Introducing Tagmove

2 min readAug 3, 2015


At Tagmove, we are about to provide a brand new shopping experience for people who look for the best prices online. Due to release in the next couple of weeks, in the United Kingdom, shoppers will be able to get amazing discounts on products without vouchers, coupons or daily deals, and no waiting for products to be on promotion. Imagine shopping online where all products are on permanent promotion, you can join with people who want the same product, to be being part of a bigger team and get discounts for everyone.

Tagemove is simple, you can search for your favorite product and make an offer to purchase it. This is a new era of online shopping and it’s all about moving the tag!

Do you like to choose your own price?

We remove the price tag allowing you to decide what you want to pay, and by making an offer you become part of a bigger team, interested on the same product, able to get the discounts of bulk orders.

When making an offer, its is joined with others to be accepted by waiting merchants. So the higher the amount of the offer, the better chance of being part of the team that get the discounts.

We believe that choosing the price is the preferred way to buy a product you want, and to make this concept work, we change the way merchants sell their products. Merchants are in charge of validating offers and they will be able to sell the exact amount of products they want. Engaged in fair competition, merchants will be racing to accept offers, as the highest ones may be taken by another merchant. Offers can be validated by many merchants, and there is no pressure to sell in high volumes, which gives small traders equal opportunity to make profits and do not fall victim to the dominance of larger merchants. We support sellers and provide an ecosystem of fair competition and low commission rates.

Tagmove provides the shopping experience we have always waited for. This can’t be achieved without your support. We’d love for you to visit our website to get more information and to get early access by requesting an invitation code and you will be one of them who will have 5% off on the offers they make on all their favorite products.


