28 Ways to Stay Broke

How about if we stopped asking, ‘How do we get rich?’ and instead asked ourselves, ‘What things do I need to avoid, to be rich’

Tawanda Mutambwe
2 min readMar 6, 2023
Photo by Jp Valery on Unsplash

Finances is a big part of our lives and it’s important we always keep a pulse on it. Below are 28 bullet points that you need to avoid if you don’t want to end up broke and inversely, I hope it can help you to get that much closer to financial freedom.

Full disclosure, this is not financial advice but some material that can 
help on your journey.

Keep doing these things to stay broke.

  • Start tomorrow.
  • Keep reading books.
  • Take advice from poor people on how to get rich.
  • Pick a spouse who makes you feel bad about working.
  • Think the world is fair.
  • Fail once, quit forever.
  • Expect the government to help you.
  • Value the opinion of others more than your own.
  • Avoid discomfort.
  • Tolerate mediocrity.
  • Blame your circumstances.
  • Wait for perfect conditions.
  • Do what everyone else is doing.
  • Avoid working on what matters the most.
  • Do your best, not what it takes.
  • Prioritise looking rich rather than being rich.
  • Stay in a boring dead end town.
  • Say you gonna do something and don’t do it.
  • Start something new today, start something new tomorrow.
  • Believe what people think of you more than you think of yourself.
  • Be replaceable.
  • Complain about things you can’t control.
  • Make a mistake, repeat the mistake.
  • Assume you are always right.
  • Find something that works, stop doing it.
  • Hire dumb people.
  • Wait for permission.
  • Focus on your lack of resources and not your resourcefulness.

Bonus tips

  • Spend less than you make.
  • Increase your earning capacity.
  • Buy access into communities of wealthy successful people.

Thanks for making it to the end!

I wish I could take credit for the above list but no, this list was inspired by a famous Entrepreneur turned YouTuber Alex Horomzi.

Not everything above will apply to you but I hope the list helped in some way to change something in your life to get you closer to the life you want.

Bye for now.



Tawanda Mutambwe

Product Designer who writes about interesting ideas. Currently trying to build passive income streams