5 Daoist principles that helped me maximize Productivity and Happiness

5 min readDec 16, 2022


What makes the 20% succeed while the 80% fail , and what makes 20% happy while the 80% are miserable ? The only difference is in the degree of concentration. Here are 5 Daoist principles that helped me obtain the state of “wu-wei” or effortless action to maximize productivity and happiness :

A picture of Lao Tzu

“To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders.” — Lao Tzu

  1. Empty your mind : A bowl is in its most useful state when it’s empty. Similarly, to use your mind efficiently and productively you must empty your mind from your thoughts and beliefs. Those who stand on tip-toes do not stand firmly, and those who think with a disintegrated mind do not think clearly. Just like a 5 watt lightbulb is barely useful enough to read a book, but a 5 watt laser can cause a fire, these are the powers of concentration. One must gather their all of their mind and throw them in one direction at one time to maximize productivity. Pick up one idea, live on it . You must empty your mind of all ideologies, all of what you like and all of what you dislike. If you do this, you will be able to conquer any task whether you like it or not. A rigid mind is not able to achieve anything because of diffused thinking while an empty mind is like water and takes its shape according to the vessel , and thinks clearly and acts rightly and does not regret.

“Stop leaving and you will arrive.

Stop searching and you will see.

Stop running away and you will be found” — Lao Tzu

2. Stop Trying : Try not to think of a monkey while reading this part of the article. The harder you try, the worse it gets. The one who tries hard enough rushes ahead in a race but doesn’t get very far. Therefore, you must stop trying and obtain a state of flow where the act becomes one with the doer. This state of flow can be seen when an artist is completely lost in the art and when an athlete knows what step to move without being consciously aware of it. This is the effortless action or wu-wei that Daoism talks about. Trying or making an effort is to swim against the waters of the universe itself which is of no use and only leaves one in an exhausted and unproductive state. Therefore you must stop trying and obtain a state of flow and everything would be much more easier and efficient.

Time is a violent stream as soon as one thing comes into sight it is swept past and the other is carried out, it too will be taken on its way. -Marcus Aurelius

3. Let go and Embrace change : Don’t try to control anything but yourself. The phenomenal universe is always in flux and is like water, try to get hold of it and it will slip. Don’t worry about what you can’t control, do worry about what you can control. You have the ability to reason and self-control, you cannot control what you desire but you can control the want to desire. One must obtain the state of self-control to be truly happy and productive, temperance and wisdom are the highest of the virtues which are responsible for the excellence of the mind. The most efficient way of living, is to flow along with the waters of existence. Going against the waters makes one worn-out and miserable. We can approach life more intelligently, more efficiently, and go with the flow.

“Mastery is achieved by letting things take their natural course, you cannot master the world by changing the natural way.” — Lao Tzu

If You Are Depressed You Are Living in the Past. If You Are Anxious You Are Living in the Future. If You Are at Peace You Are Living in the Present. — Lao Tzu

4. Focus on the present : Don’t focus on the outcomes, focus on future outcomes has a negative effect on us as it distracts the mind and makes us anxious which hinders productivity and flow. The more we value something external the worse we perform in the present, just like a person loses the ability to be productive by worrying about the price. When our minds are in the future , we paralyze ourselves in the present. Just like the actions in the past create the present, actions in the present create the future. The present is all that is. One who focuses on the present gets dissolved in the act and becomes one with it.

“Though one may conquer a thousand men a thousand times in battle. Yet he indeed is the noblest victor who conquers himself.” — The Buddha

5. Reject all ideologies and seek wisdom : Wisdom is the highest of all the virtues. The wise mind is like water, it can take any shape. The one who rejects all ideologies accepts all people and is the only one who is truly happy. Ideologies limit the mind and hinder its ability to think clearly, therefore all rigidity in the form of ideology must be eliminated. Praise wisdom above all else. What you know about the universe and your existence can completely transform you and your actions. If I were to reveal you that there is a god or that there is no-god , all of your actions would change, therefore to live an ethical and good life is to be wise. Seek wisdom above all else.

With this we come to an end of the article. Hundreds of articles on medium about productivity and self-improvement can only show you the way, you are the one who has to choose to walk it.




I like to write about philosophy and self-improvement