insureX Review

4 min readJul 7, 2017


InsureX wishes to create a marketplace for insurance products. I know, I know, most of you hate to talk about insurance. It costs, which isn’t pleasant, and often deals with worst-case scenario’s like Batman mistaking you for The Penguin in a dark alley (I guess taking a cane to look distinguished at prom night wasn’t such a good idea). But this article won’t be a bore, I promise.

What makes InsureX interesting? For starters, the market they are targeting is huge; what you put in yearly is just a dime in this ocean of wealth (but that doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to complain).

Paying for your insurance doesn’t quite feel like this, but you catch my drift.

The problem is, insurance is often offered through third parties, which adds costs (your pocket); time (your pocket) and complexity (a headache & your pocket).

Moreover, insurance processes that manage risk, premiums and claims typically involve a significant exchange of data from multiple parties. To think of how your insurance now has to reach out to Batman’s, who pays a hefty premium due to his line of work, contact your hospital and possibly shrink (fear of bats, wombats and batteries?) for any physical and mental damages suffered, all the while protecting Batman’s privacy as vigilante, and so much more than I can think of as I’m not that familiar with insurance except for paying monthly fees that I’d rather invest in Bitcoin.

Enter the blockchain.

Not sure what we’re looking at here, but I’m sure it’s cool and sophisticated

The InsureX insurance marketplace will offer highly efficient, secure and consistent transactions with easy access to historical data and market insight (seems Batman has mistaken more people for The Penguin and might just need glasses! Now do we increase the premiums for vigilantes, people wearing tuxedos or both?).

This marketplace is primarily for institutions such as insurers, reinsurers and brokers, which will streamline the processes between buyers and sellers of insurance products. Not only does it provide a place to find and trade insurance, but a platform to manage the downstream processes related to programs, policies, premiums and claims.

Now the InsureX whitepaper mentions a lot of things which might increase your heartbeat if you’re in the insurance business, such as targeting specific audiences, transparency, how the blockchain removes the need for third party verification, real-time data transfers, portfolio management, big data visualization & market insights, removing commissions and third party costs… But if you’re an insurer instead of an investor I welcome you to read their whitepaper. For the investor, I think it’s safe to say, we know what the blockchain can do for privacy, transparency and swift data management; making the blockchain an inevitable feature in the future of insurance.

So skipping these specifics, why is InsureX an interesting ICO? InsureX charges a commission on transactions being executed on the marketplace and an annual subscription.

This means, even if they obtain a minor share in this multi-trillion dollar market, it’s still a big deal… And blockchain technology makes InsureX highly competitive in this market, offering a real possibility of growing beyond a ‘minor share’.

Furthermore, InsureX doesn’t want to stop here. It wishes to grow by offering features such as 1) independent risk and valuation services 2) direct consumer products and 3) an automated brokering service, further increasing their market value.

Now if we acknowledge the scope of this market and the inevitability of mass blockchain adoption we’re down to the X factor of InsureX, a make it or break it ingredient, its team composition.

A lot of blockchain startups of late are juveniles claiming to revolutionize Mars-missions and democratize time-travel — and all from their basement mind you— but here that’s not the case. InsureX has a team of full-on experts from diverse fields, with solid education and decades of experience. Moreover, they’ve also proven to be successful in setting up and managing large businesses (read page 12 and 13 in the whitepaper or their website).

Putting it all together I am very optimistic about the future of InsureX. They are one of the first to ride the inevitable blockchain wave and do so with professionalism and experience.

If you wish to invest or do further research read the details below. But at the very least I hope you’ve learned not to mix dark alleys and tuxedos, as well as not to invest in a time-travel crowdsale (they won’t be able to go back in time and return your money for you, I’m sure).

ICO starts: 11th July

ICO ends: 31th July

Token price: 1 ETH = 1,125 IXT — bonuses available for early investors.

Crowdsale pool: 100,000,000 IXT — any unsold tokens will be burned.

Reserve: 30,000,000 IXT

Maximum goal: 83,778 ETH

Minimum goal: 1,634 ETH







