I might be getting a query

Tarila Ajuesi
7 min readMar 21, 2024


Or should I say I almost got one.

This post will be like an extended update. I’m tired of giving excuses for the poor internet when I can do something about it. So let’s go

Let me start with the query. So my weekend call went a little crazy. The weekend call is usually Saturday and Sunday (for units whose regular call days are Fridays or Mondays, this can extend to a 72 hour call. I’m an alternate Monday call person so luckily, the call didn’t extend to my Monday call)

Back to it, the call starts 8 am Saturday to 8am Monday. The trouble was in the early hours of Monday morning. We usually don’t get called to the ward in the middle of the night because we have registrars on the ward that cover for us. But this time around, we were called. Wahala, right?

However, we told them we’d show up in the morning. Which we did.

So the usual calls we get from nurses are something like: ‘Hello, I’m calling from this ward please come’. Then we call back because the nurses don’t want to use their airtime for patients. Sha sha, in the morning, we did division of labor. Someone went to the ward, the other A/E. Only for the person to get to the ward and the nurse ignored him. You sef see bad behavior.

They were now calling us later and saying we did not pick up calls. Then reported us. We that we were still tired had to start dealing with the threat of a query.

Because of us, the HOD called a meeting with the house officers and after all the back and forth, we did not sha get the query.

E ba mi gbolorun tobi!

Someone once said I act like the world revolves around me. That time, I was not sure what to make of the statement. Did it mean I was selfish? Did it mean I expect people to act a certain way towards me? But now, yes, the world revolves around me. I’m the one living this life and I get to decide what to make of it and how whatever happens affect me

I’m so tired. That weekend call stressed me ngl

Do you have ratings for people that drops whenever they do nonsense

This person’s rating just dropped to 80%

Guy man.

I found this term funny when I heard it. For those who aren’t very great with slangs like me, it just means someone (mostly older people or senior colleagues) that relates very well to with you.

I’ve met many senior colleagues that meet this definition and I’m grateful.

I feel like I’m in an oddly social period. Of course I only have to check what time I am in my menstrual cycle. Me that would rather just hurry up and leave places- I’ve been spending time talking talk wey no too concern me.

While on this, let me talk about mood swings. The swings in mood swings are there for a reason, it’s literally a swing. You don’t always see it coming. If you know what your cycle is like, you might be able to predict it but that’s not always the case. It’s always a retrospective analysis.

Anyhoo, had a rough mood patch for a bit. I will blame stress and my cycle 💀💀💀. Idk if it was obvious or not but I made it through. Grateful for friends I can rant to when I clock the fact that I’m getting upset too easily and they give me advice. Because you will be moving mad sometimes in the name of mood swings.

S/O to Jane Kareem!

To all my girlies who constantly battle this, just keep fighting it. Don’t go and make silly decisions in the name of having a mood swing. The only bad decision allowed is buying food (if you end up being broke after that, that’s your business)😂😂😂😂

Do boys get mood swings too?

There’s this super annoying patient that we’ve had for a while. He is super rude and annoying. He rejects treatment and begs the question ‘why are you in the hospital?’ If you don’t want us to do anything for you, go elsewhere. I think what upsets me the most is the fact that since he came we have been repeating the same explanations to him and he keeps asking the same question.

Regardless of how rude he is, I’m reminded that he’s sick and obviously tired of his condition and reduce my anger. Doesn’t mean I’ll engage him too much or anything. There’s only so much rude I can handle.

I hate ironing so much!

We had this symposium and tbh it was great. I like that medicine in Nigeria is actively (idk, maybe) trying to be better. To put in structures that makes healthcare for patients much better

Most people who have cardiac issues are likely to come down with renal and metabolic diseases as well and these three groups coming together to make management better is beautiful to see.

Medicine is a field that continually evolves, as a country, we might be behind in several things. But there are people taking active steps to do better.

This things must enter my LinkedIn too.

Some pictures from the event:

The complete Cardio B squad
Obe with one of our consultants

By the way it’s my SHO szn, our former SHO has left. I’m committed to making things sweet for my girls.

the new squad.
See my fine chief!
It’s giving corporate girlie with a sprinkle of Gen Z

Why is ‘corporate girlie’ reigning now?

At least with this, you people will know I take these things seriously

Tried getting a professional looking photo but I no get energy

Didn’t think the stethoscope I got in 400 level was a big deal until I started cardiology and my chiefs prefer my stethoscope to others. You mean to tell me that this 5k stethoscope is that good? I’m guarding it with my life. Stethoscope is now expensive.

How will I adjust trousers and it will still be falling?

Mind you, it was fitted when I adjusted it. I’m tired of this my fluctuating weight.

What in the weight loss?😭😭😭

I can see again now😭😭

Join me in praising God!

Got new glasses and Omo! To see cost oh. I keep remembering all those glasses user memes.

Got a new prescription easily because my roommate is an optometrist. She just called me when the clinic was free, so I took a quick excuse to get tested and got my prescription. This was a privilege I had and used and I’m grateful

Getting the prescription.
New whip!
New whip in its glory!

My new glasses are blue cut, photochromic, plus my prescription.

Got it from the eye tech on IG

I say I should use serious frames for now. I really want a frame with a bold color tho.

My old glasses (which are broken by the way) will rest now.

Is glasses plural or singular? That’s something to check

Had my first chilledest call in this unit and all I can say is: ‘so a call can be calm like this?’

I didn’t have to wake up and run around early the next morning. Thank God oh

Doesn’t mean I’m still not tired sha

I’m posting this in the middle of the night because I slept one sweet deep sleep during the day and something woke me up and sleep did not come back. I would usually pray till I go back to sleep. But this blog posts are a promise I made to myself, so this is me grabbing the opportunity

This 90 minutes of being awake might affect my day.

As I’m writing, there is this loud frog noises outside that’s so ridiculous and annoying.

Plus we all know that in Nigeria, network is fastest at night.

So bye bye

Anything I don’t write now will enter my next blog post.

We are actively learning about our identity in Christ this month and I love the teaching series a lot. Knowing who I am in Christ and how it translates to my daily life is just smooth

Because of Jesus, I have authority. God’s Word is my standard

No shaking.

Your favorite cool kid in her new cool glasses

Other midnight thoughts I’m having rn is how to get money for flight tickets to go home after this posting. I must go home oh

Bye for real!

