Why I think DR/VRS NFT checks all the boxes.

5 min readJan 15, 2023


Right now so many NFT projects are heads down building for the future, but what does that even mean? With the constantly changing and fast pasted nature of the space, how does any project really ‘build out for the future’ and how do buyer’s/investor’s really know what to expect?

Well, I have thoughts on that and am going to use DR/VRS NFT to talk about it! So here…we….go…

What is DR/VRS NFT?

DRVRS is a community collaborative brand built around 2888 neon street art styled drivers exploring the tension in society between the haves and the have nots.


Based in the United Kingdom, the DR/VRS team isn’t anonymous (which you can learn more about on their website) and in true decentralized Web3 fashion desired to work alongside the community to build out the brand.

Hence community collaborative.

How is it collaborative?

First, a personal example.

As a writer in the space, I came into DR/VRS and offered ideas on the story line. The team liked it and we ideated around more and over time, they adopted my main line version as the canonical one, invited me to join The Pit team and here we we are.

But, wait, there’s more!

Community Councils

DR/VRS NFT is in the process of building out community councils. Leaders that will build out various community areas like lore, community building, external collabs, analytics, etc.

This, of course, isn’t innovative, as other projects like The Genuine Undead are pioneers in “Community is Utility” ethos, but that’s a strength. We are slowly seeing the shift to ‘decentralized communities’ actually take shape and the point here is DR/VRS values it’s community members and, in particular, wants to empower holders to contribute to building the brand.

Of course, one might wonder ‘what’s in it for you’ and, well, honestly, nothing tangible — at least in the short term. The project did not sell out the 8,888 (more on that later) and doesn’t have a massive treasury to pay people, but, I mean, that’s part of the beauty of it. Paid people are paid staff. But the obvious economic incentive for all holders is to work together to build a valuable brand, which will make the tokens valuable, too.

Put another way, people buy, hold, and contribute to building the brand today in hopes of being early to something that matters tomorrow.

That said, the team is pretty gracious and recently airdropped all those grinding a NFT as their thanks.

And also contributed 100% of it’s first licensing deal (more on that later) to a community wallet.

Oh, ya, the Community Wallet


There is an official community owned multi-signature wallet (drvrscommunitywallet.eth) which has (6) of the earliest community contributors as signers and is funded by the first irl (in real life) licensing agreement done by the team (see Web2 Revenue next).

What are the plans for this wallet? Primarily going to be used to front-run weth bots. You know, those mfers who catch WETH offers below the floor and insta-list ahead of it.

Long term? Who knows, but for now, it’s a force to make the supply (basically) deflationary.

Web2 Revenue

Surviving is the name of the game in a bear market and any non-blue-chip NFT project should be thinking about how to generate traditional “web credit-card sales” revenue if they want to still be around in several years.

As such, something I look for in projects is IP that lends itself to traditional markets.

“Like what, TKK?”

Glad you asked.


DR/VRS already landed a licensing deal and ask yourself, do you know any other project that have done this?

And what is the brand centered around?


With brands like Formula One (F1) publicly open about the NFT game and motorsports itself closing in on an $9 billion market, feels like there might be more of this to come.



For all the concern about ‘digital comics’ pushing ‘physical comics’ out the door, have you been to a comic store lately? Spoiler alert — they are still booming. Dads not only still collect, but take their kids all the time.

Why? Because stories matter and we are all still early on this wave of new brands and IP coming to market.

One of DR/VRS first initiatives was to launch a comic and the team has wasted no time delivering as the art work for Chapter 1 has begun.


One of the most exciting parts of the NFT space for me is watching projects collaborate to left each other up and hard to find a better match that DR/VRS + Tableland

Focused on tables-to-SQL, Tableland has ‘rigs’ as their drop and while I don’t know what to expect, what I know is the partnership is real and “two or more cords together cannot be easily broken.”


I even have it on good authority the DR/VRS team has had phone calls with other teams, including my personal favorite Hideout Labs.

Why? Because they understand building out for the future requires collaboration.

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. — African Proverb

Community Builders

In addition to the community councils, DR/VRS has community members who have personal talents and have used them to engage the community. From the token ‘alpha’ group in discord and whitelist opportunities, members like Moe Joy who is out there dropping AI versions of your token!!!

Innovative Technology

So there are 2,888 DR/VRS tokens, but what next?

RACE TEAMS and HOLOGRAM LICENSES! While the details are not disclosed, what we know is all holders will soon be able to join 1 of 8 race teams and there is something about ‘hologram tokens’ coming out which may or may not include items from the 6k unminted ones.

In Closing

As the market matures I believe value will flow to projects with active communities, innovative technology, focused collaboration and intellectual property easily adaptable to the traditional markets that currently run the world.

Will DR/VRS NFT be one of these?

Literally, we decide.

Until then #letsdrive.

