Vanilla JS vs React JS: The Ultimate Showdown

Dhaivat Joshi
4 min readDec 15, 2022


Are you trying to decide which development option is best for your project? Do you find yourself stuck between Vanilla JS and React JS? It’s a tough decision, and it’s important to weigh the pros and cons of each. In this ultimate showdown, we’ll compare Vanilla JS vs React JS and explore the differences between Javascript vs ReactJS, to help you make an informed decision about which option is right for you.

What is Vanilla JS?

Vanilla JavaScript, also referred to as vanilla JS, is a term used to describe the core JavaScript language without any additional libraries or frameworks. This includes the language’s syntax, its API, and the global objects that are provided by the web browser.

The concept of vanilla JavaScript refers to the idea of coding with just the native language and not relying on outside sources like jQuery or React. It allows developers to focus on the fundamentals of JavaScript and create rich interactive web applications.

Overall, Vanilla JavaScript provides a great starting point for developers who want to learn the language and develop high-quality web applications.

What is React JS?

React JS is an open-source JavaScript library created by Facebook and used to develop user interfaces. It allows developers to create large web applications with data that can change without reloading the page. React focuses on components, allowing developers to easily break down complex UI into individual components for easier development.

React has become extremely popular due to its simplicity, ease of use, and its ability to quickly create sophisticated UIs. It’s used by some of the biggest companies in the world, including Facebook, Instagram, Netflix, and Airbnb.

The Pros and Cons of Vanilla JS

When it comes to choosing a JavaScript library or framework for your development project, there are a lot of different options out there. Two of the most popular libraries are Vanilla JavaScript (often referred to as simply Vanilla JS) and React JS.

Vanilla JS is a lightweight, cross-platform JavaScript library with no dependencies that provides developers with a powerful tool for creating web applications. It is open source and has a very small footprint. Its core components are designed to be extremely fast, so it can quickly get up and running without the need for a complex setup. It also has a wide range of supported browsers and platforms, making it ideal for both desktop and mobile development.

React JS is a component-based JavaScript library created by Facebook for developing user interfaces. It is designed to be highly efficient, and its component-based structure allows for easy integration with other frameworks and libraries. Unlike Vanilla JS, React is quite large and requires a lot of setups. However, once the setup is complete, React provides developers with a powerful way to create efficient and maintainable applications with minimal code.

The Pros and Cons of React JS

When it comes to web development, the choice between Vanilla JS and React JS can be difficult. Both technologies have their own advantages and drawbacks, so it’s important to understand each before deciding which one is best for your project.

On the one hand, Vanilla JS offers a lightweight and fast-loading option for developing websites. It requires minimal coding and does not rely on external libraries or frameworks, which makes it more suitable for simple applications. However, it lacks the scalability of other frameworks and libraries, which could be a problem when developing complex applications.

On the other hand, React JS is a JavaScript library created by Facebook and widely used by developers around the world. It is highly scalable and has built-in features such as virtual DOMs, component-based architecture, and declarative programming that make it ideal for creating large applications with a great user experience. It is also very popular among developers due to its easy-to-understand syntax.

Which One Should You Choose?

The debate of Vanilla JS vs React JS is one that has been ongoing in the development community for years, and there is no clear winner. Both technologies offer developers a wide range of benefits and features, making it difficult to decide which one is the best choice for your project.
When choosing between Vanilla JS and React JS, it’s important to consider the size and complexity of your project. For smaller projects, Vanilla JS may be a better fit as it offers more flexibility and requires less code.

