Journey Through The Labyrinth

Tabitha Low
14 min readDec 12, 2022

Fifty Or So Prompts To Inspire Your Creativity

Photo by Mitchell Luo on Unsplash

An Introduction

This journey is a bit different than the journeys I usually create.

Normally, when I set a scene for a prompt, I ask lots of questions to move the journeyer forward on their path.

With this journey, I am going to set up the scene and allow you the journeyer to go forth in whatever manner is best for you.

How To Engage With The Prompts

Listen to your heart.

I set the scene. You walk into the scene and allow it to move you.

If you are a writer, write.

If you are an artist, draw or paint or collage or do whatever you do.

You can dance or sing or whatever else makes you happy.

Use many different methods together if that is what you are called to do.

For example, maybe you will write a few words and then draw some pictures. Or you can create a collage and then draw some pictures and/or write something.

Whatever you are moved to do is the perfect and the best thing to do.

If you don’t like a piece you’ve created, you can always simply start over again.

