Syscoin Community Weekly Update #23

Syscoin Community
7 min readOct 23, 2018


This weekly update is written by the community for the community, to bring you all the latest Syscoin, Blockchain Foundry and SCMT news! Thank you to our Slack member @blgh for compiling this update. Weekly updates, other articles and a lot more can also be found on the new website!

Syscoin, SCMT, and BCF News

Syscoin listed on the BEAM services

Thanks to CoinGecko, Syscoin has been listed on the Beam service which will allow us to push updates to their users!

Syscoin Academy is LIVE!

Brainchild of SCMT staff member Redrace, Syscoin Academy aims to increase exposure of community-based Syscoin development work via a forum and real-time chat channels, bringing developers together to spark community projects in a proactive and engaging way.

A new Masternode Tax Calculator and Monitoring Tool

It’s been a great day for community projects! Today saw the launch of MN² — a new online resource for monitoring your masternodes, checking the status of governance proposals, and perhaps most crucially, calcaluting the tax owed on masternode rewards. Most major fiat currencies are supported, sign up for an account and check it out here:

Props to Slack member @Dalton for this!

A New Mini-Proposal Round

Community Mini-Proposal round 5 is open! Are you a forward-thinking developer or someone with a novel idea for guerrila marketing? Submit your governance mini-proposal and receive up to 500$ worth of SYS this month!

Vote Vote Vote!

Please take some time to vote for Syscoin to be listed on NetCoins, a virtual Bitcoin ATM service with resellers all over the world. VOTE HERE (type “Syscoin” in the Search bar)

BCF appoints Brennan Direnfeld to the Board of Directors

Brennan has over 10 years of finance and management consulting experience, ranging from audit to large-scale technology implementations. He is a CPA and CA and holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Sir Wilfrid Laurier University. Brennan also brings start-up advisory experience from his time managing a Toronto tech incubator. Brennan brings also a lot of service integration and deployment experience from Deloitte which is particularly good for a team like BCFs.

Syscoin Community Developers on Trello

New project added: Opensource Syscoin Web Marketplace (opensource) by Curious Cosmos. Check it out here.

Keep up-to-date on noteworthy projects started by developers of the Syscoin Community, through our Trello board. Join the community-dev channel in #Slack and help shape the future of #Syscoin:

Summary of the weekly AMA with Dan Wasyluk

  • Dan: “Pangolin updates are coming and we actually talked about a substantive ‘development update’ just earlier today, keep your eyes peeled over the next week or two for that to start dripping out. Pangolin branding is also moving forward really well, excited to share the logo once its ‘done done’. Already a solid crew of devs banging away on Pangolin code too, there is some serious tangible progress there to share and we are working towards the docusign like product as well but specifically in the context of a larger product framework which we also hope to share more on soon. Aside this, SYS4 is moving along as well, very interesting stuff happening there”. Pangolin is super useful because it gives us a lib for signing and sending txs that can also be reused for a web wallet, a mobile app (if hybrid) etc.
  • Dan: “On the Syscoin Foundation we are moving forward with getting setup, we were working out costs this week and SCMT is being super helpful there and we are hoping by next week to have it setup, or have some new thing to figure out in order to get it setup.”
  • Dan: “Regarding the development of the website of BCF we had to make numerous updates specific to the ‘investor relations’ side of the site and then we had to test all the links one by one to ensure they didn’t 404 or go to the wrong place. That was all happening this week, iteratively, we have confirmed all the links but are still waiting on some material from our IR team before we can make the site live, also we were waiting for the web dev team (external) to templatize a few more pages to simplify managing the site. Next week we are targeting migrating the site from staging to production and then flipping it live. I also know that SCMT has been making good progress on the SYS site too and that it looks way better than the current site, which is of course very positive”.
  • Dan: “We have a roadmap beyond 3 already and once we’re confident with its contents it will be published more openly. There is more coming, its a continuation of sys not a new coin, and the goal with its design it to greatly extend not only core SYS token functionality but also extend the functionality of SYS assets in a way that will be entirely unique to Syscoin”.

Summary of the weekly AMA with J

  • J: “Pangolin: proceeding as planned with its current team — I don’t want to overcommit them but I’ll chat about maybe getting some screenshots at some point in the next 2–3 weeks as I know they’re very happy with the work there. I’m happy simply because it’s the first React project BCF has been doing and I waaay prefer it to Angular. Probably some of BCF’s highest quality code work to date from my looking at the repo, but that’s to be expected given the superstars in that group.”
  • J: “SYS4: There is new progress on this front but I’m wary of sharing much on this yet simply because it is in fairly early stages. We do have code actively being committed to a repo and the usual JIRA boards and tasks going for it. There are aspects to this (and another internal piece of work) that I’m personally pretty pumped about but they’re not really at “here’s exactly what we’re doing/planning” stage just yet. I know people hate the “soon we’ll have more on this front” (understandably given the background and baggage) but I do believe that a lot of the discussions on this front will be worth the wait and will make Dan’s early twitter excitement/teasing justifiable. Speaking about @doublesharp (who can feel free to chime in here if he’s around, but he’s likely out and about saving children from burning buses). So I’ll talk through this in two parts: 1) “You said that doublesharp was (temporarily) not on the team anymore, as you don’t have a job suitable for senior godlike prowess at the moment. Does it mean you will hire him again for another project in the future?”. 2) As a guy who has worked as a contractor/hired gun for almost his entire career save BCF (which is the first FT role outside of my own startupish stuff that I’ve taken in a long time), I know that part of the deal with the high bill rate is because of potential volatility in available proj. work. But obv I love the dude as passionately as one can platonically love a human being and I have said — internally and externally — a big metric of our success will be the ability to bring him back if he so wants to be brought back.
  • Totally. I think it’s pretty safe for me to say that if BCF had the kind of client work that allowed us to have him here and be running a profit we’d do that in a heartbeat without thinking twice. He’s extremely talented, very nice, and dedicated to doing quality work as befits a professional software engineer (and you may or may not be surprised at how rare that latter quality is in our field, depending on your experience).”
  • “Your other part (less of a question there :wink: ) _”I’d like him to stay as close as possible to our community and be a part of Syscoin’s future.”_ 1000000% agreed. But I view that as more of a selfish desire on my part because I feel people like @doublesharp are the people that not only can code but make the ecosystems *around* them better, more fun, levelled up, etc. etc. @Sandy “any update on the LODE network” — unfortunately nothing that I can talk about more than “BCF has spoken to them, they’ve spoken to BCF” (clarity here: BCF has spoken to them as the operating entity vs. LODE and Syscoin, though obviously that pairing kind of enters initial discussions automatically by the nature of how BCF is formed and its CTO’s heavy involvement in that code base :slightly_smiling_face: )”.
  • J: “a couple of things I think I’m comfortable sharing here:
    a) you will most likely see a new BMD release by the end of the month
    b) you will likely see the revised open-sourced indexer + sys-indexer at that time as well
    c) you will likely see the open-sourced syscoin-js and syscoin-api-server at that time too I’ll be the maintainer along with a couple of other designates on those libraries for community contributions”.

Want to read more? Check out the full AMA here.

SCMT Twitter account

For all the official and latest news releases please follow us for all the latest community news via our SCMT Twitter account, as well as hot-off-the-press Syscoin and BCF updates. The Syscoin team will also share our posts via their official social networking channels, to help spread the word.

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