Do Fish Get Their Omega-3 from Algae?

Tahiro Supplements
9 min readMay 24, 2023


Written By: Doctor Vlad B M.D

Omega-3 fatty acids play a crucial role in various aspects of health. They are instrumental in maintaining normal blood pressure, regulating lipid parameters such as triglycerides, and ensuring the proper function of blood vessels, thereby supporting overall cardiovascular health. [1]

Numerous studies have demonstrated their significance in preventing cardiovascular diseases. More recently, a review article suggested that omega-3 supplementation could have protective effects on individuals with diabetes by improving insulin sensitivity and reducing inflammation. [2]

These essential fatty acids also contribute significantly to brain health, including cognitive function and mental wellbeing. Research suggests that they may aid in the management of certain mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety. Omega-3s are also vital for eye health and may reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration.

Furthermore, Omega-3 fatty acids possess potent anti-inflammatory properties, making them valuable in managing conditions marked by chronic inflammation such as rheumatoid arthritis.

In addition, Omega-3s are essential for fetal development during pregnancy and breastfeeding, particularly for the development of the brain and eyes.

While the human body can make most of the types of fats it needs from other fats or raw materials, that isn’t the case for omega-3 fatty acids. Humans must get those Omega 3 fatty acids from food. In particular, fatty fish [3] such as: Salmon, Tuna, Mackerel, Herring, and Sardines.

But where do those types of fish get their Omega 3’s from?

The Role of Algae in Omega-3 Production and Nutrition

Algae, among the oldest living organisms on Earth, are pivotal primary producers in the marine ecosystem and play a crucial role as significant sources of Omega-3 fatty acids.

Algae, specifically microalgae, are one of the few organisms in the food chain that can synthesize omega-3 fatty acids. They create these fatty acids as part of their metabolic processes. Through a series of enzymatic reactions, they convert simpler molecules into these complex fatty acids. This unique ability not only supports their own growth and development but also enriches the nutritional profile of those organisms that consume them. When small fish eat these algae, they absorb the omega-3s into their tissues. Then, when larger fish eat those smaller fish, they too absorb the omega-3s.

Forming the base of the marine food chain, algae have also found a place on our dining tables. [4] Seaweed, a type of macroalgae, is often consumed in sushi, incorporated into various dishes for its unique properties, and utilized in salads and soups. In fact, seaweed has become an integral and indispensable ingredient in Asian cuisine.

Microalgae, such as chlorella and spirulina, have been recognized for their extensive nutrient profile and unique properties.

Among these, the marine microalgae Schizochytrium stands out due to its distinctive nutrient profile and fatty acid composition. It is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, notably the beneficial Omega-3 fatty acids, and it is particularly abundant in docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosapentaenoic acid (DPA). [4]

How Fish Obtain Omega-3 Fatty Acids from Algae

The diverse marine environment is home to a myriad of fish species, many of which derive their Omega-3 fatty acids from marine plants. By consuming aquatic flora rich in Omega-3, these fish elevate their own content of this vital nutrient.

While there are numerous herbivorous fish species that rely solely on algae for survival, the marine ecosystem also hosts various predatory species. Larger fish obtain their Omega-3 indirectly by consuming smaller fish. Although they do not directly ingest Omega-3-rich algae, these predatory fish still enhance their Omega-3 content by accumulating this nutrient through their prey.

Alternative Omega-3 Sources: Algae-based Supplements

Tahiro Algae Omega 3 Vegan Supplement

Consuming omega-3 fatty acids from algae-based supplements is a great way of getting them directly from the source, rather than from fish that have accumulated these fatty acids through the food chain. There are a few advantages to this type of product. First, it makes these essential fatty acids available for vegans and vegetarians as it is plant based. Second, this method of consumption carries fewer potential risks compared to consuming fish, such as exposure to environmental toxins like mercury and PCBs. [5] In addition, the algae is easily grown in ponds reducing overfishing and the harm to marine ecosystems by preserving the fish stocks with no impact their food resources. [7]. Furthermore, some superior Algae Omega 3 products offer a perfect composition of all three essential fatty acids, rich in EPA, DHA and DPA;

Algae-based omega-3 supplements come in various forms to accommodate different dietary needs and preferences. For instance, they can be found in softgel form, which provides a convenient way to add these essential fatty acids to your diet. When choosing Algae Omega 3 supplement make sure it contains all three essential fatty acids, EPA, DHA and DPA.


omega-3 fatty acids are essential for our health, as our bodies cannot produce them internally. While fish obtain their omega-3s from consuming marine algae, we can directly access these vital nutrients through algae-based supplements. Algae serves as an excellent vegan source of marine omega-3s, such as EPA, DHA and EPA. By opting for algae-based supplements, vegans and vegetarians can now obtain these essential fatty acids without relying on fish sources [6].

Moreover, algae-based omega-3 supplements offer several advantages. They are free from heavy metal contamination, which can be a concern when consuming fish is exposed to pollutants. Additionally, these supplements provide a sustainable alternative, as marine resources and fish stocks are limited. Algae-based supplements come in various formats, including gel tablets and powders, making them easily accessible and adaptable to different preferences.

In addressing the widespread omega-3 deficiency, algae offer a simple and effective solution. By tapping into the direct source of omega-3s found in seaweed, individuals can fulfill their omega-3 needs while supporting their dietary choices. Embracing algae-based supplements unlocks the benefits of marine fatty acids, promoting both personal health and environmental sustainability.


· Is omega-3 from algae good for me?

Yes, Omega-3 from algae is an excellent choice for a healthy lifestyle, regardless of whether you are vegan or not. It provides a wide range of health benefits. Algae, with its optimal fatty acid profile, serves as a suitable source to meet your omega-3 needs. Choosing algae-based Omega-3 over fish oil offers advantages such as sustainability and freedom from pollution concerns. By incorporating algae-based Omega-3 into your diet, you can enjoy the benefits of this nutrient-rich source while supporting your overall well-being.

· How much omega-3 is in algae?

The amount of omega-3 in algae can vary depending on the specific type of algae and its growing conditions. However, certain types of microalgae, such as Schizochytrium, are particularly rich in all three omega-3 fatty acids. These microalgae can contain high levels of EPA, DHA, and DPA which are the three most beneficial forms of omega-3 for human health. Algae-based omega-3 supplements derived from these microalgae can provide a concentrated and reliable source of omega-3 fatty acids. The specific amount of omega-3 in algae-based supplements may vary depending on the product, so it’s always a good idea to check the label for the omega-3 content. Algae Omega 3 which contains 300mg of DHA, 150mg of EPA, and 40mg of DPA per serving is considered superior compared to other products containing only two out of the three essential fatty acids.

· What do omega-3 algae do?

Omega-3 is essential for preventing cardiovascular and eye diseases, as well as maintaining brain and vision health. Omega-3 from algae offers the same beneficial properties as omega-3 from other sources. Therefore, consuming omega-3 from algae is recommended to support overall well-being.

· Is it OK to have omega-3 every day?

Yes, it is generally recommended to have omega-3 fatty acids every day as part of a balanced diet. Omega-3s are essential nutrients that provide numerous health benefits. They play a crucial role in supporting cardiovascular health, brain function, eye health, and overall well-being. Since the body does not produce omega-3 fatty acids on its own, it is important to obtain them from dietary sources or supplements. Incorporating omega-3-rich foods or supplements into your daily routine can help ensure you meet your nutritional needs and support optimal health. However, it is always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized dietary recommendations based on your specific health condition or requirements.

1. Omega-3 fatty acids: from biochemistry to their clinical use in the prevention of cardiovascular disease — PubMed (

2. Omega-3 supplementation and diabetes: A systematic review and meta-analysis: Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition: Vol 62, No 16 (

3. Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids: The Way Forward in Times of Mixed Evidence — PubMed (

4. Algae as nutritional and functional food sources: revisiting our understanding — PMC (

5. Developing algae as a sustainable food source — PMC (

6. Omega-3 Fatty Acids — StatPearls — NCBI Bookshelf (

7. Developing algae as a sustainable food source — PMC (

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"@type": "Question",
"name": "Is omega-3 from algae good for me?",
"acceptedAnswer": {
"@type": "Answer",
"text": "Yes, Omega-3 from algae is an excellent choice for a healthy lifestyle, regardless of whether you are vegan or not. It provides a wide range of health benefits. Algae, with its optimal fatty acid profile, serves as a suitable source to meet your omega-3 needs. Choosing algae-based Omega-3 over fish oil offers advantages such as sustainability and freedom from pollution concerns. By incorporating algae-based Omega-3 into your diet, you can enjoy the benefits of this nutrient-rich source while supporting your overall well-being."
"@type": "Question",
"name": "How much omega-3 is in algae?",
"acceptedAnswer": {
"@type": "Answer",
"text": "The amount of omega-3 in algae can vary depending on the specific type of algae and its growing conditions. However, certain types of microalgae, such as Schizochytrium, are particularly rich in all three omega-3 fatty acids. These microalgae can contain high levels of EPA, DHA, and DPA which are the three most beneficial forms of omega-3 for human health. Algae-based omega-3 supplements derived from these microalgae can provide a concentrated and reliable source of omega-3 fatty acids. The specific amount of omega-3 in algae-based supplements may vary depending on the product, so it's always a good idea to check the label for the omega-3 content. Algae Omega 3, which contains 300mg of DHA, 150mg of EPA, and 40mg of DPA per serving, is considered superior compared to other products containing only two out of the three essential fatty acids."
"@type": "Question",
"name": "What do omega-3 algae do?",
"acceptedAnswer": {
"@type": "Answer",
"text": "Omega-3 is essential for preventing cardiovascular and eye diseases, as well as maintaining brain and vision health. Omega-3 from algae offers the same beneficial properties as omega-3 from other sources. Therefore, consuming omega-3 from algae is recommended to support overall well-being."
"@type": "Question",
"name": "Is it OK to have omega-3 every day?",
"acceptedAnswer": {
"@type": "Answer",
"text": "Yes, it is generally recommended to have omega-3 fatty acids every day as part of a balanced diet. Omega-3s are essential nutrients that provide numerous health benefits. They play a crucial role in supporting cardiovascular health, brain function, eye health, and overall well-being. Since the body does not produce omega-3 fatty acids on its own, it is important to obtain them from dietary sources or supplements. Incorporating omega-3-rich foods or supplements into your daily routine can help ensure you meet your nutritional needs and support optimal health. However, it is always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized dietary recommendations based on your specific health condition or requirements."



Tahiro Supplements

Since 2017, Tahiro™ harnesses science, delivering supplements for optimal brain health. Utilizing nanotech, Tahiro™ pioneers' neuroprotection with Nano Omega 5.