Essential Tips for Improving Your Web Design

2 min readNov 17, 2021


Since to a certain extent, design is subjective. Many people have opinions on what the perfect website looks like. As what one person likes, another might find hideous. Aberdeen web design is one of the most important factors for the success of a website.Web design is an involved discipline that can take a lifetime to master.

If you want a great web design, you have to learn the basics, so you can communicate what you want. even if you are hiring a professional to design a page for you, you still need some background information to discern a talented web designer from a mediocre one and explain what you need them to do.Many efforts and skills go into Website design near me.Here are a few tips that you might want to keep in mind for designing a great website.

1: Easy to navigate — The ease of navigation through a website is always a big positive sign. Especially when it contains a lot of data and information, it should be convenient for a user to reach their desired point. Having a clickable link to everything you have is a necessity. The images of products or your services should be clickable with links that lead to their information.

2: Visual hierarchy –Using different visual elements like size or placement to influence which elements your user sees first, second or last. Featuring a big, bold title at the top of the web page and tiny legal information at the bottom is a good example of a visual hierarchy to prioritize certain elements over others.

3: Speed of site should be a priority –Speed is an important aspect that influences everything from bounce rate over user satisfaction to conversions and revenue. If your site is slow, visitors will not stick around. As user care, search engines also do and factor your page loading speed into their rankings. So, it is paramount that you invest in making your side as fast as possible.
4: Remove distractions — Certain elements on your website are going to distract from the value and message you are trying to convey. It is also important to avoid too many on-page animations or interactions.If you ask only scrolling through a page and see every button pulsing horror section of icons each with their animation, it can feel overwhelming and distract them from reading what’s on the page.

Taking time to implement these tips on your website can bring dramatic change that can help improve the performance, experience and customer conversion rates of your website, but once you get some of these steps in place, you may be thinking that a greater project at hand is to refresh your website with a redesign.




Independent web designer based in Aberdeen. I work with inspiring people to create and develop amazing brands.