Leaning Google Drive Will Help You Work From Home.


JULY 15, 2017|IN BUSINESS, GOOGLE, SOLUTIONS|BY TYLER GARRETTGoogle Drive is your next step to increase your productivity and increase your free time. Learning Google Drive and more about the apps will help you jump into 2017!

We are excited to build more Google related blogs because it’s been very helpful for us in our Tableau Consulting engagements.

We use it to manage deliverables with large groups in meetings and during project sprints.

I use it religiously now and I’m only at 11gigs out of 15gigs.

Learning how to organize Google Drive is equally important.

Today’s modern tech space is merely a game of staying organized, documenting work, learning more efficient ways to accomplish tasks, and getting off your computer as much as possible. Any opportunity to put you on a mobile device is a chance to have more freedoms in your life.

Google Drive Helps You Work From Home!

Now more and more people are looking to start working from home.

If you’re looking to generate extra revenue, use Google drive to keep your content organized!

Good timing as working from home is proven to be the most efficient means for an employee to be successful.

Day and day people pack themselves on to the freeway, to work jobs around the world, that does not compensate them for the travel to and from work.

Google Drive Opens Doors For Self-Sufficient Technology Application

Furthering the need to be an active and self-sufficient employee or entrepreneur.

Whether you have no commute, and just looking to optimize your computer life style, or looking to find free time in your busy schedule, Google Drive is a sure fire way to do just that.

Learning Google Drive is because Ipad and iPhone apps are 5 stars!

Not only is the best tech company in the world building these apps, they are also generating the connectivity between them and 100% of the devices flow together.

Be sure you log in to your browser and start taking advantage of Google keeping track your browsing too.

These apps are great, plus it works flawlessly across touch pad devices such as iPad Mini and iPad Air.

Both of these devices are now my primary work computers when I’m on the move because I need to access data easily — why bother we anything else?

Google Sheets has saved my butt!

Without Google Drive and Google Sheets, I would be lost in a sea of documents on my computer!

My father in law recently asked me, “why don’t you just use excel on your computer?”

And I replied simply with, “Because if I need to use it, I have to get on the computer.”

He’s now moving his spreadsheet farm from his computer to Google Drive and is blown away by how easy the user experience is compared to Microsoft Excel.

read the rest at www.dev3lop.com

My wife unlocked this the other day 😍



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