Tailored Dreams
2 min readApr 17, 2016



We took a strange route through my subconscious thought. Travelling on the edge of a beach, a rocky coast, the rocks glittered with every colour flashing like huge disco lights illuminating the rocky outlines beside the dark water. Like a drug induced trip the rocks continued to shimmer so vividly. The further we travelled the more glowing rocks we uncovered, mesmerised and transfixed here we stayed.

“Just feel it and let it all go, who makes all these rules and regulations anyway, is this what being civilised means? Why do you care so much? I mean they are only people, just like you, stop caring just feel it and let it go. You need to do something with all the negative energy, everyone has some, it’s like a by -product of being alive, it is part of being human. It is how you chose to deal with it makes all the difference.”

The glowing rainbow rocks began to take a toll on us after a while, it was hard to keep track of time when every rock shimmered in its own way, working through every colour in the spectrum. We looked passed the glowing stones to try to find the water, the ocean, it was too dark to see. I wanted to find it, to escape these beautiful stones.

“Don’t worry about them, concentrate on yourself, this is your life, your existence stop letting other people interfere with that. You are more resilient than you think”.

