What? It’s time for you to run ads. Make these 3 key mistakes..

3 min readApr 23, 2023


Photo by Nav Rashmi Kalsi on Unsplash

Ads are the oxygen for your business.

Without them there are no new leads.

With no new leads there are no new people in your sales funnel

And alas, no sales.

But before you start putting ads out let’s make sure you make these 3 key mistakes

The first mistake happens after this..

You do some market research and find what awareness level your customer is at.

Let’s use overweight folks as an example..

Overweight people are aware that they could lose some extra flab.

  • Their belly hangs over their pants
  • Their loved one does not have the same level of physical attraction to them as before
  • They feel less confident in themselves

(My apologies if you are overweight and reading this, it’s just an example. You can lose the weight stay consistent!)

This means that an audience of overweight people is aware of their problem — extra weight.

Their awareness is problem-aware.

So here’s the 1st mistake you make:

Photo by Javier Quiroga on Unsplash

You make ad creatives for the audience one awareness level up..

The audience who thinks they might have some weight to lose, but they are not so sure.

Like so:

“This 1 constant ingredient in our diet program can shred you down to good fitness — even if you think there’s not too much weight to lose.”

Now you attract the people who know they need to lose weight & the ones who are not sure.

What makes this a mistake?


It’s unorthodox. It might not work.

You might lose $$$.

But if it works?

You will have a whole lot of oxygen for your business.

That’s a risk you have to decide is worth it or not.

The 2nd key mistake you can make is this..

Photo by Amol Tyagi on Unsplash

You made your ad & tested it.

Either you attracted a new audience which led to new customers.

Or they didn’t work.

Here’s the 2nd mistake you gotta make..

Take your market research to real life.

Hear me out here..

Get off of the computer & go find your customers in real life.

  • At events
  • Call them from social media
  • Go to your competitors/niche stores, find out what benefits your target audience values most.

What could make this a mistake?

You will get a lot of mixed reviews.

You will get confused.

You will get a lot of ambiguous answers..

But once you find a commonplace within those answers?

Wow, what an accomplishment you will have on your hands.

And onto the 3rd mistake..

Photo by Possessed Photography on Unsplash

Test your ads with a higher volume of people than you would under normal conditions.

Then you will know if they work or you doubt your ability.

Sometimes you test an ad & it doesn’t work because the amount of people that see it is not high enough.

Then you second-guess if it’s the ad.

“The worst enemy of our humanity is our self-doubt.” — Lolly Daskal

It’s not.

What could make this a mistake?

You lose more $$$. But that’s about it.

Take risks my friends. But wait..

I just realized..

To write ads that sell, you gotta have good copywriting skills.

Click here to get this free copywriting doc that will 25x your copywriting skills. 1x for each page


Tafari — Writing That Sells




CopyWriter, Selling With Stories. + AI market research. Follow me on Twitter @tafarifri