Pulp Fiction — the film and what’s behind it

Chase Soland
4 min readJun 18, 2023


Pulp Fiction is the film that transcended genre boundaries and left an everlasting mark on the world of cinema. With this masterpiece, Quentin Tarantino not only created a simple crime film but also a true cultural phenomenon.

The work, which was released in 1994, immediately caught the audience’s attention with its daring narrative structure and unique style. The film tells a story that unfolds along three different threads, intertwining in time and space. The jumps in time and the non-linear storytelling create an exciting tension while the characters and the events lead deeper into the world of Pulp Fiction.

The richness of characters in the film is impressive. Vincent Vega (John Travolta), the intimidating and shadowy figure, Jules Winnfield (Samuel L. Jackson), the determined and quote-spouting hitman, Mia Wallace (Uma Thurman), the mysterious and alluring femme fatale — each character showcases different facets within the work. The diversity of the characters and Tarantino’s trademark blunt and ironic dialogues make Pulp Fiction an iconic masterpiece.

The thoughts raised by the film deeply permeate the viewer’s mind. Tarantino playfully engages with the concepts of good and evil, crime and punishment, while raising moral questions and ethical dilemmas. In Pulp Fiction, nothing is black and white; each character embodies a balance between darkness and light. This ambivalence and the shades of morality give the film a unique depth and complexity.

Pulp Fiction contains numerous pop culture references that showcase Tarantino’s love for films. The quotes, the carefully selected soundtrack, and the stylishly composed scenes all reflect the director’s knowledge and passion for the medium. Tarantino heavily relies on film noir and pulp fiction genres while giving a distinctive twist to traditional elements, thus creating a unique tone.

The film’s strong visual and musical execution also emphasize its significance. The spectacular and masterful cinematography, dynamic camera work, and original soundtrack all contribute to the atmosphere and style of Pulp Fiction.

The influence of the work is hard to underestimate. Pulp Fiction opened new paths in filmmaking and inspired the creations of future generations. Tarantino’s dialogues, characters, and bold narrative structure continue to inspire and influence many. Pulp Fiction is not just a film; it is an artistic expression where the genius of the artist and the love for movies converge.

One of the most significant scenes that raises profound thoughts is when Jules Winnfield (Samuel L. Jackson) and Vincent Vega (John Travolta) are having a conversation in the car about crime and the meaning of life. In their dialogue, Jules tells an analogy of a fable featuring a “righteous man” and a “wicked man.” This fable carries a deeper meaning, highlighting that every action we take has consequences, and our choices shape our destiny.

Another iconic scene that carries the film’s profound thoughts is the encounter between Mia Wallace (Uma Thurman) and Vincent Vega (John Travolta) at the Twist Contest. In this scene, we witness the power of dance and music to break the routine of everyday life and role-playing. This intense and emotionally charged moment reminds us that through art and creativity, we are capable of breaking free from the mundane and experiencing the joy of life.

Pulp Fiction raises another interesting thought through the storyline of its central character, Butch Coolidge (Bruce Willis). When Butch participates in a boxing match, he receives a significant payoff, offering him an opportunity for freedom. However, when it seems like he’s in a great position, life unexpectedly comes back to haunt him. In life, we always have to deal with unexpected twists, and our decisions can have serious consequences.

These are just a few examples from the film Pulp Fiction that showcase the deep thoughts and philosophical questions raised by Tarantino’s work. It touches on themes such as the consequences of human decisions, the power of relationships, role-playing, and the determinism of life. Tarantino’s playful and provocative style, as well as the diversity and development of the characters, all contribute to the exploration of the deeper layers of Pulp Fiction, captivating and enchanting lovers of the film.

