Integrating Jira 101: how to prefill Google Form with issue details

Szymon Korytnicki
2 min readSep 9, 2022


This article is a second in the series of tutorials demonstrating the powerful engine of Project Bookmarks — a project that enables stateless, configurable, project-scoped integrations with Jira.

This time, we’re going to cover integration between Jira and Google Forms. This integration allows you to create feedback loops for tickets. Prefilling Google Form makes it possible to, for example:

  • give a feedback on issue description quality
  • gather important issues in one place
  • implement custom voting systems

because basically we can pull an issue key into a spreadsheet — this is what happens with Google Forms answers.

How to integrate Jira with Google Form?

First of all, install Project Bookmarks and create a link.

Create a project bookmark in Jira

Then, navigate to Google Forms. For the sake of this tutorial, we’ll create a system to report malformatted or incomplete tickets:

Then, in top right menu, choose Get pre-filled link:

Prefill your link with a value TEST:

Your link will look like

Now, over to Project Bookmarks. Replace TEST with {issueKey}. This will allow the issue key to be prefilled!


You can see a link.

Now, each issue in a project can be tracked even better!

