Tachain Roadmap: How Are We Going to Reach Our Goals

3 min readAug 20, 2018


Tachain was designed with a clear goal in mind. Creating synergy between the transport and advertising industries, a sector that has been neglected as such tremendous resources going untapped. The mobile application aims to bridge the gap between these two industries and in the process empowering the users of the platform. However, the vision has been broken down into smaller parts in order to ensure the platform reaches its goals, as well as deliver on all the promised functions.

We are offering a completely new, and genius blockchain based ecosystem. We strongly believe in the pose of blockchain technology and that is the reason we have used it as the engine that would gear us towards the goals we have set for ourselves. We acknowledge the fact that there have been tremendous technological advancements in the world, and mostly in the transport and advertising industries where our interest lies. These advancements and innovations, however, have not successfully merged our industries of interest. We, therefore, aim to achieve this by using different cutting-edge technology to create synergy between them and tap the resources that are guaranteed to be generated from them.

Our primary goal is to marry the travel service and the advertising industries and we have achieved this by combining both on our platform. Tachain makes it possible for all the users of the application to handle interactions with a wide range of transportation entities such as taxis, airlines, public transportation and much more. This greatly reduces the time wastage in planning and logistics as the application offers a feature to handle them in one place.

However, advertising could also be seen as our main business. We pride ourselves on the fact that we are the first mobile application that has tokenized its ecosystem in such a way that users get to be awarded tokens for viewing ads. Our AdNet is powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology in order to be as effective as possible in the ads targeted to our users. All interactions with this platform are handled using TCHN tokens which makes it necessary for advertisers to buy the tokens for their ads to be placed on the platform. This demand also ensures that the value of the tokens constantly grows. Through the viewing of ads on the platform, users are awarded TCHN tokens which they can use to pay for the transport services they request for through the application.

Tachain also incorporates a token market TMARQ which is a one-stop market for the trading of cryptocurrencies. Users of the platform are able to trade their TCHN tokens as well as other cryptocurrencies. This is a feature that not only increases how the resourceful the application is, but also increases its market appeal.

With the above-mentioned steps to ensure we achieve our goals, it wouldn’t be prudent to leave out our design and development team that works tirelessly and passionately to ensure the product meets all the specifications we set for it and functions optimally.

