What happens when you type google.com in your browser and press Enter

3 min readJun 24, 2024


Search is a basic survival skill in the 21st century and Google is the behemoth of search. It is most likely that we have performed a Google search and come up with satisfactory answers to our queries without understanding how this all works right under the hood.

You may have asked yourself, “What happens when you type google.com in your browser and press Enter”. This is an attempt to answer your query.

Let’s probe this technical journey, and break down the process of accessing a search result from a query hitting the “enter” key.

DNS Resolution: Picture your browser issuing a DNS query to resolve the domain name “www.google.com" into an IP address. This initial step resembles a network reconnaissance mission to pinpoint the exact coordinates of the desired destination.

TCP/IP Handshake: With the IP address in hand, your browser establishes a TCP connection to the designated server, facilitated by the Internet Protocol (IP) suite. This handshake ensures a reliable communication channel, akin to establishing a secure telephone line.

Firewall Inspection: Before your data packets reach the server, they encounter a firewall, acting as a gatekeeper to scrutinize incoming traffic. It’s akin to a security checkpoint, verifying the legitimacy of your request before granting access to the server environment.

HTTPS/SSL Encryption: As part of the handshake process, your browser and the server engage in a cryptographic exchange, implementing the HTTPS protocol secured by SSL/TLS. This encryption scheme safeguards data integrity and confidentiality during transit, akin to encoding your message in an unbreakable cipher.

Load-Balancer Distribution: Given Google’s colossal infrastructure, incoming requests are often routed through load balancers to distribute traffic across multiple servers. These balancers optimize resource utilization and ensure high availability by evenly spreading the workload, akin to traffic management on a bustling highway.

Web Server Processing: Once your request reaches a Google web server, it undergoes processing to generate the appropriate response. This server-side operation involves fetching resources, executing scripts, and crafting dynamic content, akin to orchestrating a complex theatrical performance behind the curtains.

Application Server Dynamics: In scenarios requiring personalized or real-time content, an application server executes server-side logic. This component interacts with databases, processes user input, and orchestrates business logic, akin to a backstage maestro coordinating various elements of a stage production.

Database Interactions: Behind the scenes, application servers communicate with databases to retrieve and manipulate data. For instance, a search query triggers database queries, retrieving relevant results with lightning speed, akin to a librarian swiftly fetching books from a vast repository.

From DNS resolution to database interactions, each stage of this journey embodies the meticulous craftsmanship of software engineering. So, the next time you hit Enter, envision the intricate ballet of technologies converging to deliver the digital experience seamlessly to your screen.

