Survival Kit-Kats for Work

3 min readApr 17, 2017


Even amidst a crazy, hectic work environment, it is entirely possible to find different ways to make this a less depressing experience and find fulfilment in the busyness.

I’ve broken it into 3 simple parts — mind, body & soul. Each of these require different outlets/timeouts or Kit-Kats as I call them. Being able to give ourselves a ‘break’ is one that is necessary to survival. When you push yourself too hard and ignore the warning signs your body tells you, you run the risk of burnout or even more serious health and mental problems.

1. Body

Our physical needs are the easiest to take care of. Keep a stash of your favourite snacks for the late night munchies or when you need to stay up during long meetings. Having tea or juice in the office also helps when you need a midday perk-me-up.

Know you’re going to be eating lunch at your desk? Pack a tasty meal or pick up something yummy on the way to work so you have something to look forward to instead of eating meiji biscuits and feeling sorry for yourself.
Note: It’s always better to pack a carb-light lunch as you don’t want to have to battle yet another monster post-meal… the zzz monster.

Find a physical activity you enjoy doing and try to do it at least once or twice a week. Not only does it get you off your ass from sitting at your desk all week, it’s also an immensely healthy outlet for all the stress or frustration you may have been feeling.

2. Mind

Everyone has different ways of taking mental breaks. I personally enjoy listening to music while I’m at work. It helps me focus instead of me having to battle the ambient noise while hammering out copy. Once in awhile, I close my eyes and just soak in the music and that gives my mind a little respite.

I also have a few books I keep in office, that I read while I eat lunch. Even if I eat at my desk, it doesn’t mean that I have to work all the way through lunch. A good 20 min read can do wonders for the mind.

Music and reading transport me to my happy place and gives my brain a little escape from reality, what brings you to your happy place?

3. Soul
The hardest of the lot, how do you keep your soul intact or thriving in the workplace? To me, it’s all about the attitude.

It’s easy to get caught up in a culture of complaining and politics. But all it does it build up a toxic environment where everyone feeds off negative vibes. Would you want to work in a place where you constantly feel bad about yourself, your work or somebody else?

Instead, take each day as a new adventure. Recognise that the people around you are only human, and also fighting their own battles. Be aware of your own shortfalls and don’t let ego get in the way of your progress. Understand that your boss has the responsibility of managing not just you but also his boss. A little compassion and perspective can go a long way.

If you have a clear purpose for

  1. Why you are here (because I enjoy copywriting and the process of working with creative individuals)
  2. How you should do it (working together as a team and growing alongside the other writers)

… it is likely that you will succeed.

It also helps to have like-minded friends in the workplace, not just colleagues, but people whom you trust to have your back and genuinely care about your well-being and not just your KPI.

What are some of your survival kit-kats in the office?




Free bird copywriter | Bar owner of The Copy Bar | Founder of The Write Co.