EOS can revolutionize the cryptocurrency world or not?

Taimour Hashmi
2 min readOct 29, 2018


To begin with the introduction, EOS is relatively a newcomer to the market of cryptocurrency. However, it is believed that the newbie could be responsible to change the crypto world upside down as it appears.

What is EOS?

It is one of the native currencies of the blockchain protocol EOS. IO is a company founded by Block one. It was in May 2017 when the company stepped in and by 2018, the company raised to one of the longest projects of the cryptocurrency. At the same time, it is the most profitable in tech. It is preferred currency these days in the PCN today.

What does EOS do?

It works by using an architecture based on blockchain enabling the users to scale decentralized applications (dApps). This simply means that the users of this currency can concentrate more on the overall performance of the apps via EOS. The platform takes care of all kinds of details which includes the authentication, databases, crypto accounts and last but not least to create and offer high-quality results.

Trading EOS:

Though there are several options accessible enabling the users to invest in the cryptocurrency, it can be done via several online cryptocoin exchanges that enable the investors to trade.

Another way for trading EOS is via CFDs i.e. contracts for difference. These platforms permit the traders to speculate the price of specific financial investments and then make use of the falls and the rises both. However, if the trade moves against the user, then the trader could be in for losses as well.

Benefits of EOS:


The objective that EOS holds is to provide a decentralized platform to host several applications, implement the smart contracts and make use of the blockchain for business. At the same time, it is hopeful to solve the issues of scalability that pioneer cryptocurrencies like Ethereum and Bitcoin failed to.

EOS eliminates the fee charges against transactions. It is done by using the delegated proof of stake of the protocol and at the same time, being multi-threaded.

The purpose of EOS is to be the operating system that is decentralized. It provides a developmental environment for the decentralized applications.

The native token, EOS, is usually the one that gives storage as well as bandwidth on the blockchain.

The token also allows the owner to participate in the on-chain governance. It also allows the traders to cast votes, in proportion to the certain stake of the owner.

It is unsure to predict which of the cryptocurrency will be the next superstar. However, the adoption of the user has always been one of the major success factors when it is about cryptocurrency.

Being a user of EOS, the fact is that you need to be updated about the EOS marketplace news. Things change so swiftly that one has to be updated at regular intervals. For this, you should subscribe to the PCN preferred currency news to stay ahead of the marketplace. Access their official site i.e. www.preferredcurrency.news and see how things will work for you in every possible manner.

