BLE Status Codes from Android

Arsen Tagaev
1 min readApr 27, 2022


From every action in BLE we can get her special codes in Android BLE framework, we can make analogy with WEB protocol — if we have code 200 from response or sending something — its means what everything okay. The same happen with BLE, if we have code 0 — its means what everything is okay:)
I tried search some tables which may contain BLE codes, but don’t find so normal, and I combined data from and some external resources — I combined codes from different resources in my repo: , if you find errors, please let me know about it:)
And in another versions of table I will add mark of android phones, where may appear define error code, it can be useful if need write some instructions of auto connect to special BLE tags (for example in Google Pixel and Samsung phones may different status codes).

