Temtum: problems solved

the master
3 min readJun 1, 2019


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Introduction :

The problem is that despite their advantages in comparison to centralised networks, current blockchain networks cannot support commercial applications at large scale .
temtum has set out to solve all inherent problems faced by not only many existing cryptocurrencies but peer-to-peer blockchain networks as a whole both now, and in the most technologically advanced of futures, where speed, scalability, security and high resource requirements are most pertinent and continue to limit adoption.

Problems :

Some of the major problems that blockchain technology suffers from are: scalability, privacy, and Speed

  • Scalability

Scalability is one of the main issues that blockchain technology currently suffers from, as demonstrated by the network congestion the blockchain , where transactions took hours to be performed, and transaction fees abnormally high. , the key to large-scale commercial application is for networks to have high transaction throughput, while maintaining low latency.
Current blockchain technologies are not truly scalable. They are not able to be fully decentralised and in many cases require high entry points to participate in them e.g. massive computational power.

  • Speed :

blockchain-based systems are comparatively slow. Blockchain’s sluggish transaction speed is a major concern for enterprises that depend on high-performance legacy transaction processing systems.
Many blockchain technologies, including Bitcoin, are enormously slow. Bitcoin can take 10–15 minutes per transaction which makes it thoroughly unsuitable as a mainstream form of payment. The majority of alternativehigh transaction technologies are not blockchains

  • Privecy :

Under a public blockchain environment, the network ledger is open to anyone and all transactions are transparent, and can therefore be tracked. The lack of privacy might be an issue for certain types of transactions, in the case of confidential corporate deals for instance. To propose an alternative to bitcoin pseudo-anonymity, many protocols developed alternatives, with the four main ones being: Ring Signature, Zero-knowledge proof, CoinJoin, and Invisible Internet Project.
Blockchain based cryptocurrencies’ pseudo-random generation of keys is open to exploitation by sophisticated hackers, with quantum computing increasing the likelihood of predicting software-generated values

How temtum solves these problems

This is how temtum addresses each of these flaws in current blockchain networks:

  • Scalability:The Temporal Blockchain eliminates the need to store the entire chain history on all nodes by locally archiving data, while preventing competition in node selection. This significantly reduces resource requirements and allows anyone delivering true decentralisation and infinite scalability.
  • Speed: temtum have created a highly efficient Consensus Algorithm and removed block size limitations in order to confirm transactions into a block extremely quickly, with a maximum confirmation time of 12 seconds. Once included in a block, a transaction is confirmed
  • Security: Temporal is a quantum-secure blockchain network that uses a photon source for genuine random number generation alongside next-generation hashing algorithms. These prevent the network from being vulnerable to theoretical attacks — even in the case that quantum attacks become commonplace in the near future.

The fact that current blockchain networks have limitations at their core, means that they cannot satisfy the key transaction demands for many of the industries and applications which should have the highest need for blockchain networks, such as large global payment networks and credit card companies. This is how temtum addresses each of these flaws in current blockchain networks

conclusion :

Blockchain companies are working to provide scalable infrastructure so that blockchain platforms can become mainstream in future. Once this happens, not only can people use blockchain few purposes, that s why emtum try to solve all inherent problems faced by not only many existing cryptocurrencies but peer-to-peer blockchain networks as a whole both now, and in the most technologically advanced of futures

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bitcointalk username : steem01
bitcointalk profile : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2251815
ETH adress : 0x0B448c913cC7b8f1072215AbA22f79233036654e

