2024 Taipei Women in Tech Honorees

Taipei Women in Tech
32 min readApr 5, 2024


In 2022, we published a list of community honorees and gathered a group of wonder women that have demonstrated strong leadership, commitment for impacting work toward their efforts in making changes to our tech industry.

This year, in memory of Women’s History Month, we selected another group of honorees to highlight their work and career achievement reviewed by the board members of Ladies that UX Taiwan Association and a few previous TWIT honorees.

We would like to share our gratitude to this year’s board of interviewees: Ruby Kuan, Pei Pei Chen, Zoe Tsai, Scarlette Ho, Claire Chang, Fanny Lee and Jane Shih. The editing of the article is contributed by Pei Pei Chen, Jane Shih, ChatGPT and Bing Image Creator.

在科技快速迭代的時代中,你不用很厲害才開始,你需要的只是一個開始,就會很厲害。鼓勵大家勇敢跨出第一步,在實踐中成長、發光,用妳最獨特的力量與最溫柔的速度去影響這個世界。 Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/camillehu/

Meet Hu, Xiao-Wei, also known as Camille, a distinguished data science professor at Soochow University and industry consultant. With a fervent commitment to leveraging technology for societal benefit, she is celebrated for her groundbreaking AI solutions across diverse sectors like content creation, translation, and digital transformation for non-profit organizations and churches. Excelling as a thought leader bridging academia and industry, she fosters collaborative endeavors and spearheads impactful projects that uplift others.

Camille champions the notion of taking the first step in the swiftly evolving tech landscape. She motivates individuals to commence their journeys, stressing that greatness stems not from exceptionalism but from the determination to begin and progress. Her empowering message advocates growth through practice and leveraging individual strengths to gently yet profoundly impact the world.

A proud moment in Camille’s career is her successful development and implementation of AI-driven tools for non-profits and churches, catalyzing their digital transformation. By bridging the digital gap and equipping these organizations with cutting-edge AI solutions, she has revolutionized their operations and extended their reach, showcasing technology’s potential for societal good. Her expertise in Data Science, Machine Learning, and AI, coupled with her leadership as the General Manager of Humans Intelligent Integration Co., underscores her commitment to driving positive change through technology and empowering others in their career pursuits.

As an active participant in the tech community, Camille engages in public advocacy for digital transformation and organizes philanthropic endeavors. Her collaborative ethos and dedication to utilizing AI for societal betterment shine through impactful projects, highlighting the significance of interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation. In essence, Camille’s journey as a data science professor, industry consultant, and advocate for technology’s positive impact exemplifies her unwavering dedication to effecting meaningful change. Her narrative serves as an inspiration for those venturing into the tech industry, emphasizing AI’s transformative potential in addressing societal challenges.

相信自己,發揮獨特價值 website: ticalin.com

Tica Lin is a trailblazer in the fields of data visualization, augmented reality, and sports technology. She holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Harvard University, a Master’s in Digital Media from Georgia Tech, and a Bachelor’s in Electrical Engineering from National Taiwan University. Tica specializes in utilizing cutting-edge technologies to optimize data-driven decision-making in sports.

She has collaborated with prestigious teams such as the U.S. National Team and NCAA Division I teams, developing innovative SportsXR technology to enhance data analysis processes. She has also worked with industry giants like Apple, Meta Reality Labs, and Adobe on research and development projects.

As the founder of Vixual Insights, a design research lab specializing in AI, AR/VR, and data technology, she is passionate about academic development, sports tech, and interdisciplinary collaboration. Tica encourages others to believe in themselves and unleash their unique value.

Her problem-solving approach revolves around identifying specialized issues, innovating cross-disciplinary solutions, and formulating impactful research questions. For instance, her work with Harvard Basketball teams led to the development of an augmented reality tool for real-time performance analysis in free-throw training, bridging bioengineering and visual computing technologies.

我很鼓勵多元專長的人才加入科技產業,新興科技發展希望影響的終究是人性的議題,而複雜的議題更需要跨領域專才的合作。Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hsuanchiunora/

Nora Chiu currently serves as the Head of Marketing at Lydia AI, a Canadian health AI startup based in Taiwan. Her role focuses on expanding the company’s market presence in the Asia-Pacific region, enhancing brand visibility, and communicating data application scenarios to corporate clients and consumers. With diverse industry experiences and an international background, Nora brings excellent communication skills and practical marketing expertise to her role, acquired through both online and offline channels.

During her tenure at Lydia AI, Nora demonstrated proactive problem-solving by organizing and leading a user interview workshop, collecting valuable feedback despite the absence of a dedicated product designer/UX researcher. This initiative showcases her ability to drive impactful results through innovative solutions, highlighting her proactive approach to challenges and her capacity to connect the dots in her professional journey.

Nora’s message to readers is to encourage individuals with diverse talents to consider joining the tech industry. She emphasizes the importance of multidisciplinary collaboration in addressing complex, human-centric issues through the advancement of emerging technologies. As a self-identified “multipotentialite,” Nora believes in nurturing individuals with diverse skills and talents as essential contributors to solving today’s complex challenges, emphasizing the importance of collaboration between specialized experts and versatile individuals.

踏入這個傳統上被視為男性主導的領域,也許會面臨挑戰和困難。但請相信,只要勇於跨越那一步,定能綻放獨特的光芒~女性獨到的視角和創意思維,能為這個世界帶來新穎的改變與突破 Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joyuhung/

Amber Jo Yu Hung is a professional with a diverse background in procurement, spanning Taiwan, Europe, and the United States. Growing up in Taiwan, studying in Europe, and now working and building a family in the US, she approaches life with excitement for new experiences. In her career, she combines her expertise with her personal experiences to develop efficient procurement strategies for her company, striving to maximize value. Amber is dedicated to achieving work-smart and work-life alignment, allowing her to excel in both her professional and personal pursuits.

Amber’s philosophy revolves around living life to the fullest and constantly pushing her limits, believing in the importance of pursuing dreams and embracing new challenges. She finds joy in helping others, recognizing the reciprocal nature of learning and inspiration in such interactions. Both in her work and personal life, Amber is passionate about sharing her professional knowledge and valuable experiences with those around her, fostering mutual growth and progress.

Amber encourages readers to embark on journeys into traditionally male-dominated fields, emphasizing that despite the challenges, embracing one’s unique perspective and creative thinking as a woman can bring about innovative changes and breakthroughs in the world. In her areas of expertise, she can offer guidance on career development, achieving work-life balance, and navigating life abroad.

Embrace the uncertainty of unknown. You’ll never know if you never try, and don’t start until you feel ready, start today, every little step brings you closer to the ultimate goal. Linkedin:https://www.linkedin.com/in/ruby-hsu-711864117/

Ruby Hsu is a seasoned UX researcher with extensive experience in user research and product strategy. She previously served as the first researcher in Asia for Mozilla, conducting multinational research in emerging markets in Southeast Asia and successfully developing Firefox Lite. She also had a profound work experience at the fashion e-commerce platform Farfetch Group and is about to join the business travel platform, TravelPerk.

Ruby is passionate about understanding user needs deeply and excels in collaborating with people of different nationalities to build products, promote UCD, and influence research. She enjoys sharing her experiences and knowledge, hoping to help others achieve goals such as overseas job hunting, product development, and career advancement.

Her success was not without challenges. She once resigned from her job in Taiwan, ventured alone into the British workplace, and established herself abroad. Despite the global downturn and layoffs, she quickly found new employment and stabilized in her new company. These experiences taught her the importance of support systems and networks, as well as resilience in the face of adversity.

Ruby’s current mission is to share her story and experiences, and through her involvement in the Taipei Women In Tech community, she aims to help more women enter the tech industry and make progress in their careers. As a seasoned UX researcher, she excels in using user research to enhance the product development process and create value from 0 to 1. She often proposes innovative methods and strategies to help companies maximize the value of UX research, changing stakeholders’ perceptions of UX research along the way.

Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish. Linkedin: https://tw.linkedin.com/in/cozy-sandy

Sandy Wang is a Senior Product Designer at Delta Electronics, specializing in service design and UI/UX design. She graduated from the Industrial Product Design School at Shih Chien University. Previously, she worked as an Experience Designer at an international consulting firm, serving over 30 companies and organizations including Garmin, ITRI, and Wyeth.

In her role, Sandy encountered challenges such as incomplete processes, particularly regarding Design QA, which led to discrepancies between final products and design drafts. She recommended integrating Design QA into the development process to enhance delivery quality and enable QA engineers to detect design-related issues early, thus improving efficiency.

Sandy’s motto, “Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish,” reflects her openness to sharing career insights and advice in areas such as career planning, portfolio review, product design, and service design. As a role model for women in the tech industry, her efforts and innovative spirit contribute to the community’s future development and inspire other women to pursue excellence in their careers.

Sandy’s expertise spans service design, UI/UX design, and problem-solving within design processes. She welcomes inquiries on career planning, portfolio reviews, product design, and service design. Her experience and insights make her a valuable resource for individuals seeking guidance in these areas.

放下包袱,跑得更快 Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/deliayeh/

Delia Yeh has over 15 years of professional experience in multinational high-tech and consumer technology industries, mobile internet, and startups, specializing in public relations and marketing. She focuses on connecting corporate resources with community needs, particularly supporting and guiding women talent interested in the high-tech industry. Her life motto is “let go of burdens and run faster,” and she provides assistance and advice on corporate PR, media strategy, event planning, D&I, and ESG issues.

Delia Yeh’s expertise and communication skills enable her to play a crucial role in the workplace. She successfully convinced senior executives of the importance of social media communication and assisted in producing a series of influential industry executive dialogue videos. She excels in helping executives and colleagues share industry insights and career experiences and can provide effective solutions to critical issues such as material shortages.

She encourages more women to enter the tech industry and expand their influence through internal company and community activities. Even without a STEM background, she believes women can excel in the tech field and actively shares knowledge and experiences to bring more growth to their careers and lives.

For those interested in topics such as corporate PR, media strategy, event planning, D&I, and ESG issues, Delia Yeh can provide valuable insights and guidance. Her experience and expertise make her a vital resource in the tech community, capable of helping more individuals succeed in this field.

勇敢的人,先享受世界!email: eva9310@qq.com

Eva Wu is a professional with extensive experience in the fields of AI and cloud computing. She has served as the Vice President of Sales at SkyREC and currently holds the position of Business Development Manager for AWS in China. From startups to big tech companies, she has been focused on continuous growth in the B2B sales domain, overcoming challenges faced by women in the industry.

Eva Wu excels in communication and problem-solving, demonstrating excellent leadership and decisive response capabilities. Her keywords include AI, B2B sales, and international operations, enabling her to effectively tackle challenges and achieve success in her work.

As an outstanding female figure in the tech industry, Eva Wu has rich experience and achievements. She not only succeeds on a personal level but also strives to influence and inspire more women to enter the tech industry. She encourages the younger generation not to fear challenges, bravely face the world, and hopes to expand broader career horizons through her experience and guidance.

Eva Wu’s areas of expertise include AI, cloud computing, and B2B sales. With her extensive experience in various markets, she can share valuable insights and experiences and provide professional advice in related fields.

突破框架、不斷學習、相信自己,能力會帶你去夢想的遠方 email: manuela0103@gmail.com

Dr. Tsuihua Liu is an experienced professional in the field of science education. She has transitioned through various teaching roles, from high school science teacher to research teacher at the Ministry of Education, and later to curriculum supervisor at the Education Bureau. Dr. Liu focuses on inspiring students’ interests, logical reasoning, and practical inquiry skills, emphasizing interdisciplinary thinking and social humanities care. She encourages students to participate in science exhibitions and competitions, representing the country multiple times and achieving excellent results. Dr. Liu can provide assistance and advice in career experience sharing, talent cultivation, gifted education, and science education promotion.

Dr. Liu demonstrates impactful problem-solving abilities through her work, such as establishing biology labs and guiding students, showcasing exceptional talent and leadership.

Dr. Liu’s expertise in science education and her dedicated guidance to students make her a strong role model for women in the tech community. Her active participation in guiding women’s involvement in tech community activities and her efforts in promoting science education and interdisciplinary collaboration demonstrate her positive influence. Through workshops or panel discussions, she can assist young girls in cultivating scientific thinking and confidence, laying a solid foundation for their personal and career growth. Dr. Liu’s efforts and leadership will bring more positive impacts to women in the future tech field.

Dr. Tsuihua Liu is an expert in the field of science education, possessing rich teaching experience and remarkable achievements. She emphasizes inspiring students’ interests, fostering logical reasoning abilities, and promoting interdisciplinary thinking in her teaching. Dr. Liu actively engages in educational research projects, promotes science education, integrates STEAM education, and is committed to talent cultivation and science education promotion. Her teaching methods are highly praised by students, establishing her as an exemplary figure in science education. Dr. Liu is professional and passionate in the field of education, with rich teaching experience and successful cases, and her future development is eagerly anticipated.

「當你看到一台火箭飛船,趕快找座位就對了,不用多問坐在哪裡。If you’re offered a seat on a rocket ship, you don’t ask what seat. You just get on. 」Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hermionetsai?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=ios_app

Hermione Tsai is a dynamic individual with a diverse career background spanning from the fashion manufacturing industry to the software technology sector. She has demonstrated her expertise in assisting startups in identifying potential users, expanding business partnerships, and establishing ecosystems for software suppliers and platforms. Hermione’s mantra, “If you’re offered a seat on a rocket ship, you don’t ask what seat. You just get on,” reflects her proactive and fearless approach to opportunities.

With a passion for career guidance, marketing, and business development, Hermione excels in roles requiring excellence, teamwork, and effective communication. One of her defining moments was successfully resolving a productivity issue within a team by implementing a comprehensive communication platform, leading to a significant increase in efficiency.

Specializing in AI and MarTech, Hermione currently holds the position of Head of Business at Rosetta.ai. She holds a deep conviction in the transformative power of education, particularly in empowering women and marginalized individuals. As a graduate of National Taiwan Normal University, her enthusiasm for leveraging education to shape young women’s futures shines through her initiatives in remote education and her goal of establishing a foundation to support educational causes.

Hermione’s exceptional communication skills, strategic problem-solving abilities, and dedication to empowering others make her a valuable asset in any professional setting. Her unwavering commitment to excellence and her vision for facilitating positive change embody her leadership style. Hermione Tsai is an inspiring figure poised to make a lasting impact in the worlds of technology, education, and social empowerment.

記得善待並相信自己,不論中途透過什麼形式實踐,妳始終會成為妳理想的樣子。 Website: https://www.instagram.com/alyssaherlife/

Alyssa Chen, also known as 陳秀嘉, has forged her career in data science with a unique perspective drawn from her background in humanities and social sciences. Starting from roles like business analyst and data product planner, she progressed to positions such as data warehouse PM and operations director, eventually becoming a team lead in data. Alongside her professional journey, Alyssa founded “Alyssa社會學半路出家資料科學”, a platform where she shares insights on data analysis and career experiences through social media.

Alyssa excels in promoting soft skills and emphasizing the importance of data literacy beyond technical proficiency. Initiatives like the data literacy reading club she organized showcase her commitment to broadening perspectives on data analysis and helping individuals build confidence in career transitions.

Passionate about helping others, Alyssa advocates for self-belief and self-compassion. Her proudest moment came from organizing a half-year-long data literacy reading club, benefiting over 300 participants and demonstrating her dedication to empowering others through education. She believes in the power of interdisciplinary career insights and data analysis, encouraging others to embrace these fields and nurture their skills.

Within her workplace, Alyssa has led the data team and cultivated a data-driven culture. Through workshops, courses, and collaborative events, she has enhanced colleagues’ data capabilities and promoted cross-departmental collaboration. Beyond her professional endeavors, Alyssa engages in social activities and volunteer work to give back to the community and inspire others to reach their potential. Her dedication to empowering individuals through data, commitment to growth, and positive impact in the data science community position her as a respected figure.

The best part about new tech, AI, and blockchain is that we’re all figuring the technology out together, so don’t be afraid to go for roles and take on projects that seem out of your scope (with the humility to learn, of course) — You’re more capable than you think. The road to discovering what you really love in tech and life isn’t straight; it’s totally okay to change lanes, rebrand yourself, and start fresh when a path no longer serves you. It’s never too late to mix things up and chase what you’re truly passionate about. Lastly remember that your unique life and professional experiences are incredibly important for every role you take on, and determination and hard work will open doors you didn’t even know existed. Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tlai319/

Tiffany Lai, originally from California, has built an impressive career in the captivating realms of technology and blockchain, following an early stint in Taiwan’s advertising industry. With over a decade of experience in marketing and brand management, Tiffany has collaborated with dynamic teams at SAAS companies, Apple, and currently leads growth efforts at Avalanche.

Integrating her passion for cryptocurrency, Taiwan, and diversity, Tiffany serves as the Director of Taipei Blockchain Week (TBW). She played a crucial role in organizing the inaugural TBW in 2022, defying the challenging circumstances of the Covid-19 pandemic. Despite juggling a full-time job, Tiffany successfully managed the event, which attracted over 2,000 attendees, including a three-day hackathon.

Tiffany’s involvement in TBW and Avalanche goes beyond mere professional obligations; it embodies her resilience and passion. Despite the lack of compensation for her efforts in TBW, her determination and love for her work inspire over twenty volunteers to join her each year. She shares her motivation and perseverance with the Taipei Women in Tech community, encouraging them to embrace the evolving landscape of technologies like AI and blockchain.

Tiffany’s story is a testament to determination, resilience, and passion. She demonstrates how one can carve out a non-traditional career path and become a source of inspiration and support in emerging fields like blockchain. Her journey emphasizes that success is not always a linear path; it’s about pursuing passions and making an impact along the way.

了解自己的能力與影響力,確定目標,放大妳的天份,多幫助他人,最後最有收穫的絕對是妳自己。 Website: www.sswey.com

Maggie Yeh graduated in industrial product design and later transitioned to marketing and digital marketing. In 2018, she founded SSWey Marketing Consultants, focusing on integrated marketing, crowdfunding, company profitability, and business models. She successfully assisted clients in product development, crowdfunding, international trade, and cross-border e-commerce, raising a total of over 90 million yuan with a single fundraising of 18 million yuan. She emphasizes understanding one’s abilities and influence, setting goals, maximizing talents, and helping others.

Faced with the issue of uncollected project performance incentives, she turned it into an opportunity by considering the project as a strong case study, successfully generating more performance. Her thinking and approach demonstrated her resilience. During her tenure as the head of Siwei Marketing Consultants, she organized and led several successful fundraising projects, notably achieving a single fundraising of 18 million yuan, showcasing her entrepreneurial skills.

Maggie encourages individuals with diverse talents to consider joining the tech industry and emphasizes the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration. Her success story and positive attitude will set a strong example for more women in the technology industry, showcasing her excellent position in the field of technology. She plans to invite other entrepreneurs to share their experiences and share survival tips in male-dominated marketing circles and as president of the Rotary Club.

Maggie’s areas of expertise include integrated marketing, crowdfunding, company profitability, and business models. Her experience will also contribute to more exchanges with professional women, mutual growth, sharing experiences, and further assuming community roles such as president of the Rotary Club.

創造自己,相信自己,不斷學習,勇敢發問 Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anya-huang-60aa64bb/

Anya Huang, a software engineer at Delivery Hero SE, initially ventured into coding while managing household responsibilities, transitioning from the entertainment industry to tech. Despite being in a male-dominated environment, she pursued Python programming passionately, ultimately becoming a backend engineer. Anya advocates for self-empowerment, continuous learning, and fearless questioning, embodying resilience and determination in her career journey.

Anya excels in data and engineering and actively supports others in navigating male-dominated workplaces and negotiating salaries. Her proud moment lies in successfully entering the tech industry, breaking stereotypes and showcasing that age is not a barrier to excelling in tech. She fearlessly addresses biases and unfair treatment of female colleagues, sparking discussions on inclusive work cultures, particularly during an International Women’s Day event.

Anya fearlessly confronts biases and inequalities in the workplace, setting an example by challenging biased remarks and initiating discussions on gender disparities in promotions. Her deep understanding of the challenges faced by women in tech makes her a vital advocate for gender equality, promoting diversity and inclusion in the industry. Anya’s story inspires others to break into new fields and make meaningful impacts, irrespective of gender or background.

Anya’s expertise spans data analysis, engineering, and advocating for gender equality in tech. She welcomes inquiries about navigating male-dominated workplaces, negotiating salaries, and fostering inclusive work cultures. Additionally, her experiences transitioning from the entertainment industry to tech and overcoming age-related stereotypes provide valuable insights for those seeking career transitions or facing similar challenges.

科技始終來自於人性,相信女性共感洞察的柔性特質,在剛硬的科技業中更能嶄露其獨特的影響力。 email: viyvira@gmail.com

Tina Chung currently serves as the Project Manager for Startup Education and Counseling at the National Cheng Kung University Industrial Collaboration Center — Startup Acceleration Center, while also holding the position of B Corp Management Consultant. With a background deeply rooted in sustainability, she brings valuable financial experience from top accounting firms, leading pharmaceutical companies, and renewable energy firms. Her expertise includes financial analysis, project planning and execution, and establishing diverse partnerships.

Tina believes that technology originates from human nature, and she emphasizes the unique influence of women’s empathy and flexibility in the tech industry. She willingly offers assistance and advice in B Corp application counseling, carbon management solutions, curriculum planning, and financial analysis. She takes great pride in her work at National Cheng Kung University, where she has successfully cultivated diverse partnerships, bringing in valuable external resources to provide students with a wide range of startup education opportunities, earning recognition and positive feedback from students.

Moreover, she has demonstrated her problem-solving skills in a unique and impactful manner. She recalls a pivotal moment during a three-day workshop for student startup teams, where she facilitated important coordination and bridge-building efforts. Through timely communication and mediation, she successfully resolved tensions within a team that had become upset due to criticism, leading them to actively participate in the startup dream project and express heartfelt gratitude to her during Demo Day, leaving a lasting impression.

Throughout her career, Tina has often played a supportive role behind the scenes. Her initial encounter with Taipei Women in Tech, despite lacking experience in organizing external events, introduced her to many outstanding women from various fields, allowing her to learn and grow, and find her own niche. Tiffany looks forward to continuing to leverage her influence to help more people and make a positive impact in the future.

在科技的世界裡,每一位女性都擁有轉變未來的力量。不要害怕挑戰既定的規範,妳的視角獨特且寶貴,勇敢追求妳的熱情,創造妳自己的故事。 Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/taofang-chang/

Jessie Chang is the founder and CEO of HealYou, a platform dedicated to improving mental health awareness in the Chinese-speaking world through innovative online counseling services. With eight years of experience in technology product management, she embarked on her entrepreneurial journey to launch HealYou, showcasing her passion for social welfare and versatile leadership skills.

Facing challenges in providing high-quality mental health services with limited resources during the early stages of HealYou, Jessie and her team devised a scalable online platform that revolutionized the delivery of counseling services. Through collaboration with experts, they ensured user-friendly experiences and service reliability, setting new standards for innovation in the mental health field.

Jessie is a firm believer in the transformative power of women in the world of technology. She encourages women not to fear challenging existing norms but to embrace their unique perspectives and pursue their passions fearlessly to create their stories of success. In her proud moment, Jessie recounts the rapid growth and impact of Healyou.io, underscoring a significant achievement where the platform became a trusted choice for many individuals, primarily women, seeking mental health support. She highlights the importance of accessibility and quality in mental health services, emphasizing the role of technology in enhancing these aspects.

Jessie’s expertise lies in mental health, and her profound dedication to leveraging technology to expand access and impact in mental health services shines through her work at HealYou. As the CEO of HealYou, Jessie supports individuals in project management, agile development, career counseling, and cross-cultural communication. Her commitment to making counseling services accessible and effective has enabled many to find suitable counselors on the platform and engage in healing practices such as art therapy and career counseling.

即使只有百分之一個可能,只要可能性存在,它就有變成現實的希望。 Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cindy-hsueh-92864b21b/

Cindy Hsueh, a philosopher turned tech enthusiast, currently serves as the program manager for global vendor management at Google Taiwan. Her career journey reflects a fusion of her passion for learning and her commitment to fostering Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) within the multinational technology company.

Cindy’s exceptional problem-solving skills are evident in her efforts to enhance disability awareness at Google. By leveraging her philosophy that even a one percent chance brings hope, she inspires individuals with disabilities to pursue their career aspirations. Through meticulous work, she encourages their professional growth and development.

Beyond her workplace responsibilities, Cindy extends her influence by providing guidance in Vendor Management, DEI, and Disability Awareness. Actively participating in events promoting disability inclusion in hiring and collaborating with HR teams, Cindy strives to create a more supportive environment for candidates with disabilities.

Cindy’s impact extends to her role in problem-solving and collaboration. Noticing challenges in internal tools during global expansion, she proactively identifies user pain points and implements effective solutions, resulting in a significant increase in user adoption. With expertise in Google operations, FANG, girl power, and ESG, Cindy continues to drive innovation through inclusion, serving as a beacon of change in the tech community.

機會是留給勇於跨出第一步的人,多多享受探索與自我挑戰的過程來找到適合自己的工作。不要被科系或他人眼光而限制住自己的職涯發展。Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/enjoyinjoy/

Joy Liu is a Product Design Manager at ServiceNow, renowned for her expertise in enhancing customer experiences post-sales and guiding her team in understanding client needs and business processes. With a background in teaching interactive design at prestigious institutions like ArtCenter College of Design and California College of the Arts, Joy is passionate about mentoring new designers and aiding their career growth.

Joy emphasizes the significance of seizing opportunities and embracing self-exploration to achieve career success, advocating against letting others’ opinions or choice of major hinder personal development. She is committed to facilitating career advancement in product design, fostering effective teamwork, and honing essential soft skills in the workplace.

As a leader, Joy spearheaded the launch of ServiceNow’s next-gen customer success platform, marking the company’s most successful product launch to date with nine-figure success. She finds fulfillment in mentoring individuals who achieve success in interviews or secure job offers, prioritizing the growth and development of her team and mentees.

Specializing in Enterprise Software, Joy is lauded for her technical proficiency, design strategy, and product acumen. She champions empowering cross-functional teams to collaborate effectively and craft impactful product narratives, offering mentorship and sharing her enthusiasm and experience with aspiring designers.

“If the path before you is clear, you’re probably on someone else’s.” — Joseph Campbell Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mjay-tang-ca-m-cpa-aust-64220760/

MJay Tang is a dynamic professional with a unique perspective on the Southeast Asian tech industry. Coming from a finance background, MJay has thrived in high-growth startups like Lalamove and Shopline, and currently serves as the CFO of HealYou in Taiwan. Her expertise extends beyond numbers as she focuses on driving results and fostering innovation in her roles.

MJay’s ability to analyze situations and propose impactful solutions was evident at Lalamove Malaysia, where she addressed a surge in orders during COVID by implementing streamlined processes, reducing workload, and enhancing customer satisfaction. Her strategic thinking and problem-solving skills have been instrumental in overcoming challenges in the fast-paced startup environment.

One of MJay’s proudest moments was transitioning from working in tech startups to becoming an entrepreneur herself, co-founding an unmanned grocery store venture focused on sustainability and long-term success. Her experiences within the Southeast Asian startup ecosystem have shaped her approach to building businesses prioritizing impact and profitability. She advocates for the strategic role of accountants in the tech industry, especially for women, and believes in empowering women with diverse skill sets to foster innovation.

Apart from her CFO role at HealYou, MJay brings a wealth of experience in leading finance functions and supporting startup growth across various companies. Her nomination as a Taipei Women in Tech honoree underscores her commitment to empowering women in the tech industry and contributing to the growth of innovative startups in Southeast Asia. MJay’s dedication to making mental health services accessible aligns with her mission to break barriers and bring impactful solutions to a wider audience.

Be brave and be yourself. Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yi-ling-lin/

Introducing Yiling Lin, also known as 林怡伶, a tech enthusiast and expert in software development, web3 technology, and product management. With a background in engineering and a passion for empowering individuals in the tech community, Yiling serves as the CTO and co-founder of Guidoor. Her journey in the tech industry includes roles as a software engineer, project manager, and entrepreneur, showcasing her diverse skill set and experience in creating impactful solutions.

Yiling’s proudest career moment came through her work with Guidoor, where she embraced lean startup principles to shape a product that resonated with users. By conducting extensive user interviews and testing, Yiling and her team gathered valuable feedback, leading to the development of a solution that users truly love. This experience highlights her commitment to user-centric design and iterative development, underscoring the transformative power of listening to users and creating products that meet their needs.

One of Yiling’s impactful work experiences involved enhancing the core functions of the Whoscall caller ID app by implementing AI features to combat SMS fraud. Through collaboration with stakeholders across product squads and departments, Yiling successfully led the initiative, solidifying the app’s position as a market leader in the caller ID space. This project demonstrated her expertise in product management, cross-functional communication, and stakeholder management, illustrating the importance of proactive problem-solving in delivering successful solutions within the tech industry.

Yiling’s areas of expertise extend beyond software development to include life development, tech career development, entrepreneurship, and product management. With a passion for empowering individuals and helping them find their paths, Yiling serves as a life designer, guiding talented individuals in their career journeys. She emphasizes the importance of being brave and true to oneself, encouraging others to pursue their goals with confidence and authenticity. Additionally, Yiling is actively involved in the tech community, participating in events such as TWIT and LTUX and advocating for women’s empowerment and expression.

Her dedication to promoting diversity and inclusion within the tech industry aligns with her values and her commitment to recognizing and supporting rising stars in the field. Yiling’s drive to leverage technology for innovation and her focus on empowering individuals make her a valuable asset to the tech community and a beacon of inspiration for aspiring tech professionals.

只要有正確的心態、方法和足夠的耐心,明天的妳一定會比今天更好。Website: https://wanchunghuang.com/

Wan-Chung Huang is a pioneering and proud woman who, despite facing personal language barriers, has gradually overcome them and continuously challenged herself, eventually becoming a Cloud Architect at Microsoft. She chose to communicate in a non-native language, gaining valuable experiences through volunteering in Central America, studying in France, and undertaking projects on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in China.

Wan-Chung has been a speaker at important conferences such as SEMICON Taiwan, Microsoft Virtual Summit, and DevDays ASIA, and has also encouraged girls who feel inadequate through public writing. Her works have been published in various well-known media outlets, including TechOrange, United Daily News, and Womany.

In her work, she has assisted in resolving customer concerns about Microsoft cloud service fees, successfully providing pricing strategies and solutions that ultimately facilitated business progress. This experience taught her how to effectively and harmoniously negotiate with dissatisfied customers and stakeholders.

In addition to her hands-on experience in cloud architecture, she excels in the fields of data and artificial intelligence, with particular expertise in the Low-code domain. She actively shares her practical experience and insights in the tech industry, hoping to encourage more women to enter the field.

Wan-Chung shares with all women in the tech industry that as long as they continue to work hard, maintain the right mindset, approach, and patience, they will surely be better tomorrow than today. She also proves through her own experience that even introverted and language-challenged individuals can achieve their dreams.

鎖定目標,全力以赴;面對挑戰與困難,妳可以”耍韌性”。:)LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/patty-h-720209ba

Patty Hsieh has navigated a diverse career path, transitioning from traditional trades to the electronics industry, where she found her calling in Supply Chain Management (SCM). Currently employed by a multinational technology company, Patty’s journey underscores her adaptability and resilience in facing career challenges across different industries and roles.

Patty excels in providing career development guidance, leveraging her experiences transitioning between fields, and offering insights into collaborating with foreign companies on contractual basis. Her problem-solving prowess was evident when she efficiently resolved a critical material shortage issue, ensuring smooth operations within the supply chain and averting a potential production crisis.

Patty advocates for setting clear goals and tackling challenges with resilience, inspiring future generations to pursue their passions with determination. Her journey from traditional trades to becoming a proficient program manager in the electronics industry serves as a testament to her adaptability and determination, making her a role model for women in the tech community.

As a (Materials) Program Manager as TVC(Temporary, Vendor and Contractor) for Intelligent Manpower Corp., Patty specializes in optimizing supply chain processes and enhancing efficiency in material procurement. She welcomes inquiries about career development, transitioning across different fields, and collaborating with foreign companies on contractual basis.

Dealing with ambiguity is far easier if you learn how to enjoy it. Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ianweng9/

Ian Weng is an accomplished Operations Manager at TikTok, specializing in strategic program management and software governance. With a diverse background spanning startups, unicorn companies, and major corporations across Singapore, the UK, and beyond, Ian brings a unique perspective and rich experience to her role.

Ian’s proudest career moment came when she mobilized over 700 host actions to unlock operational limitations for urban short-term rentals in 2017. This achievement showcased the power of grassroots efforts in driving positive change and underscored the significance of community engagement in shaping public policy. Ian excels in dealing with ambiguity and encourages others to embrace it, offering valuable advice on international career development.

Ian advocates for enjoying ambiguity and provides guidance on international career development. She actively shares career insights on platforms like Instagram to empower women in Taiwan to embrace their skills and pursue opportunities globally. Her multilingual advantage and cultural awareness serve as inspirational elements in encouraging women to confidently pursue their career aspirations with a global mindset.

Ian specializes in enhancing efficiency, policy enforcement, and fostering cross-cultural collaboration within global tech companies. She has demonstrated exceptional problem-solving skills through initiatives like advocating for the Supply and Demand Intake System, which significantly improved workload management and efficiency for her team.

Be open to ideas. 想法出現就問自己「如何做到?」挑戰出現時,從「why me?」轉換成「why not me?」Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yu-ting-hsu-tw

Yu-Ting Hsu is a professional who transitioned from a background in accounting to the IT field. With over a decade of experience, she has demonstrated her ability to switch domains, from business analysis to system implementation, and then to information department management. She takes pride in her accomplishments, including transitioning from a project manager to an information department manager, successfully leading engineering teams. During the company’s implementation of M365, she enhanced colleagues’ understanding of the system through a series of courses and began developing Power Apps.

As a lecturer, Yu-Ting Hsu shares her experiences and knowledge, actively participates in volunteer services to assist those in need with resume check-ups. She serves as the Information Department Manager at Xinlu Management Consulting Company, while also dedicating herself to helping others explore career paths, showcasing remarkable cross-domain transition capabilities.

Yu-Ting Hsu’s skillset includes business analysis, system implementation, and information department management, among others. During the company’s M365 implementation, she demonstrated outstanding planning abilities, successfully improving colleagues’ understanding of the system and initiating Power Apps development. Her wealth of experience and proactive attitude make her a key player in problem-solving.

Yu-Ting Hsu’s cross-domain transition experience provides valuable insights for future generations, particularly impacting women in the tech community. Her story inspires young people to venture into different fields and showcase their unique abilities. Meanwhile, she actively engages in volunteer services, providing career guidance to others and positively impacting the entire community.

因為好奇,所以探索;因為探索,所以有趣,所以學習,所以成長,所以喜悅。女孩們!衝壓! Linkedin:https://www.linkedin.com/in/daisyliuscm/

Meet Daisy Liu, a seasoned supply chain professional who has been breaking boundaries in the tech industry for the last decade. Originally from Taiwan, Daisy has made a name for herself in the United States, working with reputable international organizations, such as PepsiCo and o9 Solutions Inc. She currently holds the title of Lead Consultant at o9 Solutions.

Daisy earned her Bachelor’s degree in Transportation Management from Tamkang University and went on to develop an impressive range of expertise from procurement and logistics management to demand forecasting and enterprise resource planning systems. Her career in supply chain commenced with her first job in procurement, which set the stage for an incredible journey in the field.

Throughout her career, Daisy has navigated through countless challenges that have pushed her to seek innovative solutions. Integral to this was her ability to question the norm and foster an incessant desire for optimal outcomes. Leveraging data visualization, she has been instrumental in enhancing decision-making processes in her roles, with one of her proudest moments involving the development of a highly effective tableau dashboard for forecasting accuracy.

At PepsiCo, she played a crucial role in streamlining the planning process, significantly reducing planning time by 90%. Daisy identified a need for a dedicated demand planning platform for a European sector. Through a persuasive argument backed by robust data analysis, she facilitated the development of an R-based forecasting tool, thereby improving the forecast accuracy by 7%.

Daisy is not only a stellar professional, but she also brings tremendous value to the tech community, particularly for Taiwanese women. She regularly shares insights on career development, personal growth, future trends in supply chain, and esports strategies.

Above all, Daisy epitomizes the idea of perseverance and is a striking example of what women in tech can achieve. Rooted in her belief is the power of exploration, learning, and growth, a philosophy she eagerly shares with others. Through her journey, Daisy encourages women to embrace their capabilities and chase their dreams fearlessly. She is a shining testament to the boundless potential of women in tech, proving that dedication, a thirst for learning, and stubborn resilience can indeed pave the way to greatness.

享受追尋的過程,不要計較結果 Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joaneychuang/

Joaney Chuang is a seasoned marketer with over 7 years of experience in the tech industry, having worked on both the brand and agency sides. She started her career in digital marketing at an agency, honing her skills before transitioning to product development and marketing campaigns on the brand side. Currently, Joaney is working at Mastercard as a Music Content Lead, having previously worked in Tokyo and Shanghai. She is actively involved in online communities for women in tech and looks forward to sharing her experiences with others.

Joaney describes herself as a mix of extrovert and introvert, always eager to meet new people and engage in conversations. One of her proud moments was winning the People Recognition Award at Dyson for the successful launch of an exclusive vacuum in Japan, resulting in a significant boost in sales. In a challenging work situation at Dyson, Joaney demonstrated her problem-solving skills by addressing a decline in paid transactions in the HK market. By conducting thorough assessments, aligning key stakeholders, and focusing on user experience, she managed to improve cost efficiency by 40%, turning a potential failure into an innovative success.

Joaney’s message to the readers is “享受追尋的過程,不要計較結果” which translates to “Enjoy the process of seeking, don’t worry about the outcome.” She is willing to share her expertise and offer advice in the fields of marketing and sharing experiences of working abroad. Her motivation for sharing her story is to create a record of her career trajectory in the tech industry. Joaney’s experiences serve as inspiration for future generations, especially women in tech, as she actively engages in online communities and looks forward to contributing her insights.

Joaney’s expertise spans marketing, product development, and problem-solving in challenging work situations. With experience in both agency and brand settings, as well as international work experience in Tokyo and Shanghai, she can provide valuable insights into various aspects of the tech industry.

身為在科技業裡少數的女性,我們有著細膩且專注的特質,妳也值得成為團隊的領導者! IG:https://www.instagram.com/leeru_riceball/

Hazel Lee is a prominent figure in the tech industry, specializing in data analytics across retail, marketing, and e-commerce sectors. With a career focused on data science, project management, and automating machine learning models for Fortune 500 companies, she excels in creating predictive analytical models using artificial intelligence.

Despite receiving significant scholarships to pursue master’s programs in Data Science from reputable institutions in 2022, Hazel opted to remain in Taiwan, dedicating herself to enhancing data science training locally. She has lectured on Machine Learning at around ten universities, including National Taiwan University and Tsinghua University, and provided training for leading firms like Wistron and Deloitte, nurturing over 500 learners.

Hazel encourages aspiring women in tech to embrace their meticulous and focused nature, asserting that they deserve leadership roles in their teams. She offers guidance and support to anyone interested in data analysis, providing opportunities to create projects within the field. Her own journey, from an intern without a clear career path to a leader in data science, exemplifies the power of determination and enthusiasm.

Hazel’s commitment to fostering a vibrant data science community in Taiwan is evident through initiatives like DataBuddies, a course aimed at providing a gateway for individuals interested in the field. Her dedication to teaching and developing practical, results-oriented courses underscores her role as a pioneering figure in the tech industry.

Embrace being a Cross-Disciplinary Practitioner! Let passion lead and dare to think beyond conventional boundaries. Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chiehwen-cheng

Introducing Jade Cheng, an accomplished figure in the realm of technology and a trailblazer for women in technology. With over eight years of enriching experience, Jade transitioned from leading in female and housing markets into the exciting world of startups. Known for her significant strides in cross-functional collaboration, data-driven marketing, product management, and agile methodologies, Jade’s passion and diverse skill set have made her an invaluable asset to the tech industry.

In her career, Jade has successfully navigated numerous roles from Marketing Manager to Project/Product Manager, contributing to both in-house and outsourced projects for over 20 diverse brands. Her expertise lies predominantly in B2C strategies with extensive B2B interactions, offering her a comprehensive understanding of market dynamics.

Jade’s most noteworthy achievement to date is the development and successful execution of an innovative 8-week mentorship program in partnership with AgileGirls and Google Woman Techmakers. This program brought together 20 designers and developers, leading them to complete their first-ever Scrum-based side projects. Additionally, Jade broke new ground by organizing Taiwan’s first women-centric hackathon post-COVID-19. In collaboration with eight female tech communities, they saw over 65 women present 14 innovative solutions pitched for future mobility.

Currently serving as the Senior Project Manager at Mosaic Venture Lab, Jade attributes her dedication to advancing women in technology as the keystone of her career. In the last four years, she has led three distinct women-in-tech communities, creating networking and growth opportunities for over 700 women. Her commitment to female leadership and inclusivity is not just about individual recognition but more of a platform to inspire and uplift others in the tech community.

Jade’s message to the Taipei Women in Tech community resonates with her philosophy: Embrace being a Cross-Disciplinary Practitioner! Capacity to think beyond boundaries and let passion guide your journey. By sharing her knowledge in Marketing, DEI, Cross-Disciplinary, Trail Running, Traveling, and her prowess in Smart Mobility, Agile, UX, MarTech, Jade aims to empower more people, guiding them to make a difference.

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” — Eleanor Roosevelt Linkedin :https://www.linkedin.com/in/angelaliaomba/

Angela Liao, a seasoned leader in Silicon Valley, has carved her path in the tech industry with over a decade of experience, notably at Google and Tesla. Her journey showcases a steadfast commitment to driving results and pushing boundaries, evident in her roles overseeing the launch of the first Pixel Tablet at Google and leading strategic sourcing for Tesla’s Model S and X Plaid editions.

Angela’s expertise extends beyond manufacturing and supply chain management to encompass career development, business negotiation, strategic thinking, and wellness. Her leadership prowess was demonstrated in China, where she turned around a $300M business from negative to profitable, showcasing her ability to manage teams and pivot strategies effectively.

To future generations, Angela emphasizes the importance of believing in one’s dreams, a sentiment she actively promotes through her involvement in the Taipei Women in Tech community. She advocates for diversity, equality, and inclusion, supporting start-ups in Taiwan and creating safe and inclusive workspaces to foster a sense of belonging.

Angela’s vast knowledge and experience make her a valuable resource for those seeking insights into various fields, including career development, business strategy, and fostering diversity in the workplace. Her dedication, strategic acumen, and compassionate leadership serve as an inspiration to many in the tech industry and beyond.

真正的強者眼裡,從來沒有難題!敢於面對挑戰,才是強者成功的標配! Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joanna-cc-tien/

Joanna Tien Zhijuan is the CEO of JGB JinGuBang Smart Property Management Consulting Co., Ltd., with extensive expertise and experience in the field of real estate technology (Proptech). She graduated from the Department of Urban and Rural Development at Taipei University and Helsinki University in Finland, and accumulated rich international real estate experience during her tenure at “First Pacific Davis”.

Recognizing the structural changes in Taiwan’s real estate market and the rise of the leasing market, Joanna led a team to develop a system called “JGB One-Stop Smart Leasing Management” after the implementation of the leasing law in 2017. This system aims to provide comprehensive automated management solutions for leasing management operators. This innovative platform combines traditional real estate with software technology, effectively improving the efficiency of leasing management, driving digital transformation, and creating new and efficient business models.

With her expertise in real estate technology, Joanna has successfully led a team of 30 people to expand into the Taiwan and Southeast Asian markets in just five years. She has changed and optimized traditional real estate investment and management processes, promoting the realization of “livable” living. In addition, she integrates digital strategies to research and explore innovative solutions, enhancing team collaboration efficiency and customer satisfaction. Such rich experience enables her to provide multidimensional advice, including cross-industry entrepreneurship, real estate, software companies, and Vertical SaaS.

Joanna is an active member of the Taipei Women in Tech community, where she extensively shares her experiences and wisdom, practicing her belief that “real strength has never shied away from challenges! Facing challenges bravely is the hallmark of success for the strong!” Additionally, she is committed to encouraging and assisting more women to enter and shine in the tech industry.



Taipei Women in Tech

Taipei Women in Tech is an organization for professional networking that helps women to excel in technology careers by creating a global, connected community