Future of Advertising: How Will it Look Like?

4 min readSep 28, 2018


The advertising space is probably one of the most dynamic industry in the present days. This is attributed mainly to the fact that the different changes in tech are almost instantly reflected in advertising. A decade ago, the thought that digital media would take over advertising would probably be laughed off. Similarly, a decade from now, the advertising space is expected to be nothing like what we have experienced.

The industry is rapidly growing as well. According to the eMarketer, the worldwide ad spending is expected to reach an estimated $376 billion by the year 2021. This kind of spending is a result of how effective ads have proven to be scientifically.

With a population that is more empowered than ever before, advertisers have the daunting task of capturing the wavering attention of the masses.

As the digital age takes over, people are becoming more and more impatient, and the hence maintaining the same attitude when it comes to ads. However, the tech industry seems to have the answer to this. The use of technologies such as 3D, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, as well as virtual reality, are playing a pivotal role in the shaping of the advertising space. With these shifts expected to last at least a couple of years, advertisers are jumping ship to ensure they get a share of the greener pastures.

  1. Automated

Advertising is expected to be more automated in the future. The use of electronic channels is a valuable advertising tool. According to the eMarketer, over 70% of digital video and over 80% of display ads are expected to be using these channels.


In determining the effectiveness and the efficiency of an ad campaign, it should be measurable. However, presently, quite some marketers carry out their campaigns without worrying about how they can demonstrate the value of the advertising as well as the overall ROI. Serious brands, however, ensure that their measurement model is aligned. With changes in the tech space, it is expected to be much easier for advertisers to measure the value of their ad campaigns.

3.Transparent and Safe

Advertisers are becoming more and more cautious about the kind of ads they send to their targets. It is necessary to maintain face and to ensure that the brand is known for what it is, and the values it subscribes to. Ads are generally intended to not only reach the right target audience, but they are also expected to create an emotional connection with the recipient so that they see the need in indulging in what is on sale. The nature of the ad, in such a situation, is crucial as it may either break or make the ad.


Intelligence in advertising translates merely to the use of artificial intelligence. However, as much as the technology is already in use in the market, most advertisers only use it to automate tasks and routines with the aim of improving efficiency through optimization. The limits of AI growth is only limited to human creativity, and its disruptive force in the ad space is evident already.

Artificial Intelligence at a Glance

When talking about the future, however, more often than not artificial intelligence comes up and seems to stand out from other technologies. Different companies have already started employing the use of AI in their services, and significant milestones achieved in the process. Well, when it comes to advertising, AI promises to be quite a disruptive force soon.

AI bridges an enormous gap by streamlining already existing techniques used in creating targeted ads- this is quite crucial because the average human being is in a position to get what they want when they want it. What does this mean? The penetration of mobile devices has dramatically increased the number of applications that can be used to order goods and services online. As such, reaching the right people has become a necessity when creating brand awareness in order to avoid the possibility of getting the branding of “spam.” In such an instant, advertisers are forced to go the extra mile and employ the use of AI-based technologies to refine their targeting to look into context in addition to demographics.

AI ensures that the content of ad campaigns are customized in such a way that they are aligned with the online behavior of their intended consumers, therefore, creating interactions that are more meaningful with a higher expectation of conversion.

With an industry that only promises more growth, changes are inevitable. However, technologies such as AI are still growing, and the majority of advertisers are yet to embrace it. This shift is expected to take place slowly as the technology grows and becomes more efficient in the tasks that it handles.

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