Syscoin Community Weekly Update #27

Syscoin Community
4 min readNov 21, 2018


This weekly update is written by the community for the community, to bring you all the latest Syscoin, Blockchain Foundry and SCMT news! Thank you to our Slack member @blgh for compiling this update. Weekly updates, other articles and a lot more can also be found on the new website!

Syscoin, SCMT, and BCF News

Blockchain Swaps — a PoC Web-based Marketplace!

Slack member ‘Curious Cosmos’ has unveiled a brand new proof-of-concept web marketplace — it is currently in an alpha testing phase, and buying/selling of items is not available until Pangolin or an alternative online payment solution is available. For now, feast your eyes on the future of online retail!

Syscoin Developers Call #2

The second Syscoin Developers call took place with active participation from many members of the community. It was really great to be part of these vibrant video-chat discussions, the enthusiasm from the community was palpable. Check out the developers portal on to onboard yourself there and also participate in the developers call on the platform.

Precious Metals on the Blockchain — Webinar

LODE (the Cryptographic Silver Monetary System) organized a webinar on Monday November 19th to talk about ‘putting precious metals on the blockchain’. If you’re interested in Syscoin Platform use-cases please check this out as LODE is currently developing its token system with us. Here is the webinar summary on YouTube:

LODE + Syscoin — AMA

On Tuesday Nov 27th LODE team members will be joining some of the core Syscoin devs to deliver a Reddit AMA session in the Syscoin subreddit.

Keep an eye on our Twitter account for more info as it becomes available!

Blockchain Foundry Outlines Business Licenses on the Blockchain

Here’s an interesting distinction between BCF and some other blockchain organisations: where many projects and companies have great vision about how blockchain technology can be used to make powerful changes across many industries, Blockchain Foundry has focused on actual business use-cases and is using the Syscoin blockchain protocol as its preferred platform.

Check out how Blockchain Foundry would deliver Business Licenses on the blockchain, and how they will cement the implementation of the technology in simple steps — all via the Syscoin blockchain platform.

Syscoin Protocol on Blockchain Influencers from #13 to #7!

Syscoin continues to be recognized as one of the greatest influencers in the Blockchain Industry. The platform claims the #7 position on the RISE chart, up 6 places from last month’s #13 spot.

A New Mini-Proposal Round

Community Mini-Proposal round #6 opens today! File your mini-proposal and receive up to 500$ worth of @Syscoin. Hint: promoting proposals would get extra love!


Check it out here

Summary of the weekly AMA with J

  • J: “3.2 is coming, as @keyare has displayed it will come with a console for all you power users, some minor visual tweaks, bug fixes and possibly something else to be determined between 2 PM and 3 PM PST between myself, Jag, @keyare, and the Romanian Rock God. @einalex Actually I’ll be investigating a Linux release of 3.2 separate to the release of the Mac/Windows ones. If one is coming it will likely come shortly thereafter.”
  • J:”All other things are proceeding as usual, most of my week is being spent shuttling between IBM’s Hyperledger and writing READMEs for our soon to be open sourced works.”
  • J: “Other than that, I got nadaroos about anything else boys and girls — Lode is progressing, I am watching chats re: Seb and Jag hacking together on the SYS4 front, Dan is still off in Columbia or wherever selling illicit goods to make ends meet so it’s good times. ”
  • J:”I’m reasonably certain that EVM-code is able to interact with SYS4 applications.”
  • J:“So a) we may not actually be doing a release of BMD 3.3 (we are still on board for a 3.2. Internal testing has not cleared quite yet. I’ve been gently informed. b) BMD 3.3 is not intended to be a white labelled wallet. It was previously intended to change the UI to have assets go against addresses. However it was discovered that implementing that change would lead to a hard fork and we wanted to avoid yet another one of those at this time. As a result an alternative method of implementing what we need to support LODE was discussed (3.3 was intended to support LODE’s use case).”

SCMT Twitter account

For all the official and latest news releases please follow us for all the latest community news via our SCMT Twitter account, as well as hot-off-the-press Syscoin and BCF updates. The Syscoin team will also share our posts via their official social networking channels, to help spread the word.

For more information visit



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