How is Advertising Changing Today

7 min readJul 27, 2018


Broad Look on Advertising in Taxis

Our team, Tachain, has decided to try and marry together blockchains and advertising in taxis. This might seem like a very specific sub-niche to try and develop. Well, maybe it is. But we are convinced that we can use the benefits that blockchains bring to instigate a destructive wave across this market.

We believe that it’s highly hard to disrupt broad-based industries, such as digital outdoor advertising, which includes advertising in taxis, if you are a smaller team. And we are a small, but extremely specialized, agile and success-oriented, team, boasting qualified blockchain developers, project managers and marketers. We see high potential in this sub-segment and we will go for it.

At the same time, we can always expand the coverage of our platform and encapsulate other out of home areas.

We will talk in detail about our platform in the next articles, but in this post we talk about advertising in general, bringing clarity as to the latest changes in this field.

Advertising: Latest Trends

Advertising is much more about just stating the benefits that buyers will obtain from buying a particular product or service. It’s about salesmanship, persuasion and branding. Today, scientific researchers find that advertising succeeds in most part because of the impact that it has on subconscious decision-making rather than activating the logical part of our personalities. That’s why, it’s important to accept that advertising is hard to define and is a result of influences of many underlying factors it incorporates.

Logical argumentation is just one of these factors. If a brand merely shows up around the person from time to time, that person might be more willing to pick that brand when they go shopping next time. And such advertising has no logical argumentation in it.

And, today, with millennials becoming more and more important as consumers, some prominent voices in the industry say that it’s time to revamp our approach to advertising overall. One of them points to the fact that millennials are too savvy and just placing a bright picture and writing some “alluring” creative text at the bottom will not get customers for a business. Quite the opposite, the business will become ridiculed on sites like Reddit. Subsequently, other consumers will be demotivated to touch this brand.

Storytelling is what millennials like

Millennials like story-telling that give some useful information and does not have any branding elements in it. Youngs will figure out who wrote this stuff if they like it. They ARE pretty handy with their gadgets.

Blogs, vlogs, review, Reddit, theme-specific forums, Quora — these are the main hang-outs for consumers these days. They are not loitering there, wasting their time. They are gathering important information about the brands that they compare before they make a decision to buy or not to buy.

And they do that from their phones.

Devices: Mobile Will Rule the World

Millennials and mobiles: it’s serious

Millennials don’t need desktops to do research and buy stuff they need.

This means that placing ads on the side near the text on the side does not work anymore. There’s no place on iPhones to do that.

As we specified above, in these conditions, the new kinds of creative comes to the forefront. It’s bold, informative and not so much about the brand, but more about the context, in which brand operates.

It can be a cool picture showing a happy dog with a very small branded logo at the bottom. Dog owners might click just because the dog is so happy-looking and not because they want to switch to another brand for their dog’s food.

It can be an invitation to an online webinar that will help you learn about trading. And, yes, after coming to it, you’ll be pitched a paid course with a guru. But not before you get to learn something useful for free.

We all like free stuff. So, such a course might get attention of lots and lots of people if it is shown to a wide target audience.

To limit the audience with people who already trade (thus increasing the chances that they will buy a paid course), advertisers place ads on special sites, i.e. sites about trading. But even this approach does not deliver the deep enough segmentation.

And that is where the programmatic advertising comes in play.

Programmatic: Finding the Right People

Robots are good at finding stuff

In the nutshell, the programmatic marketplace enables advertisers and publishers (owners of sites where ads will be shown) to input their preferences, ads creatives, desired rates and, then, let the machine make all the needed decisions. And machine does it superbly. In mere milliseconds, the robot analyzes all the ads that it currently has in the database and shows to you that very ad about that very trading webinar that you might actually want to attend. It does not show you vacuum cleaners or villas in Thailand, even though somebody might be selling this stuff too.

Programmatic advertising helps streamline business processes, cut costs for all participants, deliver higher quality for advertising and better ROI for everybody who uses these marketplaces.

Today, programmatic advertising already generates billions in revenues and it’s just the start.

Among other things, these systems help rejuvenate the “dying art” of out of home advertising (OOH).

Digital Out of Home Advertising: Activating Mobiles

The billboards, screens in transport and bus shelters, canvases on buildings — all of these elements are turning into digital installations that are brought together into programmatic networks.

They aggregate information about generalized and anonymized users who ordinarily pass near it. In one of the stunningly successful case studies, advertiser used both its own and anonymized third-party data to learn where target audience representative usually move during the day. In the highest-probability spots, the digital billboards were showing the ads from that company. This exercise brought a huge lift in store traffic and revenues. To learn more, read other great case studies that clearly show the future in digital out of home (DOOH) advertising to come.

DOOH is the best medium when it comes to activation of mobile users. The ads that people see when watching TV, reading an article or googling stuff, are “below the fold”. Users learn to “un-notice” them and move on with their lives.

Try to “un-notice” that

Such big installations are very hard to ignore and that’s why people notice them. There is nothing else to do for the people walking on the street — no articles, TV shows or radio program to divert their attention.

And, these days, whenever people notice something interesting around them, they Google it, make a photo of it and share it with friends on Facebook.

And taxis is another frontier in out-of-home landscape, waiting to be opened up by venturesome agile teams.

Advertising and Taxis: Case Studies

People in taxis or around them are not engaged into any primary activity. They are just going from one place to another. That’s why, advertisers have been finding taxis such a great medium to deliver messaging to a highly segmented audience.

In some cases, it can be local population within a particular area. In others, it can be dentists flocking to a big convention in the city. In yet others, it can be sports fans during major events
In either case, advertising on or inside taxis can serve as a strong driver behind a marketing campaign.

Taxis are starting to go programmatic

Some companies have started to make use of programmatic advertising (like this one). It’s easy to set up your advertising campaign: you just need to send them a video file and in just 17 minutes your clip will start playing all around London. Meanwhile, other companies are installing monitors in taxis and using programmatic systems at the same time (like this one).

As we seen above, outdoor advertising helps activate mobile uses who having nothing else, more fun, to do.

These systems can be used to show highly targeted ads of local businesses, which might find an interest from passengers. At the same time, they can show big brands, bringing brand awareness, since advertising is not always about giving arguments, but, quite often, is more about “just being there”.

What’s clear now is that taxis are always “in the epicenter of the city life”. They transport passengers from sports events, conventions, clubs and bars, museums and schools, hotels and airports. Although they are located outside homes and offices, they are not stationary, as billboards are.


In this article, we talked about advertising and DOOH segment in general. Then, we saw that advertising in taxis actually builds on all the current innovative waves and looks like a new frontier for advertisers to occupy.

In the next articles, you will learn about how our platform works and what benefits it brings to all parties to this sub-segment of DOOH field.

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