81c-19ce-4c0c-ac74-38785ecf507c

Yeah, So I have purchased the voucher on 15.10.2021

While I have faced an issue, that my voucher has not been added in my exam section after the purchase.

So you might be thinking where should the exam voucher would be shown

After creating an account in https://members.elearnsecurity.com

you will have a section in the left nav-bar.

There you will see the Exam section.

Click on it.

If the voucher has been added then it will be shown in the Exam Section

If it is not added then you can write an email about your issue to support@elearnsecurity.com and they will reply within 1-2 business days.

The support message may look like this or so.

You can also search your queries in their Community Forums

INE Community Forum


eLearnSecurity Community Forum


You can also join their Unofficial Discord Server at https://discord.gg/XPVwUX6uxR for any help/discussion if you want.

Exam Situation

After Getting the voucher in my account

I have started my exam on 7:43 am Sunday 17.10.2021 [IST]

It took me 4 hrs to get my passing marks which is 15

and spend rest 1 hour to get the others.

So after 5 hrs (which include some breaks and lunch) I was confirm that I would pass the exam.

After Answering all the questions the exam dashboard would somehow look like this.

***** Obviously, I have hidden the Question in the screenshot below :) *****

All 20 questions are Multiple Choice Questions

Yes, it might be that there are more than one answers to any questions

So, you might be thinking after 5 hours what I have done.

I have thought of writing a writeup about my findings and how I have completed this exam.

!!! Obviously the writeup will not be made public, as I don’t want to break any rules from eLearnSecurity !!!

So, The Writeup took me around another 2 hours to complete

And this article took around 1 hour to complete.

Exam Procedure

Here in the exam Dashboard you can see when you have started the exam.

On starting the exam you will be provided with an option Download Letter of Engagement

Click on it and it will provide you with a compressed file.

Download it and it will contain all the required information about how to start the exam.

From here You can also start and stop the lab environment.

Once you start the lab environment you have to get the .ovpn file to connect with the lab

by clicking the key icon button.

You can Resume Quiz by clicking on the button.

This is not a CTF style Exam, as it was earlier mentioned in many blogs about eJPT

I would say that they will not tell you if you have compromised a system/network

or if any system would really be pwned or not.

It is really like a penetration test, and you have to judge yourself if you have pwned the system/network or not

I would suggest to go for some tryhackme pwn, Networking, and other basic boxes (EASY ones ofcourse) if you want to practice outside the PTS course.

But yeah, there will be nothing in the exam, that was not taught in the PTS course.


I would say that we have to practice the routing process, about how the commands works.

Networking plays a huge part in almost all red team certs
and we should have a grip in this, which will be helpful for future certifications and Penetration Testing.

You can add the network as was stated in the PTS course as

ip route add <network-to-access>/24 via <network-to-access-through>

Here <network-to-access-through> is the gateway

A helpful command would be route | grep tap0 | cut -d " " -f 1

which will show you the networks that are connected with the lab environment.


You should have a real grip in wireshark to get it’s functions quick in this exam.

And again, networking knowledge is very important

Directory Enumeration

You can use any enumerating tool you want

I have specially used gobuster for enumeration

The commands are simple

gobuster dir -u <url> -w <wordlist-to-use> -x ext1,ext2,ext3

Here ext1,ext2,ext3 are the extensions you want to find if you need any.

dir ==> directory/files enumeration

You can get the detailed description in the gobuster -h or man gobuster

Vulnerability Scan

You can use any vulnerability scanner you want.

I have used Nessus Essentials the free license one.

Or you can also use vuln script in nmap for vulnerablity scan

nmap --script vuln --script-args=unsafe=1 -iL active_hosts.txt -oN vuln_scan.txt

where active_hosts.txt contains the ip-addresses to scan

And the scan output will be dumped to vuln_scan.txt file

SQL Injection

You can use sqlmap or jsql tools for sql-injection.

For sqlmap we can use

sqlmap -u <url-to-check>


-u ==> specify url to check
-p ==> parameter to specify [eg, id]
--data=<post-String> ==> post string to use
--technique=U ==> Use Union Attacks
--technique=B ==> Use Boolean Attacks
--tables ==> Dump tables
-D ==> Specify Name of the Database
-T ==> Table Name to dump
--dump ==> Dump the content from the Database


You can either use metasploit to exploit some systems or any other exploits if you want

Hash Cracking

You can use john or hashcat or any other tool if you want

In my case, I have used john for hash cracking.


You will not face too much in OSINT scenario, but what would you face just analyse it perfectly.


You can check for xss with the popular <script>alert(1);</script>

Directory Bruteforcing

I have just used hydra for bruteforcing

You can use hydra in any scenerio you want

you can bruteforce FTP, SSH, http-get, http-post, etc

hydra -L <username-list> -P <password-list> <service>://IP:<port>


So, how can I forget google :)

Yeah, you are right google is your best friend, and really it would be.

Once face a problem, Just google it out.


I have seen in lots of articles and blogs that, lot of authors suggest us to have a grip in pivoiting

but I really have not faced any situation like that. It might be there or it might not be.

As I have not gone through any pivoiting techniques in my whole eJPT exam.

Finishing The Exam

After Finishing your exam, they will instantly provide you your result.

I have got 1 question incorrect. They will not show us which one was incorrect

But I was sure about a question that might got incorrect :)

After Completing the exam, just go back to the dashboard and there you can verify your name at first and then Download your eJPT certificate.

Generating Public Certificate Link

Click on the My Certifications Tab in left nav-bar.

There we will be presented with a page through which we can generate our public certificate link

Mark the check-box which says visible and then you can click on view to get the public link for your certificate

From this link you can share your Certificate


And this is what I want you to say.

It is really a good and comfortable exam.

Don’t overthink anything

It is really easy and fun exam. The 3 Blackboxes I would say was way tough than this exam.

It is 72 hours exam, don’t fear.

It’s quite a long time to answers all the questions.

Read question again and again carefully.

I would say that I have really enjoyed my first professional exam :)

I do really hope that you have enjoyed and like this article about my experience in this exam.

If you want to contribute financially you can visit https://sys41x4.github.io/donate/

Social Media Platform Links :

Twitter : https://twitter.com/sys41x4

LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/sys41x4/

TryHackMe : https://tryhackme.com/p/sys41x4

GitHub [Cybersecurity Based] : https://github.com/sys41x4

GitHub [Software & Certificates] : https://github.com/Arijit-Bhowmick/

Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/sys41x4/

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/sys41x4/



Arijit Bhowmick

Hello everyone, I am Arijit Bhowmick aka sys41x4. I am currently learning B.Tech Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics, and a security Researcher.