Mateo Feo
2 min readMar 6, 2023

Discover the Rich Culture and Language of Samoa Celebrating Samoan Language Week 2023

Samoan Language Week is an annual solemnization that honors the culture and language of Samoa, a Polynesian island nation. In 2023, it will embark on May 29th and conclude on June 4th. With a population of almost 200,000 Samoans in New Zealand, as well as thousands of Samoan descendants, this event holds immense importance. Celebrations admit language, music, dance, cultural displays, and community events, altogether with a focus on sustainability, which is the primary subject for the 2023 Pacific Language Weeks.

The COVID-19 pandemic necessitated that all New Zealand terminology workweek events be held online, but there are hush-up plenty of activities to enjoy. Learning a new language and experiencing an unusual culture can help Kiwis understand different beliefs and discernment practices, demonstrating New Zealand’s multiculturalism.

Samoan, a Polynesian language, has over 500,000 native speakers. It is the primary quill language verbalized by around 246,000 inhabitants of the Samoan islands, with 101,900 populated in freshly Zealand speaking it, qualification it as the third most widely spoken language. Samoan has galore similarities with strange Polynesian languages, such as Hawaiian, Tahitian, and Maori, merely they are not mutually intelligible, having been separated by the big stretches of the Pacific sea for centuries.

Samoan Language Week provides an unusual opportunity for students of all backgrounds to teach more or less basic Samoan, and for students who speak Samoan to share their knowledge in the classroom. undefined events take place throughout New Zealand to celebrate this event.

Samoa is a Polynesian island country that comprises various islands, including two briny islands, two smaller inhabited islands, and several smaller derelict islands. Upolu and Savai’i are the two main islands, with a united universe of 188,000. Samoa was below the verify of New Zealand from 1914 until 1962 when it gained independence and joined the United Nations.

Samoan undefined is supported by Fa’a Samoa, which translates to The Samoan Way, and emphasizes family, community, and church. Samoans take congratulations on their sense of community and lovingness for their extended family or tribe and are renowned for their generosity and cordial reception towards visitors.

For Samoan Language workweek classroom activities, Twinkl Resources offers engaging and high-quality resources, such as the Numbers in Samoan Display Poster, Samoa Information PowerPoint, and Samoan Language Week’s undefined Banner. The resources are beautifully illustrated and perfect for creating a display, and the site also offers strange Pacific Ocean Island Language Week event pages.

Mateo Feo

I am a highly motivated and driven individual with a strong work ethic and a commitment to excellence. Whether working independently or as part of a team.