Setting up MongoDB within a Docker container for local development
Step 1: Install Docker on your local machine
See the fantastic set of instructions here.
Step 2: Set up a MongoDB Docker container
Pull down the pre-built mongo image from the Docker repository:
docker pull mongo
Start a Docker container:
docker run
Check that the container’s up and running:
docker container ls
(you should see your container listed)
Step 3: Connect to the container and access your MongoDB instance
Start + connect to a bash shell within the container:
docker exec -it YOUR_CONTAINER_NAME_HERE bash
Access the MongoDB instance via the mongo command line interface:
mongo --username YOUR_USERNAME_HERE --password YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE
List all databases:
show dbs
Step 4: Connecting to the database from outside of the container
You can use a Mongo client to connect to the database directly from your local machine using the URI: