How to Make an Entertaining Speech and Presentation

Taidin Suhaimin
5 min readSep 2, 2021


Speeches need not necessarily be informative. Speech delivery does not have to involve the sharing of crucial information. Speech topics must not always be about serious issues and major concerns in society. But they can be entertaining and humorous.

An entertaining speech belongs to the casual form of presentation. Usually, topics are designed to create a cheerful atmosphere and make the audience enjoy the presentation. The main focus of an entertaining speech is to amuse the audience. The general objective of the speech is to entertain, although it can also be informative and persuasive.

How to Make an Entertaining Speech and Presentation
Photo: Getty Image

Here are some rules on how to make and deliver an entertaining speech or presentation:

1. Establish Your Speech Goal

The clear purpose of this speech is to engage the audience on a lighter level. Do not confuse this speech with stand-up comedy. While there is an element of comicality in the entertaining speech, there are some important features that should be recognized. Truly, entertainment is in the eye of the beholder. What one person finds amusing, another may find gloomier than dishwater. So, you certainly have to know your audience in order to entertain them.

2. Identify Things that Make You Laugh

There are events that make you laugh — on TV shows, movies, books, certain blogs, etc. Pay attention to the stuff you find really comical, and ask yourself, “What is it about these issues that makes me laugh?” Whatever it is, make note of it. The style of wit that makes you laugh is a good style for you to start engineering into your speaking. Also, add more of those things to your life. This will benefit you in two ways:

  • It’s easier to write humorous presentations when you feel funny. Consistently watching, reading, and listening to things that make you laugh will help you feel funny.
  • You can learn from the things you laugh at. You can learn the structure, style, construction, and pacing from observation.

3. Identify Things You Already Do That Make People Laugh

Everyone in their lives has some areas where they make others laugh. It may seldom happen, but there are certain people who bring out your inner comedian. Reflect on what you do in those situations and ask yourself, “How can I merge that into my speaking?” Start paying attention to what you are already good at to make others laugh, and put that into your presentation. You should see your audience response and referral rates increase, too.

4. Relate the Topic to the Audience

Remember that different audiences respond differently to the materials in your presentation. Therefore, choose a topic that will interest your audience. The topic should be simple and clear. In broad terms, an entertaining speech is a speech designed to enchant an audience’s attention and amuse them while you are delivering a message.

Like more traditional speeches, such as informative or persuasive, entertaining speeches should communicate a clear message, but the style of delivery is typically different. Entertaining speeches are often delivered on special occasions (e.g., a toast at a wedding, an acceptance speech, a motivational speech at a conference), which is why they are sometimes referred to as special-occasion speeches.

5. Incorporate Dialogues and Metaphors

An entertaining speech can be divided into three sections:

a. a great opening that informs the audience of the presentation’s topic,
b. the body, and
c. a memorable closing.

The introduction is highly important in this speech. You are inviting your audience to take a small ride into the way you see things. So, the path must seem engaging. Provide an attention-getter in the introduction. It plays a significant part in establishing you as an orator. The use of humor and interesting stories will make your speech even more captivating!

6. Don’t Insult

If you tell comical or humorous things about some individuals, don’t insult — be sensitive. Adding your own experiences and funny stories helps increase the entertainment value of your presentation. Mocking comments, exaggeration, and a little bit of absurdity in the speech are sure to make it amusing.

Speak pleasantly. This means using a pleasing tonal variation, voice inflection, and speech tempo. Your voice should sound natural and have characteristic of normal conversation. Again, rehearsing pays.

7. Choose An Appropriate Topic

Talk about things your audience is accustomed to, things they can easily comprehend and agree with. Make the kinds of jokes that they can laugh at without having to worry that someone else might be offended.

An entertaining speech can be about nearly any topic under the sun. While storytelling is an element of the speech, simply telling a story with no topical or thematic focus will be insufficient.
You need to pick a topic that can be explored from a variety of perspectives. Here are some examples of entertaining speech topics:

  • What to Do When Bored
  • How to Become Popular
  • How to Clean Your House in 30 Minutes

8. Use Simple Language

Remember, the audience will want the message delivered in a clear and brief manner. Avoid topics that are so serious in nature that they can drag down the audience. The audience expects an enjoyable presentation instead of listening to impassioned speeches.

9. To the Point Message

Be to the point. Your speech should have at least one key message on which the presentation is based. Keep your presentation short and sweet. It should also be easy to follow.

10. Relate A Personal Experience

Add anecdotes or drama.
Keep your presentation lively.
Surprise your audience.
Make unexpected turns.

11. Actively Involve the Audience

Interact with the audience.
Ask questions and give examples.
Tell fascinating stories linked to the topic of your presentation.
Give examples based on the information you present.
Ask questions to assist the audience with a specific message.

12. Be Extemporaneous

Make your presentation casual and light-hearted. Deliver it in the same manner as you might at a dinner with family or friends. Try to deliver your speech extemporaneously as much as you can. So, practice a lot. Ask a friend if it’s entertaining enough.

13. Keep Track of Time

One of the most important elements of delivery for this type of speech is timing. Timing is fundamentally the rhythm that the speaker creates with rate and pause. Don’t make your presentation overwhelming for your audience. Be mindful of your timing and the length of the presentation. Think about those people you know who are very good at telling jokes. Notice that one of the reasons they are good at it is that they have an innate feel for timing. Timing, like all other aspects of delivery, takes practice. Rehearse the timing of the flow of your entertaining speech topic. Practice until it all comes easily.

14. Be Yourself!

Don’t try to imitate other noted comedians.
Enjoy your presentation.
Help the audience to enjoy it too.

15. End with A Bright Conclusion

To fulfill the objectives of entertaining the audience and delivering a message, you should make the closing minutes the most inspiring and pleasing part of the presentation.

Training Course on Presentation Skills by Taidin Suhaimin



Taidin Suhaimin

TAIDIN SUHAIMIN is a Certified Malaysian Professional Trainer, Certified Entrepreneurial Mentor, Author, and Motivational Speaker.