A Few More “Reserved” Parking Space Ideas

Tabitha Warren
3 min readJan 22, 2024
Reserved Parking sign says “Thou Shalt Not Park Here”
Reserved Parking Space Sign Courtesy of Canva Pro

The wild world of parking lots — where the drama unfolds and the battle for the perfect spot rages on! Back in the day, the only sacred ground was the handicap spot, and rightfully so. But oh, how times have changed.

Enter the YouTube warriors, armed with cellphones and ready to shame anyone they “deem” not handicapped enough. “You shouldn’t park there,” they cry, even if your disability is immediately visible. It’s the rise of the handicapped police, and they’re on a mission.

We’re treading a fine line between not enough handicapped spaces in some places and a surplus in others. And just when you thought it couldn’t get crazier, stores went absolutely nuts with meaningless special reserved spots.

Reserved Parking Sign for Pregnant Women
Reserved Parking Pregnant Women Courtesy of Canva Pro

First, we had pregnant women parking — usually at malls, because who wouldn’t want to walk around a mall for fun? But no, let’s park you right at the front. We’ve got those nesting dollars to consider, after all. Save that walking energy for some serious shopping!

Fast forward, and those pregnant women are now proud moms. Cue mother-with-child parking! We can’t expect them to wrangle the kids through the parking lot, can we?

