The Best Masternode Coins

Taimour Hashmi
2 min readSep 13, 2018


Everybody in the cryptospehere is willing to improve the cryptocurrency portfolio in order to generate a steady flow of cash. You must have heard about the Masternodes. If you have not then there is nothing to worry about. I will discuss it briefly.

What is a Masternode?

It is a cryptocurrency or can be called computer wallet. This computer wallet is capable of keeping the full copy of the blockchain in real life time just the way it happened with the Bitcoin full nodes. It always runs up and down.

However, there is little difference in functionalities of Masternode as compared to the normal nodes. These masternodes have been entitled to vary the incentive forms for providing their services.

Setting up a masternode:

In order to set up a masternode, you will have to commit and then buy a substantial amount of crypto coins. Hold them in wallet going up and running. As a result in return, for offering resources to host masternode, you get the rewards.

Keep it in mind that buying these coins and setting up the masternode is just an early key. Waiting time risk is associated with setting up masternode however if you are confident about the coins you can calculate the risk for yourself.

Moreover, you should keep an eye on the right project meeting your requirements. It is said because there are several projects in the cryptospehere that announce its masternodes to rule in the new investors.

Hence you need to be careful. There is a list of cryptos accessible today that you may select from. The best Masternodes are as follows:


It is one of the most popular cryptocurrency rankings among the top 15 cryptos on the cryptospehere. DASH is known to be pioneering the masternodes through developing the unique incentives for the users. Also, DASH facilitates the InstantSend, PrivateSend, and masternode management.

Looking at the per coin price of DASH, you may calculate that how much cost will be incurred to set up a DASH masternode.

Ticker symbol:


Minimum Masternode Amount:

1000 DASH

Income: It varies with the DASH price but can be quoted as $55 on daily basis and $20,000 on a yearly basis


PIVX is an abbreviation for Private Instant Verified Transaction. Another well-known currency which is in top 100 coins now. It also offers masternode functionalities and staking. It is because it is a proof of stake coin, unlike DASH.
Masternodes here are used to vote, send instant transaction and to prevent the double spends. Looking at the current price of the ticker, you can easily calculate the amount of needed investment to run a PIVX masternode.

Ticker symbol:


Minimum Masternode Amount:

10,000 PIVX


On the daily basis it is $5 and $20,000 per annually however it varied with the price of PIVX

There are service providers that facilitate you to set up and own cryptocurrency. One such name is GenesisBlock. Feel free to access our official site i.e. You will be provided with the expertise of the professionals in every manner.

