Why am I even writing this?

My mission to find a blogging niche.

3 min readFeb 9, 2016

I’ve always been the type of person to seek more, regardless of how much I have going on. I started college at the age of 16, bought my first house at 21 and got married at 22. Now I’m over a quarter century old. I bought my second home, just picked up an RV and started an awesome new job doing what I love, digital marketing. I try to keep busy and stimulate myself by doing fun things. I like traveling, working out at the gym and spending time with my wonderful wife and our awesome groups of friends.

From the outside, you might think that I have quite a full plate and am completely satisfied with life, but something’s missing.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m extremely happy with how things are going and am super thankful for my success so far, but I still feel that there is a void to fill.

Trying to fill the void.

Throughout my life, I’ve always tried to stay busy with side projects, side jobs and side hobbies. Anything new that I could get my hands on helped fill that void. Here are a few things I’ve done over the years while working and finishing school:

  • I played bass in multiple bands for over 7 years. I had a good run but I chose my career over music.
  • I ran a few businesses and did some side gigs including: photography, graphic design, marketing consulting, multi-level marketing (MLM), silk screening, leather work, and a few more that I’ll share later ;)
  • I ran a travel blog for a few years and let it die (blogging about travel is hard when you can’t do it full time!).
  • I launched a startup MVP (minimum viable product) last summer that didn’t take off as I expected.

Basically, you get the picture. I tend to dabble in a lot of things just for the thrill of filling that void.

Still looking.

As I mentioned, I started a new job recently and my daily commute takes about 2 1/2 hours out of my day. So my free time is pretty much tapped. As much as I want to let my urge to do more go, I tend to find myself brainstorming different ways that I can fill that void.

One thing that has always seemed to re-surface in my list of things I want to do has been blogging.

I gave it a shot a few years back but it was super difficult to stick to it faithfully. After I killed my first blog, I began to read up on blogging and psyching myself up to giving it another shot.

I have a confession…
I’ve been a chicken.

Maybe it’s because the main takeaway from all of the reading on blogging has been something along the lines of:

In order to have a successful blog, you need to find a niche.

As you can tell, I have a little trouble with sticking to one thing. So deciding on a niche is one hell of a struggle and has prevented me from writing.


So today in the shower I was thinking about it and realized:


So here I am. Sitting and writing. It’s about midnight and the wife is already in bed. I could be sleeping too. In fact, I am kind of sleepy, but that void is pushing me to write this.

Why I’m writing this.

I guess it’s kind of cool that some unexplainable urge has me sitting here, typing my tired ass away. But this brings me to the whole point of this post:

I am going to blog and try to find my niche along the way.

Each post is going to be different from the last. I’ll bounce around a lot until I find that sweet spot. My niche should be something that I really enjoy writing about and can stick to for the long haul. This will definitely be a first for me due to my crazy case of void filling ADD.

So if you’re even somewhat interested in what I have to say, or what niche I will land on, be sure to follow me. If not, thanks for reading anyway. You got this far though, why not see what happens next? :)




Digital Marketer, Traveler, Tech Geek, Gym Rat 👍