Syscoin Community Weekly Update #11

Syscoin Community
6 min readJul 31, 2018


This weekly update is written by the community for the community, to bring you all the latest Syscoin, Blockchain Foundry and SCMT news! Thank you to our Slack member @blgh for compiling this update. Weekly updates, other articles and a lot more can can also be found on the new website!

Syscoin & BCF news

Syscoin is now available on Blockfolio Signals!

Syscoin is now available on Blockfolio Signals within the popular Blockfolio app. This gives us the perfect way to share news and updates with Blockfolio’s burgeoning Syscoin userbase.

Weekly Q&A with Dan Wasyluk

Topics covered this week:
On Friday 27th of July at 4pm US/EST, Dan Wasyluk, CEO of Blockchain Foundry Inc. conducted his first live Q&A on Slack. Here is a brief overview of topics covered:

  • Pangolin update
    Blockchain Foundry Inc. is currently developing a new product for the Syscoin platform named Pangolin that will allow users to engage with Syscoin dApps directly in their web browser.
    Pangolin is a Chrome extension that provides a secure gateway between Syscoin Assets and web-integrated Dapps running on the Syscoin platform. It can be thought of in terms of Syscoin’s answer to Ethereum’s metamask and enables a walletless experience for Blockmarket Web. It is scheduled for release in 2018.
    Dan stated that the product is currently at the wireframe stage, and the visual style was locked down recently. This means that skinning the wireframes should be quicker, and the Blockchain Foundry team is looking to share interactive mockups very soon. Pangolin is essential for Blockmarket Web, so progress on Pangolin is progress towards Blockmarket Web.
    With the release of Pangolin 1.0, SYS payments, Aliases and login with SYS will be enabled. Within the following phase, tokens and the funding manager (Changelly) will integrated into Pangolin. Another important update for the next phase of Pangolin (pending the conclusion of some third party partnerships) is that SYS to FIAT and FIAT to SYS exchanges will be available.
  • Marc Nicholson announced as Chief Sales Officer of BCF Inc.
    Dan welcomed Marc Nicholson to the new position of Chief Sales Officer (CSO), Blockchain Foundry Inc. Mark has been active within Sales for over 10 years and brings substantial value and experience to the team.
  • Current Syscoin priorities for Blockchain Foundry
    - Fixing the TX delay
    - The release of Blockmarket Desktop update
    - Release of a new core update
    - Pangolin
  • The new website ( and the roadmap
    The new Syscoin website is scheduled for release later this year. The reason for the delay is that after Syscoin 3.0 the content and layout needed a complete overhaul.

Syscoin has been listed on SatoWallet

Syscoin has been listed on the SatoWallet. SatoWallet is an Android and IOS exchange service with $BTC & $ETH trading pairs. Another easy-to-use app wallet in which to exchange BTC and ETH for SYS.

AiBB launched their ICO

The Aibb project (developed on the Syscoin Platform) started their ICO on Wednesday July 25th. AiBB is a portfolio manager and trading assistant with built-in tools to help you analyse and respond to cryptocurrency markets. Read more here about AiBB or visit their website.

ZUBX sign letter of intent to develop on Syscoin Platform

Infographic by community member @Caner.

Caner’s proposal was one of the winning Community mini-proposals; he made this great Syscoin 3.0 infographic:

In the media

In case you missed it:

Partnership with Peer Mountain:

Syscoin review in Hindi

Masternode Governance Proposals

Every 43800 blocks (30.4 days) a superblock is generated by the Syscoin protocol, minting a maximum of 168630 Syscoin to be distributed amongst winning proposal. This superblock will be block 131400, and will be mined sometime on August 3th 2018 EST.

There are a lot of interesting proposals for this superblock, and they can be found here:

Keep in mind Voting closes 3 days or 3 (days)x 24 ( hours) x 60 ( minutes/blocks) = 4320 blocks before the superblock, in this case: 131400 - 4320= 127080 is the block that the voting closes.

SCMT Twitter account

For all the official and latest news releases please follow us for all the latest community news via our SCMT Twitter account, as well as hot-off-the-press Syscoin and BCF updates. The Syscoin team will also share our posts via their official social networking channels, to help spread the word.

Technical Updates

Syscoin 3.0.6 is released and it’s highly advised and mandatory to upgrade for general wallet users. You can find SYSCOIN QT 3.0.6 here. As stated above, upgrading to Syscoin QT 3.0.6 is mandatory and highly advised by the Syscoin core development team. Instructions for the mandatory upgrade for QT 3.0.6 can be found here:

Step 1: Login to the vps

Step 2.1: If you used Justin's script, run this command and choose 'y' to upgrade

bash <(curl -sL

Step 2.2: If you used BCNF's manual guide instead, run these commands in vps:

~/syscoin/src/syscoin-cli stop

cd ~/syscoin

git checkout master && git pull



make -j$(nproc) -pipe


cd ~/syscoin/src/sentinel

git checkout master

git pull

You do NOT have to press the start button after updating the node. Pressing that button will reset your qualification time and make you wait for |masternodes| * 2.6 / 60 hours for rewards.


  • At time of publishing there are ~1231 masternodes online.
  • Masternode daily reward calculation: 37411.2 SYS per day divided across the number of active masternodes (Currently ~1231).
  • ‘Seniority’ will get you +3% ROI on your block reward for every 4 months running your MN. For example, after the first 4 months, you will get 25.98 + 3% = 26.77 rewards per block.
  • Latest release wallet for creating/managing masternodes is QT 3.0.6. Latest release for Sentinel is 1.1.1.

Checking masternodes

You can check your nodes with your server console on your server (e.g. Putty). Checking the status of your masternode(s) via the server console is always the most accurate way to do so. So if you doubt on QT, check on VPS.

There is a slight differentiation in comments for people who used the Justin Silver script and people who manually installed and update their VPS.

If you used the script to install and update your VPS, use the following lines to run useful commands (via Putty):

  • Checking your client version: syscli getinfo
  • Checking your masternode sync status: syscli mnsync status
  • Checking your masternode status: syscli masternode status
  • Checking the # of masternodes active: syscli masternode count
  • Checking the uptime of your masternode:
    syscoin-cli masternodelist activeseconds | grep [your IP address]

If you manually install and update your VPS, use the following lines to run useful commands (via Putty):

  • Checking your client version: syscoin-cli getinfo
  • Checking your masternode sync status: syscoin-cli mnsync status
  • Checking your masternode status: syscoin-cli masternode status
  • Checking the uptime of your masternode:
    /syscoin/src/syscoin-cli masternodelist activeseconds | grep [your VPSIP address]

If you have any problems with checking the status or other masternode related issues. Please reach out to the community with the ‘Masternodes’ Channel on Slack.

For more information visit



Syscoin Community

Official Medium account for the Syscoin Community Marketing Team, a focussed and driven team of Syscoin supporters, spreading the word and getting things done!