Syscoin Community Weekly Update #25

Syscoin Community
9 min readNov 6, 2018


This weekly update is written by the community for the community, to bring you all the latest Syscoin, Blockchain Foundry and SCMT news! Thank you to our Slack member @blgh for compiling this update. Weekly updates, other articles and a lot more can also be found on the new website!

Syscoin, SCMT, and BCF News

SCMT Update on the New Syscoin Website!

Here is a wrap up of the most important points of progress (for a more detailed update check out the Twitter post at the end of the list):

  • Development started on 10th September
  • Currently we are just over 60% complete
  • There are no fixed delivery times, but we aim to launch before the end of November. Hard launch date is 15th December 2018
  • Roadmap is almost done. We are waiting for the last BCF input and hope to publish it this week
  • Brightscout turned out to be a great and professional partner to work with!
  • Site will be entirely bespoke and every page will be unique (graphics and illustrations)
  • SCMT-team dedicated a lot of time as well: determining style, fonts, colours, dealing with questions, creating text content, fact checking with the team, making high-level decisions
  • It’s a big project and the SCMT-team is working everyday on it!
  • We’ve had some great content contributions from our Slack friend, bstr156!
  • In addition we hired a professional content specialist who can transform technical content into easy-to-read sentences and unambiguous terms
  • While the site is being built we are contacting our media partners to see how they can help with spreading the news about the new site
  • There will be a monthly ‘SCMT-time’ which is an AMA-kinda channel where people can feel free to ask us anything they want. Expect this to be at the end of November

Blockchain Foundry announces a partnership with LAVA

Blockchain Foundry has entered into a pre-solution design and consulting agreement with LAVA Blockchain Technologies Inc. LAVA Coin is focused on building a blockchain-enabled global Membership community empowered with the use of crypto-based community cards for Point of Sale and tools to enable swift seamless transactions in all marketplaces. According to the World Payments Report 2017 (“WPR 2017”), global digital payments volumes are predicted to reach nearly 726 billion transactions in 2020.

LAVA Coin’s aim is to disrupt the payments industry by providing safe, secure
and fast global transfers of cryptocurrency and fiat funds, true stable value
with an asset-backed token and ultimate usability online and at point of sale.

BCF will provide LAVA Coin with the expertise to design the blockchain-based architecture for LAVA Coin’s platform; leveraging the Syscoin blockchain.

Syscoin listed on the CoinGecko Beam Service

We are pleased to announce that CoinGecko has listed Syscoin on their Beam service!

Syscoin partner AiBB receives private funding

Syscoin partner, AiBB, an analytics powerhouse with an Ai assistant to help you make sense of the crypto markets, has announced a private funding deal with IBC Dubai, and has also extended its private token sale! There will also be an airdrop to Syscoin holders; details of this airdrop are not yet known. Read more about AiBB on the Syscoin Community website:

Syscoin mentioned in a CCN article about a blockchain research

Syscoin was used as a comparison to EOS in an article that exposed various shortcomings in EOS’s code.

Syscoin is live on Delta Direct

All the latest Syscoin Updates will be now directly available on Delta Direct

Syscoin Protocol recognized as Blockchain Influencers at #16

Within the Rise Blockchain top 100, Syscoin continues to be recognized as one of the greatest influencers within the Blockchain Industry. The platform claims a #16 position and rose from position #21. Blockchain Foundry claims a #17 position, where previously they held a #27 position!

A New Mini-Proposal Round

The results of the mini-proposal month October are out:

Winner: Promote Blockmarket awareness $500 (Tiribi Tribe, Slack)

This project has been awarded 5372 SYS and will commence immediately.

Vote Vote Vote!

Please take some time to vote for Syscoin to be listed on NetCoins, a virtual Bitcoin ATM service with resellers all over the world.

Syscoin Community Developers on Trello

Trello board update:
New project added: Opensource Syscoin Web Marketplace (opensource) by Curious Cosmos

Check it out here.

Keep up-to-date on noteworthy projects started by developers of the Syscoin Community, through our Trello board. Join the community-dev channel in #Slack and help shape the future of #Syscoin:

Summary of the weekly AMA with Dan Wasyluk

  • Dan: “I think our development team is pretty good for now. We have a solid core team and a good batch of contractors to ramp up with as work dictates”.
  • Dan: “Lava Coin is a pretty interesting project, they are looking to enable a crypto integrated card program which i think is a really valuable play in enabling ease of use w crypto for mainstream people so we are working to investigate the various options available there, and there is a wide spectrum we’re assessing.”
  • Dan: “Regarding the exchange that is mentioned on the BCFN-site I can’t speak in too much depth on that as there are forthcoming PRs that will explain it better but it won’t be BCF IP, it’s more a PaaS (Product as Services) offering. But our partner there will have a public exchange too similar to like a Bittrex, and we do have some exclusivity agreements we’re securing in respect to the offering as well. So we don’t ‘run the machines’ but we customize the software and get a revshare against any instances we sell. It’s a pretty big partnership in my view, it enables some key things we’ve needed for SYS and BCF products for a while”.
  • Dan: “Regarding white papers; we more get people with their own white papers that want a critique and/or feedback, but we do have some clients that say: “we are doing XYZ, we looked a protocol A, B and C. We think C is best, what is your thought on that?” and we try to give them the best information possible for the use case they are trying to accomplish”.
  • Dan: “We are also going to be pushing forward on a possible hardware wallet solution for SYS which im pretty excited about, and SYS4 is really moving now too. Spoke with our auditors about it this week, plans seem OK there. Still need to setup a call with the foundation accountant we weren’t able to get on the phone this week. When I mentioned hardware wallet, I refer to an existing provider but I would say they have a superior product that just isn’t that well known. They actually have 3 different tiers of hardware wallet solutions scaling up from a ledger-like device to more capable and robust solutions. It’s funny that ledger is their ‘low end’ offering and blockchain just released lockbox which is ledger + diff software or something. When there are much more capable and innovative. It’s really interesting what this possible partner is doing, they are essentially pivoting to crypto from a large and successful ‘other’ hardware biz. So the strategy they have around that pivot is very smart imo, they are really leveraging their network in China to ensure they are pre-integrated into the crypto scene when their wallet starts making noise in the sector.”
  • Dan:”Regarding the messaging platform we already have that working and operational in BMD today and we are going to license and API it out to people for a blockchain based unified messaging platform w e2e encryption. We just need to throw together a marketing page for it and wrap the platform in a better api-key management system. Hardware wallets are already out there they just need more market exposure.
  • Dan:” Whether Lava Coin will have an airdrop or not I’m not sure. I think that depends on the shape of the final solution”.

Summary of the weekly AMA with J

  • J: “1) We are currently looking at a BMD 3.2 release sometime next week. Not sure when — it will need to pass testing, and @q and I need to revisit past sins committed with sqlite beforehand. However, I have seen the face of the new BMD console and possibly looked upon the face of an angel while doing so. It’s pretty cool. 2) Believe it or not there is going to be a BMD 3.3. BMD 3.3 is a release that alters — slightly — the way assets work. As many of you know the core allows for assets to be attached to addresses instead of aliases, while BMD is locked to aliases. In BMD 3.3 this (and the corresponding screens) will change to be address-focused vs. alias focused. This will also help to relieve issues where people sign up to get an airdrop but then suddenly have to spend SYS to get an alias to be eligible for said airdrop.”
  • J:”The analogy the BMD team discussed was “Imagine someone gives me a Transformer as a Christmas gift, and suddenly the police break down my door before I can open it and say “wait a minute, that’ll be 5 dollars. So this paves the way towards some ease of use scenarios and maybe provides some clues as to where we are heading in the future at a core level regarding assets.”
  • J: “We’re doing an internal BCF zoom on Friday to discuss syscoin-js/syscoin-api-server/BMD/whatever from a code perspective, I’d be happy to go through the first two (since they’re going to be OS’d) with the community. To reaffirm, post BMD 3.2 release I’ll make sure that it’s explicit contribs are welcome at least in the repos I’m chaperoning and will submit a PR to Romanian Rock God + @sidhujag with some READMEs about contributing”
  • J: “In SYS3 smart contracts are not available. Whether they will be in SYS4 I defer to @sidhujag here on what’s in SYS4 and when we’re ready to discuss some of those details, just because I’m aware of our previous history with roadmapping. (And yes, I’m aware that this probably answers your question anyway ;)).”
  • J: “A question which is frequently asked about SYS is whether and why its better than Ethereum. Regarding coders for example, many of them are working on Ethereum already for a long time. As for the coders, for sure Eth has a much larger community + ecosystem of developers at this point in time. To be real, without getting into specifics here there may be situations where SYS (gasp, I know) is not the best fit for someone’s use case as you can’t be all things to all people without suffering. A fair question though and I won’t forget about it and maybe I can provide the community with something down the road once I ratify with Jag that I’m correct in my assumptions about it. I did mark the topic as something to revisit in the next while in my calendar once SYS4 is closer to reality because I think it would be excellent to cover some of those bases off and have handy.”
  • J: “Regarding Pangolin: We are having our first internal sprint demo of Pangolin this Friday actually. So it’s possible “the Was” will be talking about it in #dantime that afternoon. I do know that the group working against that is Stellar and led by the incredible dude showing up next to Sebastian on the “core team” section of the BCF site. The guys on Pangolin are supremely excellent top of the line dudes all around so I know I’m personally excited to see the sprint demo.”

Want to read more? Check out the full AMA here

SCMT Twitter account

For all the official and latest news releases please follow us for all the latest community news via our SCMT Twitter account, as well as hot-off-the-press Syscoin and BCF updates. The Syscoin team will also share our posts via their official social networking channels, to help spread the word.

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