Here are Some of the Best Stable Diffusion Negative Prompts to Truely Enhance Your Productivity

Taj S.
3 min readJul 27, 2023


You must have heard about this new text-to-image AI model called Stable Diffusion. As you are reading this article, I am sure you have used it too. However, while using Stable Diffusion, the results sometimes goes wrong., For example, while trying to draw a person, the reuslt may have containted 3 legs or 4 fingers instead of 5.

Well, you don’t need to face the issue anymore. This article is the solution for you. In this article, we will explore negative prompts for Stable Diffusion which you can use to enhance your creativity. We will discuss what negative prompts are, how you can use them, how they can help you improve the prompt results in Stable Diffusion, and more! I have also shared a stable diffusion negative prompt list which will help you improve your creations immediately. So let’s get started!

Stable Diffusion Negative Prompt Meaning

In simple words, a negative prompt is a command that specifies the AI model to what things should not be include in the result. For example, if you wish to generate an image of a beautiful city landscape at evening. But you don’t want the AI model to include people in your image. You can simply add a negative prompt saying “people”. The AI model will not include people in the result.

Similarly, there are hundreds of stable diffusion best negative prompts to help you specify the AI model for your imaginative words. As we will move further in the article, you will find a full stable diffusion negative prompt list to help you achieve the best possible results.

Stable Diffusion Best Negative Prompt — How it Works?

Let’s take a practice example of how negative prompts in Stable Diffusion works. I commanded Stable Diffusion to generate an image of a Sports car cruising on highway. Here is what it generated.

Stable Diffusion Best Negative Prompts

The command was “sports car at highway”.

However, I didn’t want the car to be of white color. It would have been a foolish thing to issue a command like “non white sports car…”. So, I added a negative command saying “white color” keeping the main prompt intact. Here is what the result was this time.

How to Use Stable Diffusion Best Negative Prompts

It is really easy and straight forward to use Stable Diffusion best negative prompts. In the textbox, you simple have to +3 as the prompt ends, as shown below.

Enter the negative prompt according to your main prompt and hit enter. Your results will surely be better than usual!

Best Stable Diffusion Negative Prompts

Here I have share few of the best Stable Diffusion negative prompts. However, must check out 600+ best Stable Diffusion negative prompts for all categories say landscapes, humans and pets, and more!

Universal Stable Diffusion Negative Prompt List



bad anatomy

bad illustration

bad proportions

beyond the borders

blank background


body out of frame

boring background



cut off








duplicated features

extra arms

extra fingers

extra hands

extra legs

extra limbs



fused fingers



gross proportions


identifying mark

improper scale

incorrect physiology

incorrect ratio






Taj S.

I am a passionate writer who loves to write about the latest technology, AI, tips and tricks, OS, mobiles, and more!