Tabitha Ngozi
3 min readMar 22, 2023


"Emotional Intelligence: The Secret to Thriving in Life" Part 1.

As someone who struggled for years to manage my emotions effectively, I can attest to the incredible impact that emotional intelligence can have on our lives.

Growing up, I was quick to anger and struggled to control my impulses.

I was in a lot of chaos with my friends, family and colleagues which lead to losing my job, that made me devastated and angry. I hated the way my emtions took hold of me until I began focusing on developing my emotional intelligence that I was able to turn my life around.

Emotional intelligence chart by Tabitha Ngozi

Emotional intelligence, or EI, is the ability to identify, understand, and manage our own emotions, as well as those of others. While it may sound simple, this skillset can be incredibly powerful in both our personal and professional lives.

One practical example of the power of emotional intelligence is in our relationships. When we’re able to understand and empathize with the emotions of our loved ones, we’re better equipped to communicate effectively and resolve conflicts in a productive way. I’ve personally seen the difference that this can make in my own marriage - when my husband and I take the time to truly listen to each other’s emotions, we’re able to avoid misunderstandings and build a stronger, more loving relationship.

Similarly, in the workplace, emotional intelligence can be the key to success. When we're able to manage our own emotions effectively, we're less likely to get caught up in conflicts or let stress overwhelm us.

We're also better equipped to work in teams and communicate with our colleagues in a way that fosters collaboration and understanding.

But how do we develop emotional intelligence? In my experience, the key is to practice mindfulness. This means taking time to be fully present in the moment, and to observe our thoughts and emotions without judgment.

It's about learning to recognize our own emotional triggers and develop strategies for managing them in a healthy way.

Another important component of emotional intelligence is empathy - the ability to understand and relate to the feelings of others. This can involve actively listening to others, putting ourselves in their shoes, and showing genuine interest in their experiences.

In my own life, I've seen the power of these practices firsthand. By prioritizing emotional intelligence and practicing mindfulness and empathy, I've been able to build stronger relationships with loved ones, navigate difficult conversations in the workplace, and live a more fulfilling, meaningful life.

So I urge you - whether you're struggling with your emotions or simply looking to improve your relationships and well-being - to focus on developing your emotional intelligence.

Take time each day to practice mindfulness, actively listen to those around you, and seek out opportunities to understand and empathize with others.

By prioritizing emotional intelligence, you can unlock your full potential and truly thrive in life.

Feel free to share your thoughts.
Kindly follow me on medium for more practical way to develop Emotional intelligence.

