Syscoin Community Weekly Update #5

Syscoin Community
4 min readJun 19, 2018


This weekly update is written by the community for the community, to bring you all the latest Syscoin, Blockchain Foundry and SCMT news! Thank you to our Slack member @blgh for compiling this update.

General Syscoin and BCF Update

Security Warning

On June 9th, a Github account was compromised and malicious code was inserted into two Windows Installer files for Syscoin QT by an unknown party.

This may affect WINDOWS users who downloaded the full installer applications between the dates of June 9th and June 13th. It will not affect Mac, Linux, or Windows users who downloaded the .zip files.

Read the full security notice here.

Syscoin 3.0.5 Release

Syscoin 3.0.5 is a mandatory upgrade for general wallet users. Sentinel 1.1.1 has also been released and is a mandatory upgrade for all masternodes. Please read further below for how you should upgrade both for Syscoin QT 3.0.5. as well as for the Sentinel 1.1.1 release.

Syscoin in the media this week

Last week Sebastian Schepis (CTO of Blockchain Foundry Inc.) was interviewed by, where he explained more about Blockchain Foundry and Syscoin.

Blockmarket Desktop development visualization

Dan Wasyluk posted this cool visualization of the last 4 years of Blockmarket GitHub activity!

SCMT news

New Website Launched!

In March 2018 SCMT created a plan to design and build a new website for the Syscoin community. We wanted to create a platform where the existing community and newcomers alike could find information about Syscoin, and submit their own content in the form of articles, meetup announcements, ICO info, news updates, tutorials, FAQs, and information on existing and forthcoming features.

Additionally, we are also able to publish information via the community website that BCF cannot legally share, such as information about upcoming ICOs, airdrops and other projects on the Syscoin chain.

Special thanks to our slack member @aegisker from for building the website! We are proud to present - enjoy your stay!

Bitcab Article (via SCMT)

Syscoin & Coin Payments AMA

Today, Tuesday 19th Jag Sidhu, Core Developer of Syscoin and Samir Bandali, Director of Strategic Partnerships at CoinPayments had a meeting and conducted a spontaneous AMA. Read all the questions and answers here!

In case you missed it

last week CryptoCandor interviewed Dan & Sebastian, and they had a lot of interesting news to divulge!

Community Marketing Mini-Proposals

We have set aside $2000 worth of SYS this month for community members to apply for, and we will conduct a poll that will enable the community to vote on which proposal to fund. If you want to apply for funds, please fill out this form here before 24th of June!

Technical Updates


The Poloniex wallet is now running on the 3.0 chain and they have opened up their wallets for withdrawals and deposits. Coincidentally, today 24 new Masternodes came online!

Syscoin Qt 3.0.5.

New Qt wallet release: Syscoin Qt 3.0.5. You can find it here. As stated above, upgrading to Syscoin Qt 3.0.5 is mandatory. Upgrading Sentinel to 1.1.1. is mandatory for all masternodes. Instructions for the mandatory upgrade for Qt 3.0.5 are:

Step 1: Login to the vps

Step 2.1: If you used Justin’s script, run this command and choose ‘y’ to upgrade

‘bash <(curl -sL’

Step 2.2: If you used BCNF’s manual guide instead, run these commands in vps:

`~/syscoin/src/syscoin-cli stop`

`cd ~/syscoin`

`git checkout master && git pull`



`make -j$(nproc) -pipe`


`cd ~/syscoin/src/sentinel`

`git checkout master`

`git pull`


  • At the moment of publishing there are ~1113 masternodes online.
  • Masternode daily reward calculation: 37411.2 SYS per day divided across the number of active masternodes (Currently ~1064).
  • ‘Seniority’ will get you +3% ROI on your block reward for every 4 months running your MN. For example, after the first 4 months, you will get 25.98 + 3% = 26.77 rewards per block.
  • Latest release wallet for creating/managing masternodes is QT 3.0.5. Latest release for Sentinel is 1.1.1.

Checking masternodes

You can check your nodes with your server console on your server (e.g. Putty). Uptime of your master node can be checked by inserting this line into you server console (e.g. Putty):

syscoin-cli masternodelist activeseconds | grep [your IP address]

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