2 min readJan 4, 2022

The Future of Artificial Intelligence

What is AI?

Have you ever used “SIRI” or “Google Assistant”? They both are popular voice assistants and are commonly used by smartphone users today. Both of these assistants are based on the technology of Artificial Intelligence Systems. Artificial intelligence, in short, known as AI, is a computer-related field that comes into contact with machine learning, natural language/speech processing, expert systems and robotics etc. The basic aim of developing AI is to have a machine or software that can meet the same intelligence as that of the human brain.

Characteristics of AI

  • One of the major characteristics that are used in AI is reasoning. Reasoning is the ability to tackle problems logically. It applies to a machine that can solve the problem through logical deductions.
  • Another technology changing feature in AI is communication. It is the ability to understand written and spoken language. This feature is commonly used in voice assistants on smartphones.
  • Decision making is another stunning feature used by AI. This feature is used in designing robotic systems.

Applications of AI in Future

Entertainment and media are one of the major areas that have already started taking the impact of AI. With the usage of AI, it has become convenient to sit at a place and advertise to the only targeted customers. Social media is already using this feature. In the future, it would be possible for any software to search their customers automatically.

Education is also experiencing AI technology. AI Tutors is one of the major examples of using AI in the education sector. Socratic is software where students can show pictures and this software can teach them how to solve their problems by looking at the pictures.

Cyber Security also shadows the usage of AI. It is the vastest field that carries the lion’s share in using AI. The guided missile, used by the air force that follows the target and goes after the target until it hits it, is also an example of AI.


AI is playing a vital role in improving humanity in various fields. By looking at the applications it can be seen that they are the Artificial Intelligence Systems that are controlling and will control the future of the world. If one looks around one will find that it is the AI that is going to stay. So, the best option is to adapt to the changes in technology and mould our skills according to AI.


I have done masters in English language and literature. I have experience of 5 years in teaching and writing.