Funneling My Way Into 9 Offers From SF’s Hottest Tech Startups

Tadas Antanavicius
1 min readMay 11, 2019


Typical application funnel for a software engineering candidate pursuing a new job.

Despite the demand for software engineers, almost every blog post you read about a candidate’s recruitment experience comes with a funnel breakdown that looks something like the above.

That aligned well with my personal experience: before 2019, I had attempted the tech interview circuit four times. Twice for internships while in college, twice for full time positions in the first two years of my career. And my funnel looked much the same.

But here’s what happened during my fourth attempt, 2.5 years into my professional career:

What my application funnel looked like when I used the tactics in this post.

All in all, I spent over 90 hours of live time in interviews over 120 total interviews — including phone screens, onsite interviews, etc.

