Check Marks the Start

A Start to Success
2 min readMar 5, 2018

As I sat in front of the camera to pitch my idea I had a million thoughts run through my head but it was as if words didn't want to come out.

At first I was thinking about the now and short term. Professor Noble made me think more into the future and what I want the outcome to be. My business will have to build in steps:

  1. Freelance Makeup Artist — A freelance make up artist is someone who does makeup for clients on a freelance basis instead of working for a beauty salon. This means I can take appointments as I see fit while I am still in school.
  2. Train a group of individuals — Once I recieve my certifications I can train a few more individuals in my area to assist with larger bridal parties, sweet 16s, and events.
  3. Open a beauty salon in Manchester or local area — After I train enough people to fulfill a full time salon schedule and have the money to invest, I hope to open a beauty salon. This would require planning. I’d have to find a good location where business would be good, but I would also have to be aware of my budget. Even if I had a location, I would continue to provide at home/travel services with my team.
  4. Open branches in the New England/New York area — If all goes well with the local location and demand increases, I can then build and open more locations in areas where there are higher demands. I would have to train more people and find and recruit skilled makeup artists in the different areas.

My plan still requires, but I do believe I am making progress.



A Start to Success

Tahsin Jilu - UConn “Success is not final, failure is not fatal.”