From a street food trader to getting a job as a developer in 10 months ( amid pandemic ).

9 min readJul 5, 2020

I am 33 years old, live in a foreign country, and I don’t have a fancy science degree — but I still landed a job amid the COVID-19 pandemic crisis.

Before I go any further, I’d rather have you know that I am not an experienced writer nor I am a native English speaker. I’m writing this to hopefully inspire some, and show that a lot can be achieved with hard work and planning. I used to read a lot of stories like this one, when I first started teaching myself programming. It helped a lot. I hope I can start to give-back to the wonderful coding community with this article.

My intention is to outline my journey and tell you a little bit about my unusual background so hopefully, some of you will relate to it. Skip this part if you’re only interested in my coding journey.

Part 1 — my background — if I can — so can you

I did like computers as a kid. A lot to be honest. I used to build and upgrade my own desktop when still in secondary school. I taught myself how to build websites at the age of 13 using a dial-up modem. Then I started IT classes at school and was told by my teachers that this is a field for science people, not someone like me who was good at languages and history. It’s crazy how…




Frontend Developer, self-taught with a little help of my friends at Founders and Coders London. I love React!