4 min readApr 24, 2023

What supplements are good for urinary tract infection?

There are many diseases caused by microbes, such as bacteria, fungi and in some other cases viruses’ .One of most common is urinary tract infection (UTI) which affects kidney, ureters and commonly affects urethra and bladder. Although at a certain level it may seem unnoticed, they may cause body discomfort in a person. Several supplements have been discovered to help curb this disease.

Herbs that naturally supplement urinary tract infection (UTI)

Bearberry leaf

It has been used since centuries to curb the effect of e coli ,mostly grows at parts of north America and Europe .Leaves are dried and made to make tea or may be made in form of capsule .many compounds present in it shows potential antimicrobial activity.

It’s known that use of bearberry together with dandelion roots significantly reduce the urinary tract infection UTI).


Cranberry products, the liquidated in form of juices are known as the best treatment for urinary tract infection. Studies indicate that cranberry has many categories of chemical compounds like hippuric acid ,anthocyanin’s, that hinders the survival of the bacteria in the urinary tract thus further multiplication of the bacteria is curbed. This indicates that cranberry serves as treatment to decrease urinary tract infection occurrence but is not effective like other methods.

Parsley tea

Parsley has mild diuretic impact which helps clean the UTI bacteria out of the urinary tract. When a mixture of parsley tea, cranberry tea and garlic are used to treat urinary tract infections cannot reoccur.

Green tea

Green tea has also been used since centuries it consists of plant compounds like polyphenols which have great anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory impacts .It also has epigallocatechin content that ha great potent effect against UTI causing strain of the bacteria .

Chamomile tea

Mostly it is used to get rid of many physical illnesses inclusion of urinary tract infections (UTI).It has plant contents with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial components ,its diuretic effect is weak thus helps to hinder bacterial multiplication, remove urinary tract infection bacteria and also hinder inflammation.


Garlic has been traditionally used and has a greater healing potential due to presence of allicin which has great impact in exhibition of many bacterias including E-coli.

Garlic can be taken in extracts, capsule form and raw form. Few people may undergo through side effects of garlic like allergy, body smell, bad breath and heartburn.

Some vitamins used to supplement urinary tract infections.

Treatment name Effectiveness

Chokeberry inadequate evidence

Chondroitin easily effective

Bromelan inadequate evidence

Cran berry easily effective

Hibiscus inadequate evidence

Lingon berry easily effective

Nasturtium inadequate evidence

Foods that supplement urinary tract infection (UTI)


It components acts to decrease inflammation and hinders growth of bacteria including other pathogens .studies show that cinnamon components greatly help curb effect of E-coli that causes most urinary tract infections present in urethra and bladder.


It is rich in vitamin C to strengthen immune system and increase contents to acidify urine ,and curb bacterial development .Its carotenoids and lycopene are strong in boosting immune system these may be available from tomatoes and carrots .Mangoes sweet potatoes and green vegetables also contains vitamin c.


Mostly contains vitamin c that improves acidity of urine and hinders development of bacteria that is responsible for urinary tract infections(UTI).Pregnant women consume most foods rich in vitamin C and thus they have lower risk of developing UTI since vitamin C helps boost immune system which makes the body resistance to infections.


This a beverage that results from fermented milk that has probiotics that helps curb urinary tract infections by preventing development of harmful bacteria in vaginal areas.

Urinary tract symptoms

UTI affect two part of urethra and bladder the lower and upper parts .Symptoms depends on which part is affected.

Symptoms on lower tract include:

· High rate of urination with little or no urine

· Tea-like urine

· Urine hat contains blood

· Burning sensation when passing out urine.

· High urgency of urination

· Cloudy urine

Upper tract UTI affect mostly kidneys which might result to other illnesses if the bacteria moves from kidneys into the blood system. It may result to urosepsis disease that can cause reduced blood pressure, shock then death of a person.

One should try as much as possible to avoid this condition.

Signs of upper tract include:

· Tender and paining `at back and sides region

· Vomiting

· Nausea

· Fever

· Chills

Causative factors of UTI

Whatever it is that decreases bladder emptying process and also makes urinary tract have irritation also has a role in causing urinary tract infections.

Causative factors include;

ü Aging-aged people are mostly predisposed to have urinary tract infections

ü Present of urinary tract infections earlier

ü If urinary tracts have blockages due to infections like large prostate glands, some types of cancer and kidney stones.

ü Birth complication of urinary structures

ü Immune system that is not strong

ü All types of diabetes if poorly handled one may likely get a urinary tract infection

Risk factors

Most of risk factors are equivalent to those of females enlarged prostate gland is only in men.

In women

Sexual intercourse

During this time female urinary tract is under pressure therefore it is possible for a bacteria to easily move from anus to the bladder. Study shows that bacteria’s are found in urine after intercourse also bowel bacteria has the ability to allow bacteria’s to stick to the bladder.


During breathing much pressure is exerted on women’s urethra hence reducing the rate of bladder emptying.

Reduced estrogen

When menopause stage has taken place the bacteria in the vagina changes thus acting as a predisposal to urinary tract infections.

Preventive measures of urinary tract infections

ü Seek medical assistance from a doctor about managing urine

ü Drink up to eight glasses of water everyday

ü Do not stay with urine for long period of time