How to Choose the Perfect Final Year Research Topic

MUDASIRU Rasheed Taiwo
4 min readMar 7, 2024


Choosing the right topic


Selecting a final year research topic is a formidable task for students. This paper offers a systematic guide on navigating this process, ensuring alignment with personal interests, skills, and future aspirations. The initial step involves pinpointing one’s interests and then exploring related topics, striking a balance between specificity and breadth. A comprehensive literature review follows, facilitating a deep understanding of existing research and pinpointing gaps. Identifying these gaps is crucial for formulating a research question or hypothesis for the final year project. Seeking feedback and guidance from academic mentors is advised to refine the research idea. By adhering to these steps, students can adeptly choose a research topic aligned with their capabilities, passions, and career objectives, fostering a successful culmination of their final year project. This paper aims to furnish valuable insights and counsel to students embarking on the journey of selecting a final year research topic.

Choosing a research topic for your final year project can be a daunting task. It is a crucial decision that can significantly impact your academic journey and future prospects. The right topic can ignite your passion, challenge your intellect, and open doors to exciting opportunities. In this article, we will guide you through a step-by-step process to help you find the perfect research topic that aligns with your interests and academic goals.

The following are the seven (7) required steps to come up with a perfect topic, setting you up for the right opportunities and excitement.

1. Identify Your Interests
The first step in choosing a research topic is to identify your areas of interest. What subjects or fields fascinate you the most? What topics have you found particularly engaging during your academic journey? Reflect on the courses, lectures, or projects that captured your attention and sparked your curiosity. Your genuine interest in a topic will fuel your motivation and drive you to explore it in depth.

2. Explore Niche Sizes
Once you have identified your areas of interest, it is essential to explore the potential niche sizes for your research. A niche that is too broad may lead to an overwhelming amount of existing research, making it challenging to contribute something novel. On the other hand, a niche that is too narrow may limit the available resources and impact of your work. Aim for a balance by exploring topics slightly above and below your initial interests to find the right scope.

3. Conduct Literature Reviews and Examine Past Dissertations
Immerse yourself in the existing literature by conducting thorough literature reviews and examining past dissertations or theses in your chosen field. This will provide you with valuable insights into the current state of research, the methodologies employed, and the gaps or unanswered questions that remain. Pay close attention to the references and citations, as they can lead you to additional relevant sources and potential areas for exploration.

4. Identify Research Gaps
As you delve into the existing literature, keep an eye out for gaps or unexplored areas that could contribute to the advancement of knowledge in your field. These gaps may present opportunities for you to explore new perspectives, challenge existing assumptions, or propose innovative solutions. Identifying a meaningful research gap will not only make your work more impactful but also increase the chances of your findings being published or presented at academic conferences.

5. Reach Out to Academics and Potential Supervisors
Don’t hesitate to reach out to academics, researchers, or potential supervisors in your area of interest. They can offer valuable guidance, share their expertise, and provide insights into emerging trends or ongoing research projects. Additionally, establishing connections with experts in your field can open doors to collaborative opportunities, mentorship, or even future career prospects.

6. Consider Practical Implications and Potential Impact
While academic rigour is crucial, it’s also important to consider the practical implications and potential impact of your research topic. How might your findings contribute to solving real-world problems or advancing knowledge in your field? A topic with practical applications or societal relevance can increase the significance and value of your work.

7. Evaluate Resources and Feasibility
Before committing to a research topic, evaluate the available resources and the feasibility of your proposed project. Consider factors such as access to data, equipment, or specialised software required for your research. Additionally, assess the time and effort required to complete the project within the given timeframe. A well-planned and feasible project will ensure a smoother research process and increase your chances of success.

Choosing a final year research topic is a significant decision that requires careful consideration and exploration. By following these steps, you will be well-equipped to find a topic that aligns with your interests, contributes to the advancement of knowledge in your field, and sets you on a path toward academic and professional success. Remember, the journey of research is as rewarding as the destination, so embrace the process, stay curious, and let your passion guide you.



MUDASIRU Rasheed Taiwo

I am DevOps engineer passionate about community and academic research. I am a research grant award winner